Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-02-07 in Welling with a european style tutu.

Welling, Wonderful Welling: A Tutu-ful Adventure (#9715)

Hello darlings! Emma here, bringing you another delightful dose of pink, twirls, and all things tutu-tastic from my little corner of the world! Today, I’m writing to you from the charming town of Welling, in the lovely county of Kent, where I’ve been enjoying a rather splendid escape with my beloved tutu and my trusty travel companion, a delightful chestnut mare called Rosie.

Welling is one of those places that captures your heart from the moment you arrive. It’s brimming with a sweet, old-fashioned charm, the sort that makes you want to wander through its cobbled streets with your nose held high, catching the fragrance of freshly baked bread wafting from charming little cafes. I even spotted a quaint antique shop that I simply had to pop into – you can never have too many vintage ballet books, right?

The highlight of my visit to Welling, though, was undoubtedly the charming local ballet school, “The Dancing Daisies.” You can imagine my delight at discovering such a gem! I just couldn’t resist stepping in for a quick lesson, after all, a dancer can never resist a good stretch, and it was absolutely delightful to meet these adorable budding ballerinas and their wonderful teacher. They were all so enthusiastic and passionate, just like me! I had to show off my new European-style tutu for the occasion, of course, and it was a joy to twirl and pirouette with such lively and enthusiastic little dancers.

After my whirlwind lesson, we ventured into the countryside surrounding Welling, a land painted in the most glorious shades of green and gold, the air crisp and fresh, like a whisper of summer breeze. My Rosie loves these long rides, and we spent hours enjoying the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees. We even stumbled upon a hidden meadow brimming with wildflowers, where Rosie could enjoy a well-deserved rest and I could have a little picnic of delicate finger sandwiches and pink lemonade. (Yes, pink lemonade! Can you tell I love my pink? ) We encountered the friendliest herd of deer, all gracefully leaping through the undergrowth, reminding me of the elegance and grace of our own ballet moves. Such lovely, wild creatures, perfectly embodying the freedom and beauty of nature, just like a ballet dancer in full flight.

Oh, and speaking of ballet, Welling certainly doesn't disappoint! There's a magnificent Victorian theatre, resplendent in red velvet and gold gilt, a dream venue for any ballerina! The anticipation of watching a performance here simply had me pirouetteing in my sleep. Alas, no performances were scheduled while I was in town, but my trusty little companion, Rosie, was a joy to ride up and down the winding lanes surrounding Welling. We even found a stunning panoramic view from a nearby hill, with the sprawling town laid out below us like a miniature canvas. I closed my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath of the crisp air, the image of all the twinkling lights at night already dancing in my head, as if Welling’s charm was casting its spell over me.

Of course, no adventure is complete without indulging in some delightful culinary delights. We found the most adorable cafe tucked away in a side street, its charming interior bursting with vintage charm, adorned with soft pastel colours. There, we sampled the most delectable afternoon tea, all delicate sandwiches, tiny pastries and steaming pots of Earl Grey, followed by the richest, most indulgent chocolate fudge cake - heaven on a plate! It was almost enough to make me wish I could wear my tutu to every cafe I visit.

So, you see, Welling is a town that steals a little piece of your heart with its charm and its delightful scenery. But Welling isn’t the only enchanting place I’ve had the privilege to discover lately. I'm constantly hopping onto Rosie or catching a steam train – nothing beats the sound of steam engine wheels and the wind whipping through my hair! I recently had a fantastic journey to Bath, which I’ll tell you all about in tomorrow’s blog post. But for now, remember my darlings, life is about finding beauty in the mundane, about seeing the magic in every place, no matter how ordinary it might seem.

And what is more magical than a twirling, swirling, pink tutu, making you feel like a true princess in your own fairytale? So, I urge you, dear reader, find your own magic, don your pinkest, fluffiest tutu, and join me on this amazing journey to discover the world one ballet step at a time.

Until next time, stay sparkly!


Emma www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2023-02-07 in Welling with a european style tutu.