
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2021-12-31 in Croydon with a pink tutu.

Croydon Calling! ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’–

Hey lovelies! It's Emma here, ready to share another adventure with you from my wonderful pink tutu world. This is post number 9312 (can you believe it?!) and I'm thrilled to be writing it from the charming town of Croydon, which is a bit of a departure from my usual Derbyshire haunts.

This morning, the excitement started the moment I stepped onto the train platform. Forget those soulless underground trains! I was travelling in style aboard a glorious, old-fashioned carriage. As the countryside whizzed past, I envisioned myself as one of those elegant ladies from the Victorian era, heading for a grand ball in a swishing gown โ€“ only with a decidedly pinker twist. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Speaking of pink, you wouldn't believe the glorious sunset that unfolded outside my window. The clouds were a fiery palette of orange, pink, and violet, like a scene from a dream โ€“ almost as pretty as my pink tutu!

Of course, every ballerina knows that a good travel day calls for a sparkly outfit, and today was no exception. I paired my tulle tutu with a floaty lilac top, shimmering with silver sequins, and my trusty pink ballet shoes (because you can't underestimate the power of a well-balanced step, even on a train!).

Croydon greeted me with a flurry of friendly faces and the hustle and bustle of a thriving market. The air was crisp and fresh, making me feel extra sparkly and full of life. First stop โ€“ a ballet studio in the heart of Croydon. Can you believe, they actually have an old theatre there that houses this gorgeous space, dedicated to nurturing all things ballet? The light streaming through the windows created a dappled dancefloor of sunshine and shadows โ€“ I could practically hear the music starting.

As the music swirled around me, I threw myself into a pirouette, then a graceful arabesque, feeling the warmth of the wooden floor beneath my pink-shod feet. Every move, every twirl, filled me with pure joy, like I was the only person in the world who could possibly know this feeling of being truly, totally myself. The ballet class was full of lovely ladies (and a couple of charming chaps!) of all ages. They all shared a love for movement, grace, and โ€“ yes โ€“ tutus!

After class, my energy buzzing with endorphins, I decided to explore a bit. I was instantly drawn to a park called Addington Hills. It was the most beautiful spot I'd ever seen. The park itself was teeming with trees, paths winding between them, inviting me to explore deeper. The air was scented with woodsmoke from a nearby bonfire, making me feel incredibly cozy. A whole herd of wild deer (well, almost wild!) were happily munching on the greenery, totally unfazed by my pink tutu-clad presence.

Itโ€™s incredible how nature can fill you up with serenity, grounding you even amidst the whirlwind of city life.

I realised it was getting late, and my stomach was grumbling with hunger. So, after saying farewell to my newfound deer friends (I gave them a little curtsy, naturally!), I headed back towards the town. Dinner was an absolute treat. I found a small Italian cafe, the smells of fresh bread and pasta mingling with the delicious aroma of tomato sauce. And of course, what's a ballerina's meal without a generous serving of prosecco?

Now, hereโ€™s something I discovered - a little gem tucked away in Croydon called โ€œThe Ballroom.โ€ Oh, it was truly glamorous, bathed in soft lighting with the tinkling sound of music, a bit like a vintage dancehall straight out of a movie!

To end this perfect Croydon day, I treated myself to a spectacular ballet performance in this elegant ballroom. As the dancers twirled on the polished floor, their grace and skill were simply spellbinding. I couldn't help but wish for the day that Iโ€™ll be ready to take to the stage โ€“ maybe one day, even in Croydon! (Don't worry, my little Derbyshire town will always have my heart. Itโ€™s just a little more about nature, open spaces and the rolling countryside.)

But right now, Iโ€™m basking in the memories of a fabulous day in a bustling town full of charm and character. And of course, I made sure to take plenty of photos in my pink tutu (and let's face it, every ballerina needs to share their fabulousness with the world!)!

Stay tuned for more adventures โ€“ there are so many exciting things to explore out there, and so many ways to dance our way into our happiest, most vibrant selves!

Remember, lifeโ€™s too short for drab, dull, grey and boring. Embrace the joy of pink, the magic of tutus, and letโ€™s make the world a much brighter, more beautiful place, one dance at a time!

See you tomorrow, my lovely ballet-lovers.


Emma x


#TutuBlog 2021-12-31 in Croydon with a pink tutu.