
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-03-31 in Deal with a german tutu.

TutuBlog Post #9767: A Ballet Bonanza in Berlin!

Oh, my darlings! This week has been a whirlwind of tutus, train journeys, and triumph! As you all know, I adore a good ballet show, and let's be honest, a good pink tutu (but of course!) Well, Berlin was positively bursting with both, and my inner ballerina positively soared.

It all started with a magnificent train journey, you know how much I adore a scenic train trip, with the windows down and the wind whipping through my hair. Itā€™s a lovely way to see the world, and the German countryside certainly didnā€™t disappoint! Itā€™s just lovely rolling past fields, green meadows, little villages and ancient towns all topped with sunshine.

I arrived in Berlin feeling like a little fairy princess, ready to dance my way through the city. First stop - a tour of the stunning State Opera House, oh my! I absolutely fell in love with the grand architecture, and the exquisite craftsmanship that went into the auditorium. I can just imagine all the incredible performances that have taken place there over the years! You can actually feel the history swirling around the room. I just loved it!

The highlight of the trip, though, had to be seeing the Deutsche Oper Berlinā€™s performance of Swan Lake. Honestly, darlings, the talent in this city is just extraordinary. The dancers were utterly mesmerizing, and the whole performance was absolutely magical. There were breathtaking moments where I could barely breathe I was so swept away with the grace and talent and just a hint of sadness - itā€™s such a poignant tale isn't it, Swan Lake, and you just feel like you're a part of the magic unfolding before you. I truly believe that every ballet dancer should experience Berlin at some point - for the ballet alone!

Afterwards, I decided to have a wander around the Tiergarten park. It's just such a lovely spot. This gorgeous expanse of trees and wildlife is like a breath of fresh air right in the heart of the city! The Tiergarten is full of so many exciting critters like squirrels and even deer! The sunshine and fresh air were divine, I felt as if I could fly through the trees myself, my own personal "Swan Lake" with a sprinkling of pink, of course. Speaking of flyingā€¦ I have been so impressed with the German public transport, have you been? The train system, in particular, is quite phenomenal. Speedy, punctual, clean, what's not to like! The underground is incredible too. This sleek futuristic station makes me wonder how long they've had this sleek marvel in Berlin, is it an original from 1914? You know how much I love an architectural marvel - from an original, well-built and functioning system, just amazing! It really helps when the staff are wonderfully friendly, kind, and so efficient. Thatā€™s what I call true German efficiency!

As you know, darlings, I absolutely love exploring new places and cultures. I popped into a charming little cafe in the heart of the city called ā€œTutu and Cakeā€. I swear, theyā€™d obviously seen my blog because the place had all the pink! They served absolutely divine cake and the most delicious iced latte - itā€™s the perfect pink and delicious pitstop for a weary ballerina. (My lips are quite sore nowā€¦ but a girl's gotta eat, donā€™t you think? ) And of course, I snapped a few photos in a classic Berlin pink tutu ensemble - you can find them on my instagram @tutuEmma, of course! I always think the perfect place for a tutu photoshoot is the Reichstag building, even if the guards do look slightly bemused when you waltz past them, holding your head high, and swirling the tutu out with the most perfect, classic and stylish poise. Oh, well, it is all about having fun, darling!

Speaking of poise, Berlin is a truly inspirational city. I mean, it is absolutely full of talented artists and performers, musicians, dancers - you name it! Every corner seems to have something inspiring to discover. My absolute favourite discovery? The street performance scene. It really brought a new level of appreciation to my own dance journey, seeing some amazing talent. My favourite was definitely the one who started her routine with a graceful ballet routine - and then it turned into this amazing sequence with a whole host of quirky, hilarious and creative moves! My inner-ballet fan was a little bit in love. Thereā€™s an open air market called ā€œDance in the Streetā€ near a big outdoor swimming pool. It had a fun, vibrant vibe to it - very much the "Ballet in the park" vibe, and very well organised. I just wish they had a place like that back home in Derbyshire. What a dream!

This visit to Berlin has truly inspired me! The spirit of creativity and artistry in the city has fuelled my own dance journey! I must say it did all get a bit much, with so many amazing new sights, smells, sounds and tastes all vying for my attention! Berlin was like one huge ballet class; I donā€™t think I have ever learnt so much about my own passion and creativity as I did in Berlin - even without stepping into a class! I was truly in awe of all the incredible people, the energy, the passion and, of course, the exquisite beauty of this truly amazing city. Oh, how I could spend my life living amongst this beautiful, historic yet vibrant metropolisā€¦ It would definitely be on my bucket list!

For my next post (be sure to check my site at www.pink-tutu.com each day!) - I will be diving into the history of German ballet. Oh darling, youā€™ll love it, and don't worry I'll keep those gorgeous photos coming too, my pink ballet outfit and my pink shoes will be gracing another magical travel photo - but you'll have to check in on the site to see!

Until then, keep dancing and may you all have a wonderful day!

Your tutu loving and ballet worshipping Emma.

#TutuBlog 2023-03-31 in Deal with a german tutu.