Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2022-12-06 in Stourbridge with a fairy themed tutu.

Stourbridge Sparkle: A Tutu Tale

Post #9652


Good morning, darlings! The sun is shining in Derbyshire, and I'm feeling so full of happy energy - perfect for a little trip to the gorgeous town of Stourbridge. Oh, how I love discovering new places - and today is all about that.

I'm all about that pink tutu life today! My lovely feather boa and tiara are on standby in my handbag - just waiting for a chance to make a stylish appearance. After all, it's never too early (or too late!) to add a little bit of sparkle and magic to your day.

Speaking of magic, today is about more than just beautiful towns - it's also a day to share my passion. This weekend is all about ballet, my lovelies! Last night I had the most amazing time at Birmingham Royal Ballet, and tonight is all about a charming show by my favourite local dance school in a beautifully restored theatre in Stourbridge. Can't wait! They're performing excerpts from some of the most beautiful ballets in the world. I simply adore the stories they tell! From Giselle to Sleeping Beauty - every moment is like being transported into a magical fairytale, full of romance and grandeur.

And speaking of fairytale grandeur, Stourbridge has so much charm. You can almost imagine fairies flitting through the pretty parks and cobbled streets, just waiting to inspire the next storybook ballet. Did you know, Stourbridge has this enchanting connection to glass? That's got to inspire some dazzling stage props!

I took a journey here by train - such a leisurely and scenic way to travel, with all the world going by outside your window! My trusty horse, Rupert, is having a little rest in the stable for this trip - he's got the whole day off after all my wonderful explorations around Derbyshire this past week. He is my chariot when the weather is perfect, though! So glad I can choose the mode of transport to suit the adventure!

One of my favourite things to do, besides, obviously, dance, is exploring wild nature - there is so much beauty in nature! And this area oozes with wildlife! Last weekend we saw so many beautiful birds - we were absolutely spoiled. And just this morning we saw a deer bounding across the fields...so serene, don't you think? They say if a deer crosses your path it’s good luck. I guess I'll take all the good luck I can get - especially for this year's Nutcracker performance at the local theatre!

You know what they say, darling: Every day is a ballet! It's all about grace, elegance, and, most importantly, attitude. It's not just about perfect pliés and tours - it's about living life with passion and grace!

I always wear my tutu as a reminder, of course. You know, it's a subtle hint, but it also encourages others to see the world a little differently - with more magic and wonder! Because when you put on a tutu, you know it's a magical day!

Of course, every tutu day begins with breakfast. My favourite is pancakes with fruit and a side of pink prosecco! So much more delicious and healthy than that sad, plain tea! It totally sets you up for a magical and stylish day! (I think it’s my most stylish Pink-Tutu.com post yet).

And with a new week beginning, I just know it will be the most magical and sparkling time! I feel so happy, strong, and powerful... maybe I should start a hashtag. How about #pinkpower? It’s going to catch on - just you wait!

What’s your pink power look for the week, my dears? Tell me in the comments, and maybe you’ll be featured next week.

Oh! It’s 4 pm and the train’s ready. Just time for a little champagne…I’m excited to get to that show! See you soon!

Lots of love,



#TutuBlog 2022-12-06 in Stourbridge with a fairy themed tutu.