Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-02-08 in Kingswood with a german bodice.

Kingswood Calling: Tutu Travels and a German Bodice!

Post 9716 | www.pink-tutu.com

Hello my dearest Tutu Tribe! It's your favourite Derbyshire damsel, Emma, here, fresh off the train from a delightful trip to Kingswood, where, you guessed it, pink tutus and ballet magic were most definitely on the agenda!

Let's just say that if there was ever a time to dust off the fluffy pink tulle, this was it!

It all began with a sunrise journey, the train hurtling through the rolling hills of England, the morning light painting the clouds in hues of pink and lavender – almost as if nature itself was giving me a warm welcome to Kingswood!

Reaching my destination, I was immediately captivated by the charming village air. Kingswood's streets were bustling with quaint shops, quaint tea rooms, and charming antique stores overflowing with trinkets from days gone by. I couldn't resist popping into a little tea shop, indulging in a pot of Earl Grey and a scone, and dreaming of the balletic adventures that lay ahead.

My first stop? The Kingswood Dance Studio, a little gem nestled amidst the rolling hills. I'd heard whispers about this studio – it's renowned for its traditional training methods, steeped in classical technique, and I was utterly enchanted the moment I walked through the door.

The air was thick with anticipation as I warmed up at the barre, my muscles singing with each tendu and battement. I was treated to a class filled with a joy and passion that resonated with my very core.

But that wasn't all! Kingswood held a special surprise for me – a ballet show showcasing the German Bodice, a style I've always admired for its intricate beauty and elegant construction. The sheer artistry of the piece was breath-taking; each intricate pleat, each meticulously-placed pearl, spoke volumes of the dedication of the dancers and the artistry behind it. And it felt so fitting to be immersed in this ballet tradition, amidst the beautiful scenery of Kingswood.

Later, I discovered a delightful secret - the Kingswood Wildlife Sanctuary. Oh, my heart! There were beautiful fallow deer grazing peacefully in the meadows, fluffy rabbits hopping about, and even a cheeky squirrel who dared to steal a glance from a branch high up in a tree. These majestic creatures filled me with such serenity, their peaceful grace mirroring the elegance of ballet. I couldn’t resist capturing some memories, snapping a few pictures, all those magnificent colours of pink, browns and white!

As I reflected on my adventures in Kingswood, I couldn't help but smile. It’s one of those places that reminds me that magic is truly found in the most unexpected of corners, especially when tutus and ballet take centre stage!

Before leaving, I had one last treat in store – a delicious cream tea, enjoyed by a sunny window, looking out at the village square, while sipping my favourite tea and listening to the happy chatter around me.

This truly felt like the perfect ending to a magical journey!

And oh, don’t forget, dear Tutu Tribe – the Kingswood Dance Studio was offering special lessons to celebrate my visit, so I highly encourage you all to join me!

But that’s not all, I also managed to track down a shop with the most exquisite vintage tutus! You've never seen anything like them, delicate lace, hand-beaded embellishments, and some of the most fabulous hues of pink, all lovingly crafted decades ago! Naturally, I couldn’t resist snagging a little something special for myself... you know, for future Tutu Travels adventures. ;)

I hope you’ve enjoyed hearing all about my adventures, my darlings. Remember, whether you’re in the bustling city or exploring the countryside, the beauty and magic of ballet always shines through. Don’t forget to embrace your inner dancer and embrace those tutus, in whatever shade of pink you fancy. It’s a celebration of all things beautiful and inspiring.

Keep those tutus twirling,




**P.S. Want to join my Ballet Adventures and see the world through pink-tinted tutus? Comment below or reach out via www.pink-tutu.com! I'm always happy to chat about ballet, tutus, travel, and anything in between!

*P.P.S Have you joined our "Pink Tutu Tribe" Facebook group yet? It's a community of ballet lovers from all walks of life who share their passion for the dance. Join in! *

#TutuBlog 2023-02-08 in Kingswood with a german bodice.