
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2020-06-27 in Consett with a orange tutu.

Consett Calling! 🩰🍊

Hello my lovelies! πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind adventure in Consett, and let me tell you, it was a right royal good time!

This is blog post number 8760, can you believe it?! Every day I wake up buzzing with excitement to share my adventures with you, my amazing #PinkTutuFamily. Today's story starts with a sunrise journey on the train, my trusty companion for many a happy adventure. You know, it's hard to resist gazing out of the window at the English countryside with the sun shining and the wind ruffling my hair (don't worry, my gorgeous, perfectly curled locks remained immaculate, thanks to a clever braid!).

But enough about me and my (not so) glamorous travel style! Let's dive into Consett!

I arrived in the vibrant town, ready to dance my way through the day. My mission? To spread the joy of ballet and pink tutus! To do that, I donned a fabulously vibrant orange tutu - it felt so bold and cheerful. It really caught the eye, you know, and I swear, the world seemed to smile a bit brighter when I pirouetted by. 😊

Now, Consett's charm was waiting to be explored. First stop, a charming little vintage shop called "Threads of Time". I'm not one for resisting the temptation of vintage treasures, especially when they are adorned with exquisite lace and frills. You know how much I love delicate embellishments! My senses went wild with the textures and colours! I couldn't resist grabbing a beautiful, handmade silk flower hairpiece, it was too stunning to resist!

Then, a visit to the local theatre, where I took in a fantastic performance by the Consett Youth Ballet. Those kids were sensational! So full of talent and energy. They had me dancing in my seat! I loved their rendition of "Swan Lake", the elegance was truly magical. 🦒

It was in this beautiful, historical building that I realised something incredible. My aim in life, to spread the joy of ballet to the world, is truly possible! Even in a small town like Consett, the magic of dance was flourishing. It's a universal language that speaks to the heart.

Feeling utterly inspired, I grabbed my picnic lunch (strawberry and cream scones - yum!) and headed for the Consett Park, a breathtaking green oasis in the middle of town. I felt my heart swell with happiness surrounded by such beauty, nature's magic is truly uplifting.

As I savored the peace and beauty, a furry little friend stole my heart - a fluffy grey squirrel who was utterly captivated by my orange tutu! He spent the entire time just gazing at it with wide, inquisitive eyes. His cuteness made me giggle, squirrels really are nature's fluffy comedians! πŸ˜‚

Then, the perfect finishing touch! I was in a charming little coffee shop enjoying a delicious slice of pink frosted Victoria Sponge (you can't resist a slice of sponge with the colour of love, can you?) I had a real 'pinch-me-I'm-dreaming' moment. A couple of girls, their eyes shining with admiration, came up to me. They told me how much they loved my blog, that I inspired them to try ballet and wear pink tutus.

"You’ve made me realise, we're not just spreading joy through tutus and ballet, we're empowering each other! ", I said with a heartfelt smile.

Isn’t that amazing?! They told me their names, Amelia and Lucy, and promised to share their dance journey on #PinkTutuFamily. Honestly, this is what makes my heart soar! Every little connection makes my heart overflow with joy.

But, every story needs its happy ending. As I boarded my homeward train (this time, the journey included a brief stop to admire a gorgeous herd of galloping horses!), I knew, deep in my heart, that Consett was going to remain a precious little memory. The spirit of this incredible town will forever be linked to my heart.

So, darlings, until tomorrow, remember... let your inner ballerina shine, be bold, be beautiful and never stop believing in the power of tutus and kindness. Love, Emma xx

P.S. If you're inspired to start your own dance journey, send me a message on #PinkTutuFamily - we’d love to dance alongside you! 🩰 And, for those of you looking for a vibrant new look, grab yourself an orange tutu. You might just discover your inner orange glow. πŸ˜‰

#TutuBlog 2020-06-27 in Consett with a orange tutu.