Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-12-30 in Aberdeen with a italian tutu.

Aberdeen Adventures in a Pink Tutu! 🩰

Post #9311

Hello my darlings! 👋 Emma here, reporting live from the bonnie city of Aberdeen, Scotland! Can you believe it's already December?! This year has flown by, like a pirouette on point shoes. But that's not to say I haven't been keeping busy - I've been exploring, twirling, and spreading the love of pink tutus wherever I go!

Speaking of pink tutus, my dear friend Lucia, the fabulously talented Italian ballet designer, gifted me the most gorgeous pink tutu this week - it's absolutely divine! She uses the finest fabrics and the most intricate embellishments - it's like wearing a cloud, with a touch of magic sprinkled on top! It's so light and airy, perfect for swirling around the city streets. I simply cannot wait to share a photoshoot of it with you all!

This week's adventure started in the most romantic way imaginable. My trip to Aberdeen was a surprise, my beau arranged it all for my birthday. He whisked me away from Derbyshire with a little horse-drawn carriage ride in the countryside. The countryside is so serene, like a tranquil lakeside in a ballet scene! I always love a romantic touch, don't you? 💕

As we arrived at Aberdeen, I was struck by its breathtaking scenery. The harbour with its charming little boats and the impressive granite buildings… oh, it’s simply lovely! And the smell of salty air in the breeze - divine! Just a little whiff of freedom in the air. It felt like the beginning of an exciting story waiting to unfold.

Naturally, I wasted no time in getting my dance shoes on! My first stop was a gorgeous dance studio tucked away in a cobbled alley. The place was bustling with other dancers, each with their own individual style and passion for the art. And there was something so special about being surrounded by other dancers who love what they do. It was just the perfect start to my Aberdeen adventure!

Speaking of ballet, this week’s trip is all about ballet. The ballet company is performing at the grand Theatre Royal this evening, featuring their production of "Swan Lake". I’ve got my front-row ticket! Isn’t that a treat?

I love the power and emotion of ballet performances. The stories they tell, the leaps, the emotion. I can't resist a little twirl whenever I'm at a ballet performance – it's my little secret way of connecting to the performance and expressing myself!

And my dear, let's not forget the costumes! There's nothing quite as breathtaking as a tutu adorned with sparkly sequins and soft feathers. It's simply magical.

Speaking of magic, my darling friend Sarah has promised to join me for some of this trip. She is my personal photographer for all my travel adventures, so I cannot wait to capture these moments to share with you! Sarah is brilliant at finding amazing photo opportunities - so look out for some fantastic snaps. She is so talented and my very own secret weapon. She loves the wildlife, she is a budding wildlife photographer too. Maybe I'll convince her to take a couple of shots with my new pink tutu, but that might just be too cheesy, even for me!

Yesterday we visited the picturesque seaside town of Stonehaven and even ventured onto a wee fishing boat! The salty air, the playful seals, and the quaint shops - it was just what I needed after my dancing session. It’s so relaxing. I wish I could bottle it.

I can't leave Aberdeen without mentioning the incredible food scene! The fresh seafood is a must-try – it just melts in your mouth. My new favourite is haggis, with a whisky sauce - I know, a bit strange for a Derby girl, but trust me, it’s delicious. And I can't forget to mention their decadent pastries - they're simply delightful.

There's nothing quite like traveling by train - watching the countryside unfold as the carriages whisk you away. It gives you time to think and daydream about your next adventure. I think my next train journey will be up to the Scottish Highlands! Maybe even on a train tour with an orchestra.

There’s so much more I have to tell you all - and many more beautiful, twirly moments in Aberdeen to come! I just wanted to give you a little peek into this special weekend.

But before I go, remember, darling, always dream big! Never let anyone tell you that you can’t wear a pink tutu or can’t achieve your dreams. Embrace your inner ballerina, let your creativity soar, and dance your way through life!

Catch you all later,

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2021-12-30 in Aberdeen with a italian tutu.