Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2020-12-23 in Bridgwater with a random tutu.

TutuBlog Post #8939: Bridgwater Bound, and a Tutu Takes the Train!

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, bringing you a brand-new post straight from my (slightly cramped) train carriage. As I type this, the rolling countryside of Somerset is blurring by outside my window, the sun glinting off fields of barley. Yes, I’m on my way to Bridgwater, my latest adventure destination!

This journey feels rather special for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it marks my return to the West Country. There's just something about the charming, rolling hills, quaint towns, and the scent of salty sea air that makes my heart sing.

But the real star of the show today is my tutu! (What else?!) For this outing, I've gone with a gloriously vibrant coral number with layers and layers of fluffy tulle, each one sparkling like a miniature rainbow. It’s perfect for catching the sunshine streaming through the train windows. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the passengers behind me are muttering about the ‘weird bird in the corner’, but that's all part of the fun! I believe in a little extra glitter in our lives, don’t you?

Bridgwater itself is brimming with history, nestled on the banks of the River Parrett. It's renowned for its captivating Carnival, known for its larger-than-life, dazzling floats. Imagine colourful characters dancing in the street, music bouncing through the air, and a cacophony of joyous noise – that's the atmosphere that I'm hoping to capture during my visit!

Of course, I wouldn't dream of being anywhere without my trusty journal and a camera to immortalise my experiences. You can be sure there'll be plenty of snaps on my Instagram stories, and even a few videos for my dedicated followers! It’s all about capturing the essence of Bridgwater – the vibrant energy, the local history, and of course, the sheer beauty of this charming English town.

Speaking of charming, there's something incredibly whimsical about travelling by train. You meet such a colourful assortment of people – a silver-haired gentleman engrossed in a whodunit, a young mum cramming in a snack, and of course, a handful of people staring at my dazzlingly pink tutu (with a hint of jealousy in their eyes, perhaps!).

My trip to Bridgwater feels like an escape, a chance to lose myself in a different rhythm and explore a place steeped in its own unique stories. It's this kind of adventurous spirit, I truly believe, that helps keep the tutu-wearing dream alive!

I know some of you might be thinking: “Emma, you travel everywhere with a tutu on! Is it really practical?” And to be honest, I totally understand the concern! But the answer, my dearest readers, is a resounding "YES!” This isn’t just any tutu – it's an emblem of joy, an invitation to embrace the whimsical and, yes, sometimes it does even cause a little chaos!

Just yesterday, in my home town of Derbyshire, I spotted a family with their cute little dog at a local park. Now, they looked the picture of normalcy, enjoying a peaceful stroll in the sunshine. What I didn’t know is, that pup was absolutely obsessed with my tutu. With eyes wide and tail wagging with pure glee, he launched himself at my feet, desperate to play tug-of-war. Luckily, it was a happy moment! They all had a laugh and my tutu emerged unscathed.

This little encounter reminded me of something very important: that life is for celebrating. From the small everyday moments to the grand adventures, a little joy can brighten even the dullest of days!

So, yes, there might be some hiccups on the way. Maybe a gust of wind will cause a dramatic tutu-twirl, or perhaps I'll end up entangled with a curious child on a public bench! It’s these little incidents, these perfectly imperfect moments, that make travelling and exploring truly unforgettable. And when the sun sets over Bridgwater, my heart filled with newfound experiences, you can be sure that my tutu and I will have embraced every glorious minute of it.

Until then, keep spreading the sparkle, darlings!

With love, Emma. www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2020-12-23 in Bridgwater with a random tutu.