Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-05-22 in Hayes with a heavy tutu.

TutuBlog #9089: Hayes, My Darling, Hayes... and a Tutu as Heavy as My Dreams!

Oh, hello there, lovelies! Emma here, back again from another grand adventure, this time to the enchanting town of Hayes! Now, let's be honest, Hayes isn't exactly known for its chic Parisian vibes, but as any seasoned Tutu-wearer knows, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder (and the tutu, of course!)

So, imagine my delight when, after a rather splendid train journey (always a joy to leave the M6 for a spell), I arrived at my destination. Hayes, with its charming village green and quaint pubs, was just the antidote I needed after a week of rehearsals.

And what better way to explore a new town than in my most recent acquisition - a voluminous pink tutu that must be about the size of a small circus tent. Now, I'm not afraid to admit it's rather heavy. Seriously, darling, you need a forklift to lift it onto my dainty frame, but let me tell you, it's worth every extra calorie spent on cake! It twirls magnificently, catching the wind and turning me into a whirling, twirling cloud of pink fluff! I must say, it caused quite a stir in Hayes. Imagine my delight when a little boy with bright eyes ran up to me, beaming and shouting, "Wow, you look like a fairy! Can I see your tutu up close?" Honestly, that little lad brightened my day!

My adventure began in the heart of the village green. You wouldn't believe the variety of feathered friends flitting about. It's as if they're all attending a secret avian ballet recital! Tiny robin redbreasts hopped along the grass, their red chests ablaze, and plump sparrows twittered on the branches, their songs a delightful symphony. I felt myself transported back to childhood, giggling as a young Emma would have, captivated by nature's own ballet performance.

But Hayes had more up its sleeve than just adorable birds. I stumbled upon a delightful vintage shop filled to the brim with dusty trinkets, chipped china cups, and beautiful antique frames. Now, you might be surprised, but ballet dancers are quite the pack rats when it comes to trinkets and such. You see, it’s about finding a unique bit of flair that reflects your own personality! And trust me, darling, these pieces are definitely going into my “Pink Tutu Emporium”!

Then, of course, no trip to Hayes would be complete without indulging in the local delicacies! Imagine, my lovelies, fresh bread from the village bakery, oozing with sweet jam, and a perfectly brewed cup of English Breakfast tea. All enjoyed at a quaint pub with charming mismatched furniture and the chatter of locals around me. Oh, the bliss!

While Hayes may not have a world-famous ballet theatre or an orchestra that plays for the Queen herself, it boasts something more profound: a sense of genuine warmth and community. I overheard the sweetest conversation between two elderly ladies, sharing stories over their cups of tea. It was as if they were dancing in their own, silent ballet of companionship.

As the afternoon sun dipped low in the sky, casting long shadows over the green, I felt a sense of profound gratitude for this beautiful little town and its gentle, peaceful aura. You see, my lovelies, sometimes the most magical adventures happen right on our doorstep, in places we may overlook.

And so, with a skip and a twirl, I hopped back onto my trusty steed – my dear, faithful horse who carries me across the English countryside - with a heavy pink tutu (figuratively and literally!), my heart brimming with memories and a newfound appreciation for the magic of simple pleasures.

Now, darling, I’ve gotta go - I have a dance rehearsal to get to! But don’t worry, I’ll be back soon with more adventures from the world of the pink tutu, filled with sunshine, laughter, and, of course, plenty of twirls!

See you soon!

With love and twirls,



P.S. Remember, darling, a pink tutu can be found in the most unexpected places! Who knows, you might even spot one fluttering in a window in Hayes… Now, isn’t that something to get your tutu-loving heart beating fast? Don’t forget, a tutu and a touch of pink can bring a smile to even the most hardened of souls!

Visit www.pink-tutu.com for more fabulous adventures in the world of ballet and tutus!

#TutuBlog 2021-05-22 in Hayes with a heavy tutu.