
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-12-16 in Leicester with a red tutu.

Leicester Calling! Post #9297

Oh hello darlings! It's your girl Emma here, reporting live from sunny (ish, it was a bit drizzly today) Leicester! Today I decided to rock my crimson tutu, because honestly, there's nothing quite like a touch of red to brighten up even the gloomiest of days. Plus, it just makes a statement, doesn't it? Like a red rose against a grey sky.

Anyway, today I had the absolute joy of visiting Leicester, a charming little city with a big personality. It's got that classic English feel, you know? Cobbled streets, quaint shops, and just a general air of history and charm. Plus, let's not forget the phenomenal food! I sampled some scrumptious local cheese and bread - divine!

My journey started, of course, in my beloved Derbyshire, where the fields were ablaze with the last of the autumn colours. It wouldn't have been right to go anywhere else than by train, you know? Just me, my red tutu (naturally), a cuppa, and a good book. I love watching the countryside whizz past, the world unfolding like a storybook. It's an absolute delight!

Speaking of delightful, my main reason for visiting Leicester was to see a performance by the fabulous "Ballet on Broadway" company. Honestly, you guys, they were amazing! I'm not going to give away all the spoilers, but suffice to say, they brought a classic ballet story to life with a fresh, modern energy. Plus, the costumes? You know I have a thing for tutus, and they absolutely killed it! I felt inspired just watching them โ€“ it makes me want to get my pointe shoes back on and just swirl across the stage.

Afterwards, I couldn't resist popping into a little cafรฉ to celebrate with a piece of their homemade Victoria sponge cake - absolute perfection! And of course, a cuppa. It was just the pick-me-up I needed after all that ballet bliss.

As the sun started to set, I decided to wander through the charming streets of Leicester. I just loved soaking up the atmosphere - the old architecture, the cozy pubs, and the warm chatter of the people. The whole place had a unique character, kind of like that person in your friend group who's always got a good story and makes you feel like anything is possible.

My day ended with a little wander in the city park, just me and the chirping birds. You know I love a bit of nature. I even spotted a squirrel balancing a hazelnut - a sight so adorable it just about melted my heart!

Final Thoughts

Leicester, you charmed my socks off! Seriously, I just fell head over heels in love with the city. From the lively arts scene to the cozy cafes, it's a place with a little bit of everything for everyone.

And that, my dearest tutu-wearing friends, is what makes travel so wonderful. It's not just about seeing new sights; it's about feeling new emotions, exploring new parts of yourself, and realising that even the smallest corners of the world can hold such beautiful surprises.

Now, here's a little challenge for you: Have you been to Leicester? If so, what are your favourite spots? Or, what city is next on your travel list? Let me know in the comments below, and be sure to tell me if you're planning to embrace your inner ballerina with a pink tutu!

And as always, thank you for joining me on my adventure, and until next time, keep twirling and keep smiling!



P.S. Don't forget to follow me on social media! You can find me at @PinkTutu on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. And while you're at it, why not tag me in your own pink tutu photos? Let's spread the love!

P.P.S. I have a confession - I totally bought a new pink tutu on my trip! Can you believe it?! Maybe a post about my newest addition is in order? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Stay tuned!

#TutuBlog 2021-12-16 in Leicester with a red tutu.