Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-05-02 in Cambridge with a pink tutu.

Cambridge in Pink - Tutu Adventures #9069

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu aficionado Emma here, back with another whimsical tale from my fabulous life! I know what you're thinking, "Emma, what on earth have you got up to now?". Well, grab your favourite cuppa, a pink cupcake and your comfiest slippers, because it's storytime. This week, I've been to Cambridge. Can you believe it?! I actually think it's my favourite city so far!

You see, I'm a bit of a sucker for history, darling. All those ancient buildings, the cobblestone streets, and oh, the cafes! And Cambridge didn't disappoint. It's the perfect place for a tutu-clad traveller, really. I felt right at home. I took the train down (my absolute favourite mode of transport, second only to a beautiful horse and cart). And what did I wear, you ask? You know it! My pink tutu! (I've nicknamed her Priscilla, darling. We're practically inseparable.) I'm so comfy in Priscilla, I even wore her to class last week, but we'll save that tale for another day!

Once I arrived in Cambridge, my first mission was to visit the Fitzwilliam Museum. Oh my goodness, what a treasure trove! I felt like a giddy schoolgirl amidst all those priceless paintings, sculptures, and artefacts. I especially loved the Van Dyck portraits – so majestic, just like my own pirouette, ha!

But of course, no visit to Cambridge is complete without a trip to the famous Cambridge University. I just had to see for myself all the hallowed halls where all those brilliant minds have been honed. The architecture was simply breathtaking, don't you think? And it wasn't just the grand buildings that caught my eye; I was charmed by all the students zipping around on their bicycles, their faces lit up with knowledge and a dash of mischief.

Now, I've said it before, and I'll say it again - I love wildlife! While I was in Cambridge, I went for a lovely stroll through the Botanic Garden, and boy oh boy, was it a treat for the eyes! I met a charming, shy squirrel (he definitely looked at me with a twinkle in his eye!), I even saw a swan who seemed to be sporting a miniature tutu – it must be contagious! The waterlilies were absolutely stunning - their vibrant colours reminded me of a tutu's flowy layers.

Later in the evening, I took myself to a theatre show at the Cambridge Arts Theatre, my new favourite place. It was a performance of the famous Swan Lake. Now, it was definitely a lot more sophisticated than my usual ballet classes at the Derbyshire Arts Centre back home, but the choreography, the costumes, the drama! It was just perfection. I even caught myself trying to mirror the ballerina's moves. I’ve even started secretly looking at some swan lake tutus online! (Don’t tell anyone I said that.)

I really was a swan in my own tutu by this point - I definitely made some new friends in Cambridge! A couple of ladies even said that they would love to wear a tutu and even try ballet class after seeing my outfits. This made me so happy - that’s what my blog is all about! Get everyone to wear a pink tutu and get everyone to try ballet! (Well, perhaps not all ballet, just a tiny bit. And only if you fancy it!)

However, one of the highlights of my Cambridge adventure was discovering the local dance studio! It was hidden in a charming little alleyway, with soft, gentle music spilling out into the cobblestone street. It felt so familiar and inviting. The smell of beeswax and wood polish sent a wave of nostalgia over me. The class was a treat, and everyone there was so welcoming. I'm not sure I've ever had so much fun at a class. I must confess I even tried some pirouettes while wearing my trusty Priscilla (she was a bit heavy for turns, but so darn pretty, right?).

And after a wonderful week filled with culture, history, and pirouettes, it was time to bid farewell to Cambridge. I stood on the train platform, Priscilla beside me (I have a small travel bag she comfortably lives in!) and my heart filled with a mixture of nostalgia and anticipation for what’s next. I'm a big believer in embracing life, darlings, with open arms and a twirling heart. It’s only a short train ride back to Derbyshire. My lovely mum has some yummy cake waiting for me and my adventures, I'm sure you’ll agree, never stop!

If you love pink tutus, ballet, travelling, and maybe even wildlife, do give my website, www.pink-tutu.com, a visit! I update it daily. Tell me what your favourite pink tutu or dance is in the comments. If you happen to see me twirling through the streets of your city, be sure to say hello, darling! Until next time, twirl, twirl, twirl, and keep the sunshine in your heart!

#TutuBlog 2021-05-02 in Cambridge with a pink tutu.