
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-04-02 in Barking with a cyan tutu.

Barking with a Cyan Tutu!

Post #9404

Oh, darling readers, I do hope youā€™re all well! As I sit here on the train, whizzing through the beautiful British countryside, I canā€™t help but feel a little bit like a ballerina on pointe. The scenery, with its verdant fields and charming villages, blurs by in a kaleidoscope of colour, much like the swish of my cyan tutu as I twirl. Speaking of tutusā€¦ well, I'm pretty sure I just heard a dog bark at me! It's not quite the "Swan Lake" applause, but I'll take it! I mean, who needs human adulation when youā€™ve got canine approval?

Cyan dreams

This train journey marks the beginning of a whirlwind adventure, taking me to the wonderful world of theatre and performance in the beautiful city of York! Now, before I start babbling about how much I love the smell of a backstage dressing room or the feeling of the stage beneath my feet (more on that later), Iā€™ve got to tell you all about my gorgeous new tutu. Yes, I know I already have about 50 (itā€™s a sickness, really), but when I saw this dazzling cyan number in a tiny boutique on my way to the station, I simply couldn't resist!

The shop owner, a lovely lady who reminded me of a pixie with her sparkly pink eye shadow and equally sparkling personality, told me it was perfect for "dancing with the wind.ā€ And you know what? She's right! I twirled around in the boutique, the shop's wind chimes tinkling like the sound of tiny, happy fairies. (And honestly, when Iā€™m twirling in a tutu, thereā€™s nothing else in the world I'd rather hear).

Taking Ballet on the Road

So, my cyan tutu and I are taking on York! Weā€™re not afraid to try something new (I once ate a pink marshmallow dipped in chocolate, so anything goes). This time, it's the world of professional ballet, or should I say "the ballet of professional performers"? (It sounds dramatic but oh so exciting). Iā€™ll be watching the brilliant Yorkshire Ballet Company's production of ā€œGiselleā€ and attending a workshop, where I'll be learning all about ballet choreography, which is actually more intricate and fascinating than it seems. (Not to say that it's that complicated because really, you simply have to twirl like your heart and your body desire!)

The thought of it makes me so excited my heart does a little pliĆ© just at the idea of it all! (Can you tell Iā€™m already feeling a little stage-struck? Don't worry, dear readers, I promise not to steal anyone's thunder). I mean, to stand on a stage, to lose yourself in a beautiful story, and be part of something so truly magical? It's like the feeling I get after a long and blissful dance sessionā€¦except maybe a thousand times more.

Horses, Horses and More Horses

Before heading to York, I had a day trip to the breathtakingly beautiful Peak District, where my fellow tutu-lover (I swear, every Derbyshire resident has a love affair with tutus, itā€™s in our DNA), Emma, took me to see her beautiful horses. Honestly, horses are almost as elegant and graceful as ballet dancers. Almost! (No disrespect to those four-legged beauties. Please don't let the horses hear this!) Emma let me ride her gorgeous black stallion, and while I don't want to brag, I think I pulled off a few decent ballet poses while I was in the saddle. She swears I couldā€™ve been a show-jumper, but I told her my real talent was in bringing beauty and poise to every movement, whether I'm on pointe or on a horse! (Letā€™s face it, I could make a grocery shopping trip look graceful!).

Anyway, while we were gazing out at the fields, Emma and I chatted about ballet and all things pink, (my favourite colour - as you know!) We talked about everything from the power of expressing yourself through dance to the sheer joy of getting lost in the rhythm and flow of movement. It was so nice to spend some time with someone who shares my passion. Maybe we should start a "Tutu Club"? We can dance, dress up, and ride horses (Iā€™m sure Emma would love for me to get back in the saddle), and I bet even a dog or two would like to join! (Think, a whole posse of tutu-clad dancing horsewomen, how utterly spectacular! Honestly, the pictures could make a fashion magazine, well, almost).

From Horse to Horseback Ride to Ballet Theatre..

As I head to York, I can't help but think about the amazing things that life has in store. Whether I'm prancing through the fields with a horse, pirouetting through the city streets or twirling my tutu on stage, my life is a performance in every sense of the word. So, grab a tutu, a pink cupcake, and get ready for an incredible journey of joy, passion, and a dash of pink sparkle. Itā€™s all waiting for you at www.pink-tutu.com!

Until next time,

Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2022-04-02 in Barking with a cyan tutu.