Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2020-12-24 in Newbury with a pancake tutu.

Newbury Calling! 🩰

Post number 8940 - www.pink-tutu.com

Oh darling, it’s been a whirlwind week, but this little pink tutu couldn't possibly let Christmas Eve go by without a festive blog post! My feet have barely touched the ground with all the excitement and it’s only just starting…

It all began with a little journey back to my roots – Derbyshire! A bracing, frosty morning (and the only one I could possibly wear my lovely chunky knitted pink jumper and fluffy scarf) started the day off wonderfully. It's one of the few occasions when a good woolly jumper beats a classic ballet tutu (the horror!).

But let's not forget my true love - the railway! There's nothing like settling into a comfy carriage for a lovely little scenic trip. Of course, I had to dress the part: my favourite bright pink scarf tied into a little bow, a touch of sparkly pink eye shadow, and… well… naturally, a pancake tutu (because when you have one, you just must wear it at every opportunity, right?).

The journey to the charming little town of Newbury in Berkshire took just a couple of hours, leaving plenty of time to get cosy, settle in, and, of course, ooh and aah over the stunning scenery outside my window.

But why Newbury? Well, it’s all about Ballet, darling! You know I love nothing more than a beautiful performance, and Newbury Theatre has a rather charming reputation. Not to mention, the wonderful company that performed - the one and only, The Ballet Theatre UK. You could almost hear the music ringing out, beckoning me closer.

A Pink Tutu Princess in Newbury

Stepping into Newbury was like entering a Christmas scene straight out of a fairy tale! It was truly breathtaking - those lovely quaint buildings, little shops brimming with twinkling lights and festive cheer, and of course, that Christmas market!

Let's talk food… My favourite part? The food stalls. All that Christmas-y goodness, like roasted chestnuts, steaming mugs of hot chocolate, and, of course, an endless supply of delicious festive treats (because it wouldn’t be Christmas Eve without a little treat, would it?).

As for my outfit… Oh, my lovely tutu! It was perfect. It was my favourite pink pancake tutu, made from the softest fabric you could imagine, just begging for twirls. I couldn't possibly resist the urge to perform a little solo right there in the centre of the market!

Thankfully, the other visitors seemed to love my pink tutu moment! It certainly created a fun and festive atmosphere - laughter, clapping, and maybe even a little bit of Christmas spirit in the air. It truly reminded me that there's nothing like sharing the magic of ballet with the world!

The most heartwarming part of the day, however, was undoubtedly the performance by The Ballet Theatre UK. "The Nutcracker," of course. I couldn't resist putting on my favourite pink dress with little delicate ballerina touches and my stunning little glittery hairband. It all just felt so perfect - a bit of classic Christmas magic wrapped in a bow.

The story, the costumes, the music - it was truly mesmerizing. And, of course, I was captivated by the skill and grace of the dancers. It just reaffirms my own passion for this magical art form and my burning desire to inspire others to take those first steps towards grace and elegance.

Ballet Beyond The Stage: From Newbury to the Wilderness

After my ballet adventure in Newbury, I had a little detour to my favourite wildlife sanctuary, just a short journey away from Newbury. They have some wonderful wildlife there: cute, fluffy ducks, majestic swans (a personal favourite!), cheeky squirrels, and the most beautiful roe deer - so graceful and serene, almost like they were practicing their ballet moves in the peaceful sanctuary of the woods. It’s like my little retreat from the outside world and just the most perfect place to gather my thoughts after such a day full of festivity and joy.

Spread The Tutu Love!

It was a wonderful day, filled with warmth, colour, and pure joy, darling! As you can tell, my love for all things ballet has spread to my Christmas Eve and now, to you. Remember, my lovelies, the magic of ballet is something everyone can share! Let's get those pink tutus out and embrace the elegance and beauty that it brings! So grab a friend, join a class, watch a show, or just throw on a tutu and twirl! The world is your stage, so spread the tutu love, darling!

#TutuBlog 2020-12-24 in Newbury with a pancake tutu.