Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-10-05 in Slough with a purple tutu.

Slough, Slough, Take Me Away! (Post #9590)

Hey my darlings! 🩰💖 Emma here, your favourite Derbyshire tutu-trotter, reporting live from... drum roll... Slough! Yes, that Slough.

I know, I know. It might not be the first place that springs to mind for a chic pink-tutu clad ballet enthusiast like me. But bear with me! It’s actually proving to be a little slice of whimsy on my travels, even if it is a bit… beige! (Not my favourite colour, just saying).

Let’s rewind a little bit. This adventure started, as all my adventures do, with a ballet class – this time at a fabulous little studio just outside of my beloved Derbyshire. My favourite teacher, Mrs. Higgins, announced, “We’re doing a choreographed street ballet performance outside the local theatre, Emma, are you in?” I mean, did you even need to ask?! I love pushing the boundaries of ballet – not just in a studio, but out in the world.

With a twirl of excitement, I agreed and off we went, my tutu (it was a stunning hot pink one, with a dash of glitter, obviously!) packed for the grand adventure. We travelled to Slough in style – naturally, by train! I love the way the train speeds through the countryside, taking me on journeys to all sorts of exciting places.

Slo-mo Ballet and Unexpected Fun!

The first thing that struck me was the local library. Seriously, guys, I can’t believe the colours! This glorious pink and turquoise building just felt like a fairytale haven. I even saw a couple of cheeky squirrels running through the grounds, a lovely touch! Wildlife always brightens up my day!

The actual performance, outside the theatre, was electric! It was like a fusion of street performance, theatre and ballet – a little bit of something for everyone! We were a riot of colour – imagine all of us, dancers from the local studios, in a variety of pink and red tutus. The music pumped, people stopped in the street, and there we were, creating our little slice of magic. You could really feel the passion! One even came up to me after the performance and said "You're making a lot of people happy", and you know what, he was right! I'm on a mission to make people happy. That's why my pink tutu is my shield and my sword!

My Pink Tutu is Calling!

But this journey isn’t about ballet alone. Slough actually held some wonderful surprises. We visited a charming independent bookshop called “The Little Wordsmith”, and you guessed it, it was absolutely adorable! The shelves were piled high with well-loved stories, the scent of aged paper filled the air and the owner, an elderly woman with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, chatted about all the exciting new books coming out! You see, every time I travel, I try to find a unique bookstore, because every book tells a story – and in turn, tells about us. And the best thing, I found a vintage book with the most stunning pink floral print on the cover! This just screams pink tutu energy, don’t you think?

There was this fantastic quirky tea shop as well. They have a delicious rainbow cake that reminded me of all the colourful dreams I’ve had about bringing pink tutus to the masses! We even took a stroll by the beautiful Thames. It was so peaceful, perfect for contemplation.

You know what I’ve decided? Slough, far from being beige, is actually bursting with charm! I mean, just imagine it! It’s not every day you get to see a ballet class practicing by the side of a train line!

I have so much more to tell you – I’m already working on my next blog post about my afternoon at the “Pink Palace,” a sweet little bakery that made my heart skip a beat! But before I go, a reminder that the world is full of wonder, especially when you're wearing your pink tutu!

Stay sassy, keep shining and let’s spread a bit of pink magic together!

Catch you on the pink side! 💕🩰




#TutuBlog 2022-10-05 in Slough with a purple tutu.