
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-11-14 in South Shields with a black tutu.

South Shields Shimmers with a Black Tutu - Post 9630

Hello, my darlings! It’s Emma here, back with another whirlwind adventure from your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina. This time, I've traded the rolling green hills of Derbyshire for the rugged coastline of South Shields, and let me tell you, the sunshine has been positively sparkling!

This adventure began, as most of my journeys do, with a train ride. It's something about the rhythmic chugging and the passing landscape that makes me feel like a ballerina gliding across the countryside. I was so engrossed in a chapter of "Pride and Prejudice" (one can never get enough Jane Austen!) that I barely noticed we were pulling into the station.

Stepping out, the fresh sea breeze whipped around me, bringing with it a scent of salt and possibility. South Shields felt different - exciting! The historic streets and the bustling harbor had a charm that instantly captivated me. I grabbed a coffee from a quirky little cafe, feeling the excitement bubble up inside me. This, I knew, was going to be a great day.

Now, my mission for South Shields was two-fold: explore its treasures and get that perfect Instagram-worthy picture with my black tutu. Yes, you heard right! I'm branching out a little from my usual pink palette. Sometimes, you need a little mystery and a little edge, don't you think?

Our first stop was the South Shields Museum and Art Gallery. The elegant, historic building felt almost magical, and I imagined ballerinas twirling down the staircases during their performances! I particularly enjoyed their fascinating collection of maritime treasures – I'm a huge sucker for stories about the sea, and there was just so much history oozing from those dusty artifacts. I think my inner mermaid definitely did a happy little pirouette!

After a leisurely afternoon soaking up the museum's magic, we took a walk along the seaside. The sand felt like velvet beneath my toes and the seagulls, ever the theatrical performers, did their own aerial acrobatics. It was here that I finally got my photo op! I stood on a craggy rock jutting out towards the sea, twirling with a sense of playful defiance. I imagine the little crabs, hiding in their crevices, watching me in amusement.

But no seaside adventure would be complete without a delicious fish and chips supper, accompanied by a glass of something sparkling! And let me tell you, the chips were crisp, the fish was flaky and the cider was gloriously fizzy! What better way to celebrate a day filled with sunshine and joy?

This whole trip, with its salt-kissed breezes, captivating history and delightful discoveries, reminded me of why I love travelling so much. It's the magic of discovering something new, finding a different perspective and feeling that invigorating jolt of creative inspiration! Plus, nothing gets the artistic juices flowing quite like seeing new sights, feeling new sensations, and experiencing the unexpected.

I came back to Derbyshire feeling like a recharged, sparkling, black-tutu-clad ballerina! It was like a new layer of magic had been woven into my very soul, and I already felt the desire to pack my bags and explore some more!

So my lovelies, what adventures are calling to you this week? Do tell me in the comments! And don't forget, even if you haven't got a pink tutu (yet!) take a step out of your comfort zone and try something new this week. Maybe visit a new part of your town, try a different recipe or even join a ballet class (you never know - you might just love it!). You just might surprise yourself.

Until next time, keep dancing, keep exploring, and keep spreading those pink tutu vibes!

Love, Emma

PS - If you’re feeling adventurous and want to see the world with me, I’m planning a horseback ride across the Yorkshire Dales next month! Would you be my travel companion? Let me know in the comments!

PPS - And don't forget, the only thing better than a pink tutu is two pink tutus! πŸ’–πŸ’–

#TutuBlog 2022-11-14 in South Shields with a black tutu.