Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-04-08 in Plymouth with a green tutu.

Plymouth Calling! A Green Tutu Adventure (Blog Post #9045)

Hello my darlings! It's Emma here, back with another pink-tutu filled adventure! This time, I've swapped my Derbyshire countryside for a breezy day trip to Plymouth. I'm all about embracing the colour pink, but sometimes, a touch of green just makes the whole outfit pop, don't you think? And what better way to enjoy the seaside air than with a billowing green tulle skirt? (I'll admit, it did get a little tangled in the sea breeze, but hey, that's part of the fun!)

My journey began bright and early, as per usual. The first rule of Tutu Travel: always pack a light-up hair clip to make every train ride magical. I love those big windows with a view, and watching the fields zip by always makes me want to spin. Today, the train seemed to be a little extra bouncy. A very good omen!

As soon as I set foot in Plymouth, I could feel the vibrant energy buzzing around me. The air was crisp, and the sunlight was reflecting off the water, shimmering like a thousand tiny diamonds. Oh, Plymouth, you stole my heart!

Speaking of heart-stealers, you just HAVE to hear about the majestic creature I spotted near the harbor. A majestic swan, preening itself under the morning sun, gliding through the water like a feathered ballerina. I nearly skipped out of my tutu with delight. I know I always say this, but sometimes, the simple things truly are the best, aren't they?

A stroll along the Plymouth waterfront was next on my itinerary. I'd heard whisperings of an exciting new ballet studio nestled near the pier, and my curiosity got the better of me. Now, you know I love a good ballet class. There's just something magical about a room full of swirling tutus and elegant movements. Even better, this particular studio was hosting a workshop on ballet street style – where elegant ballet moves get injected with street vibes! I mean, come on, who doesn't love a little shimmy and shake with a side of graceful elegance?

It turns out, the ballet street class was a real treat! We got to blend our love for classical ballet with some cool modern dance moves, even incorporating a bit of hip-hop into the mix. Needless to say, it was a LOT of fun! And if I say so myself, my green tutu added a bit of dramatic flair to the proceedings. You all know I'm a huge advocate for bringing a little whimsy into everyday life.

No trip to a coastal town is complete without a hearty helping of fresh fish and chips! Oh my, was it delicious. A good dollop of mushy peas on the side, of course, a quintessential British experience! I found a charming little café overlooking the harbor, and took a moment to enjoy the bustling atmosphere. As I munched on my fish and chips, I couldn’t help but contemplate the magic of a place like Plymouth. A charming blend of historic sites and bustling coastal energy. It's no wonder so many have fallen under its spell.

And no trip to Plymouth would be complete without a visit to the historic Plymouth Hoe. Those dramatic views over the water just never cease to amaze me. As I stood there, soaking in the picturesque scene, I couldn’t help but reflect on how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful and inspiring country. I mean, think about it – imagine spending your life amidst this stunning beauty! Talk about living the dream, right?

But my Plymouth adventures didn’t stop there! I hopped onto a cute little ferry for a breathtaking voyage to Drake's Island. A bit of a history lesson combined with a boat ride always appeals to me, and I must say, Drake's Island is an absolutely charming place. Its history is steeped in intrigue and adventure, with pirates and sailors adding a thrilling touch to its story.

To celebrate this journey, I treated myself to a decadent piece of freshly-baked Devon cream tea, a true local delight! As I sat at the harbourside, savouring each delicate bite, I reflected on the incredible day I’d had. Every corner of Plymouth held a story to be discovered, a glimpse of history waiting to be uncovered.

Now, you're probably wondering, "Emma, what’s the big takeaway from this trip?”

Well, Plymouth reminds us that adventures are found everywhere, even in our own little corner of the world! Don’t underestimate the power of exploring, whether it’s a charming town or a majestic coastline.

Remember, dear reader, embrace the wonder of the everyday! There’s always something beautiful to discover, whether it’s a fluffy swan in the harbour or a bustling ballet class in the city centre.

Until next time,

Emma, Your Tutu-wearing Travel Companion

#TutuBlog 2021-04-08 in Plymouth with a green tutu.