Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-06-04 in Saint Albans with a italian tutu.

Saint Albans Sparkle: Tutu-ing Around with a Touch of Italy

Post #9102

Hello my darling dancers! It's your girl, Emma, and boy oh boy, have I got a story for you!

As you all know, this pink tutu loving soul has a serious passion for all things dance. It's not just about pirouettes and arabesques, although I do love a good twirl (especially when there's a sparkly pink tutu involved!) It's about that feeling of utter freedom, of expressing yourself through movement, and finding magic in every leap. This is what drives me to travel, to explore, and to share my passion with everyone I meet. And believe me, it's contagious!

This time, my travels took me to Saint Albans, a beautiful town just north of London. It was the perfect place for a day filled with ballet, beautiful scenery, and (of course!) pink. You know I couldn't leave my tutu behind!

I started the day in the most elegant way: hopping on a train, windows wide open, the wind in my hair. There's something about the train journey that sparks a feeling of adventure, of reaching for the unknown. It’s not as fast as taking a car but it's so much more poetic!

The journey was punctuated by sightings of rolling countryside and the occasional majestic bird soaring above. And what a glorious day it was for spotting wildlife! Those beautiful creatures have a way of bringing peace and a little bit of magic into any moment.

I arrived in Saint Albans buzzing with excitement. The town itself has this old-world charm, with its ancient Roman history and cobbled streets. I'm sure I saw a couple of Roman soldiers sauntering through the marketplace…or perhaps I was just enjoying a little historical fantasy. Whatever it was, the atmosphere felt vibrant and buzzing with life.

First on the agenda: the Alban Arena. I just had to visit a ballet theatre while in Saint Albans. And this place, oh, this place! It was bursting with stories waiting to be told on stage, and I felt like I could just breathe it in. Imagine a magnificent stage, gilded with lights, and rows of plush red seats - pure drama and anticipation in the air.

While I wasn't lucky enough to catch a live performance (you guys know I'm all about those grand spectacles!), I could still sense the passion that has flowed through those wooden boards over the years. I swear I felt a wave of excitement just stepping into that beautiful old theatre, imagining all the dancers that had graced it. I even got a sneak peek of the ballet shoes and costumes waiting to be worn. My own dancing heart skipped a beat.

My next stop was the Verulamium Museum, where I fell head-over-heels for the history of this amazing town. Did you know Saint Albans was a Roman city? I mean, talk about an historical masterpiece! And those mosaic floors…absolute perfection! They took me straight to an ancient world filled with stories of trade and life, love and loss. What's more inspiring than learning about a place and imagining its past?

The beautiful park next to the museum had to be the icing on the cake. Soaring trees casting dancing shadows, little ponds sparkling in the sunlight... It was the perfect place for a bit of a ballet promenade. After all, who can resist the chance to pirouette in a glorious sunlit space surrounded by nature?

And oh my, did I bring my favourite Italian tutu for the occasion! A magnificent confection of softest pink silk and intricate lace, it truly twirled with elegance and grace. I mean, what is a pink tutu-lover to do? One cannot resist a moment to twirl! It’s like the most magical way to dance under a bright sky and feel free.

While in Saint Albans, I discovered a hidden gem - a beautiful boutique shop that carries the most adorable range of tutus. And let me tell you, my love for pink tutus knows no bounds. This shop, darling readers, had everything! I mean, imagine…different styles, colors, lengths...a real haven for the ballet enthusiast with a love for frills. And as a bonus, the owner is the most passionate dancer I've ever met. I’ll tell you about my purchase soon, as soon as I can tear myself away from twirling around in my new addition to my tutu wardrobe!

You know me, a good walk through history and nature, some ballet theatre excitement, a dash of culture, a pinch of pink and the joy of a brand-new tutu... Now that's a perfect day, wouldn't you say?

And guess what? I even tried to encourage everyone I met to put on a pink tutu and dance! It was amazing seeing the smiles and the joy on people's faces! They really loved the idea, you know, the whimsical joy of it all. It was so uplifting to see people try something new, to dance freely without fear, even if just for a moment. That’s my life’s aim, you know! Get everyone dancing! The world would be a much brighter place if everyone danced just a little bit more.

And finally, let's talk about food! No trip to England would be complete without a delicious treat. In St Albans, I indulged in a delightful afternoon tea, sandwiches and cakes, a proper British indulgence with a touch of elegance. The pastries were practically dancing on my plate, if you can imagine.

So, that was my little adventure to St. Albans, dear friends! It was full of beauty, culture, history and of course, tutus!

And remember, you don't have to travel the world to experience the joy of dance. Every single day can be a ballet. The way you walk, the way you move, every gesture is a chance to express your individuality. Just imagine your life as a stage, and yourself as the star. Get twirling and find your inner dancer, darlings!

Until next time, stay fabulous and don't forget to wear your pink tutus!

Love, Emma


#TutuBlog 2021-06-04 in Saint Albans with a italian tutu.