Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-05-21 in Bath with a narrow tutu.

Bath: A Whirlwind of Pink and Pirouettes (Blog Post #9088)

Hey darlings!

Emma here, back from another fabulous adventure! This time, I took the plunge and explored the gorgeous city of Bath, famous for its beautiful architecture, its delicious Bath buns, and, well, its baths. Oh, and I'd be lying if I didn't mention the secret mission that fuelled this whole trip... yes, dear readers, I was on the hunt for the perfect narrow tutu.

You see, as a seasoned pink-tutu aficionado, my wardrobe is full of fluffy, billowing, majestic tutus fit for a prima ballerina, perfect for performances, classes and even waltzing through a meadow in a magical sunbeam. But, I yearned for something different. Something for exploring cobblestone streets, taking in the history of ancient ruins and sipping on Earl Grey with a view of rolling hills.

I embarked on my journey to Bath in the most charming way - by train! With my faithful copy of Jane Austen’s “Persuasion” in my hand and my little floral suitcase tucked away neatly, I settled into a window seat and relished the gentle rhythm of the countryside whizzing by.

Upon arrival, I immediately felt the enchanting atmosphere of Bath. It felt as if time had paused in its elegance. Quaint little shops, honey-coloured buildings, and a sense of history seeping out of every corner - this place was practically made for twirling!

First stop, the Royal Crescent. A symphony of Palladian architecture in a beautiful, rolling crescent shape, it felt as if I’d stepped straight onto a ballet set! There was even a charming cafe with a terrace, where I sipped a perfectly pink latte whilst admiring the view. Of course, it was impossible to resist a few twirls in the gorgeous gardens too - how could I resist the temptation of that dreamy setting!

And then it happened - the most beautiful tutu store, right there, in the middle of the cobbled streets. I nearly did a grand jeté! It was all lace, ribbons and shimmery satin, and just beyond my wildest dreams!

The shopkeeper, a sweet, smiling lady with a name just as beautiful - Iris - helped me pick the most perfect narrow tutu - soft as a feather, with intricate embroidery around the hemline. A delicate splash of rose pink adorned the bottom, and the ribbons tied in a perfect bow that made my heart flutter with glee!

Now, every adventure needs a sprinkle of culture, right? So, after admiring the stunning tutu (which now hangs pride of place in my dressing room, oh yes!) we took a trip to the Theatre Royal Bath. Oh, my, it was spectacular! The majestic architecture, the echoes of a hundred years of performers, and the sense of magic in the air just called out to be twirled in! Even a trip to the museum next door to see the old playbills and costumes left me inspired!

That evening, it was time to relax and soak in some of the city’s beauty. Bath is known for its thermal waters and naturally, we went for a dip! The mineral-rich water felt gloriously smooth on my skin and warmed me right down to my toes. What better way to end a perfect day than a rejuvenating soak amidst Roman ruins, and to witness a beautiful, glowing pink sunset over the city skyline?

To make my experience even more magical, I joined a gentle ballet class the following day - held in a beautiful studio overlooking the park! The instructors, oh so gracious and talented, helped me perfect a graceful pose and showed me some fabulous tricks for turning like a pro! (Yes, I might have incorporated the newly-purchased narrow tutu into my practice! 😉)

As my adventure in Bath drew to a close, I couldn’t help but feel utterly charmed and completely rejuvenated. It was truly a magical blend of history, beauty, and graceful movements that truly fed my ballet soul!

I leave you now with a reminder, darlings - there's nothing quite like a trip to a place steeped in history and brimming with art and culture. I leave you with the feeling of gentle music swirling in the air, a smile on your face, and an eagerness to try a new experience! Oh, and a gentle nudge - I dare you to try a pink tutu this week. Let's make this world a little brighter, one pirouette at a time!

Yours in pirouettes and pink, Emma


#TutuBlog 2021-05-21 in Bath with a narrow tutu.