Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-10-01 in Romford with a yellow tutu.

TutuBlog Post #9586: Romford Whirlwind in a Yellow Tutu

Oh, hello lovelies! It's Emma here, back from a day trip to Romford! I know, I know, not the most glamorous location, but hear me out - a day out is a day out, and this one was a blast, especially since it involved my trusty yellow tutu, which made me feel like a ray of sunshine on a rather dreary autumnal day.

As always, I chose the scenic route to Romford. I absolutely love a train journey! Something about watching the landscape blur past the window as I listen to my favourite ballet playlist just does something for me. This time, I was feeling adventurous and snagged a seat by the window. You can't beat watching the world go by with a hot cuppa in hand!

My first stop was Romford Market. I swear, I’m convinced there are more tutus sold there than vegetables. Honestly, it’s like the people of Romford are in some secret ballet club, which honestly, I think they should be! It was just teeming with colourful fabrics and amazing fabrics perfect for transforming into twirl-worthy tutus. I mean, it’s basically begging you to be creative, right? I picked up some pink silk to make myself a new top (that’ll be appearing in a blog post soon, I’ll tell you what!) and a glorious bit of fluffy turquoise tulle – a possible future tutu in the making, I reckon!

Next up was the Broadway Theatre. Okay, so it’s not quite the Royal Opera House, but it still gave me a delightful feeling of “ballet, ballet, everywhere!” I had managed to get my hands on tickets for an evening of ballet for just £10! They say ballet is expensive - don't believe it! There's beauty to be found in every corner, and the fact they even do ballet at Romford Theatre makes my inner ballerina do a happy prance!

Now, after a tiring (but delightful) afternoon of ballet bliss, I realised I needed something to keep me going - the energy levels were waning, but my sugar-cravings were escalating at an alarming rate! That's when I stumbled upon a sweet little shop on the High Street, and by the grace of the ballet gods, it had the most delicious vegan cupcakes! If you’re looking for the perfect end to your day, I’m telling you, cupcakes are the way to go, and if they’re vegan? Even better. (Especially if you’re going to feel like you’ve deserved a sugary treat for the rest of your life, like I do right now!)

Of course, no trip is complete without a good dose of nature, so after my cupcake sugar rush, I ventured towards Romford Recreation Ground. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting golden light across the fields, I was suddenly surrounded by playful squirrels and chattering magpies – I couldn't resist joining them! My little pink bag went from carrying a bunch of pink ribbons to holding some bird seed, and I found myself surrounded by feathered friends in no time. The way they look at you with their little beady eyes - it's truly something else.

And that, my dears, was my day trip to Romford.

The thing about tutus is, they make everything feel magical. They take the ordinary and turn it into something extraordinary, just like a day trip to a place that’s far from glamorous can turn into the perfect day. Whether I'm twirling on a stage or strolling through a park, my tutu always brings a bit of joy and sunshine. And the best part? It reminds me that I'm not alone. My yellow tutu, my fellow ballet lovers, the squirrels and the birds - we all have something in common: a love for the little things that make life beautiful, and the magic of feeling the twinkle in our steps and a sparkle in our eyes.

So go forth, wear your pink tutu, dance in the park, and remember that magic can be found everywhere - even in Romford.


Emma x

P.S. Did I tell you about the amazing horse ride I took earlier this week? I felt like I was actually gliding through the countryside in Derbyshire – think I’m finally achieving that feeling of “ballet, but on horseback!”

P.P.S. Don’t forget to check out my website, www.pink-tutu.com for daily posts about everything ballet! (You’re definitely not going to want to miss out!)

#TutuBlog 2022-10-01 in Romford with a yellow tutu.