Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-01-13 in Hampstead with a orange tutu.

Hampstead Heaven: Tutu-ing Around in a Sea of Orange

Post #9690 | www.pink-tutu.com

Good morning, lovelies! Today I'm bringing you a whirlwind of a day from my travels - I've finally made it to Hampstead, and it's like stepping into a dream!

The air is crisp and the streets are cobbled, perfect for my new bright orange tutu - I had to add a splash of colour to this stunning London neighbourhood, and this bright tutu just does the trick. It's like sunshine personified, and trust me, a bit of sunshine is always welcome in London, no matter the season.

Speaking of sunshine, this city truly shines. After catching the train - always a wonderful journey - I found myself wandering the charming little shops on Hampstead High Street, feeling that magic London atmosphere buzzing around me. You know that feeling, like you could just walk into a fairytale? It's definitely a real thing in Hampstead!

Of course, no day in London would be complete without some ballet inspiration. And today was no different. I treated myself to a class at the Dance Space - the perfect mix of contemporary and ballet, giving my limbs a great stretch and reminding me how much I love moving. It's been a busy few weeks, so I needed this chance to just breathe and be with the beautiful feeling of ballet. The feeling of complete joy and freedom that ballet gives you, especially with a touch of orange in the mix - oh, it’s bliss!

But Hampstead has even more magic to offer than just dreamy cobbled streets and incredible dance studios! The heath is absolutely breathtaking - a giant green expanse in the heart of London. I had to walk across it, of course! I could easily have spent the whole day strolling, breathing in the fresh air and watching the clouds drift by, all the while soaking up the majestic views of the city skyline. I even spotted a fluffy bunny, bounding amongst the greenery – it really felt like I was in a secret, hidden world!

Now, before I even start to explain how divine Hampstead is, let’s talk about the tutus. Today, I’m channelling some major autumn vibes with my orange tutu. This glorious colour feels like a nod to the vibrant red, orange and brown hues that the falling leaves have painted across Hampstead. There’s just something about orange that shouts "confidence" and "life," and trust me, those are two emotions you should always strive for. Think of how the warmth of a bright orange tutu just lights up any room, reminding you to smile and see the beauty around you. Now, imagine the impact of orange tutus swirling on a ballet stage!

There is truly something wonderful about tutus, their femininity, the flow, the impact! Each tutu has its own character. I think each tutu comes with its own aura. Today’s orange tutu feels like it should have its own theme song - it is all about expressing ourselves boldly and proudly! A reminder to be that fiery soul we are all born to be!

Don't forget, this weekend is the Royal Opera House's Gala and I’m off to see Swan Lake, one of my absolute favourites! A show that takes the idea of tutus to another level, full of beautiful tutus and stories, romance, grace, and a touch of sadness - you just can't miss it!

Of course, you won't find me in a pink tutu for this particular outing, although I might sneak a pink accessory or two for a bit of my trademark colour! The magic of a tutu knows no bounds, it is for any occasion. And this evening, I feel a touch of the majestic Swan Lake white with a dash of black and a touch of gold.

The excitement and magic of the Opera House fills me with anticipation - I’m sure there’ll be even more fashion inspiration to share from this magical evening, so keep an eye out for another post in the next couple of days!

Speaking of magic and tutus, I must ask, have you ever dreamt of being a ballerina? Do you dance? Tell me all about it in the comments, my dears. I'm dying to hear all about your dance experiences! And tell me, what's your favourite tutu colour?

Until then, remember, there’s a pink tutu for everyone, waiting to be discovered. Keep dancing, keep smiling, and keep dreaming those pink tutu dreams!

Much love,

Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2023-01-13 in Hampstead with a orange tutu.