
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-03-13 in Coulsdon with a stiff tutu.

Coulsdon Calling: Tutu Travels & Train Troubles

Post #9019 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, your resident pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed adventurer. And guess what? I'm off on another jaunt, this time to the charming town of Coulsdon in Surrey!

As always, the journey itself is part of the adventure. Today, I swapped my trusty steed for the railway - a thrilling ride on the Gatwick Express! The excitement was bubbling up, even before I got to my first stop – the legendary Coulsdon Manor House. It's a proper English stately home, full of history and mystery. And as you know, I adore a bit of intrigue.

With the air still crisp and the morning sun hitting my face, I felt the energy of a thousand ballerinas surge through me. There's something about stepping out of a train station, all rosy cheeks and excitement, that instantly puts a bounce in your step. So, off I went, my pink tulle swirling in the wind, to explore the manor.

From Pink Tulle to Powdered Wigs

I'm always drawn to historical settings, the grandeur of it all. Coulsdon Manor House was no exception. Imagine elegant ballrooms with crystal chandeliers, secret passages with whispers of the past, and portraits of figures frozen in time, their powdered wigs adding to the magic.

But it was the hidden garden that truly stole my heart. I felt like a princess, strolling through flower beds filled with pastel-coloured blooms, the scent of spring carried by the gentle breeze. There, nestled between a cluster of lavender bushes, I found the perfect spot for my "Pink Tutu Poses" session. You see, wherever I go, the pink tutu always makes an appearance. It's like a magical shield, making everything just a little bit brighter, a little bit more whimsical.

Tutu Tales and a Tasty Treat

I’d heard whispers about a delightful tearoom called The Rose Cottage Tea Shop, and my ballet tummy was calling for a dose of something sweet. It was a delightful place, nestled like a charming fairytale cottage amongst the greenery, offering delicious cakes, pastries and tea. As I nibbled on my slice of Victoria sponge, I dreamt up a story about a shy little ballerina who lived in this very cottage. Maybe one day, I'll write the whole thing down - who knows?

Finding my Ballerina Groove

Now, no journey of mine is complete without a spot of ballet. Coulsdon wouldn't disappoint. A lovely dance studio called "Ballet Dreams" caught my eye. A haven for graceful pirouettes and graceful movements. The smell of wood polish and the gentle tinkling of the piano took me back to my Derbyshire childhood, where my love affair with ballet began.

After all those hours in the dance studio, my legs felt a little like jelly. So, I took a wander through the town centre, marveling at its historic architecture, the shops lining the streets. As the sun began to set, the place came alive with the gentle murmur of conversation and the warm glow of fairy lights strung along the shops.

The Power of Pink

And that, my lovelies, is Coulsdon in a nutshell! A beautiful blend of history, charming charm, and the enduring power of pink! Coulsdon Manor House whispered stories of a bygone era, The Rose Cottage Tea Shop fed my sweet tooth, and the Ballet Dreams studio reignited my love for graceful movements. But the real highlight? Sharing the pink-tutu-love with the people of Coulsdon. You see, my mission is simple: inspire everyone to wear a pink tutu, and experience the joy of ballet. And just maybe, with each blog post, each adventure, I get a little closer to making it happen.

Until next time, keep twirling and shining,

Emma xx

P.S. Don’t forget to check out the website www.pink-tutu.com for daily posts, ballet tips, and lots of pink inspiration! I can't wait to see you there.

#TutuBlog 2021-03-13 in Coulsdon with a stiff tutu.