Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-04-01 in Bicester with a italian tutu.

Bicester Calling! Tutu Travels and Italian Chic

Post 9768

Hey gorgeous,

It's Emma here, writing to you live from the wonderful world of Bicester Village, a veritable paradise for fashionistas like myself! It's just been an absolutely delightful day and I couldn't wait to share all the loveliness with you.

Today's adventure began bright and early with a dash of sparkle - I even popped on my pinkest pair of sparkly heels! My morning journey started on the trusty train line - I love the leisurely rhythm of train travel, a chance to lose myself in a good book (or scroll through Instagram for some serious pink tutu inspiration!) while the world rushes past the window. It felt like an enchanted journey - like those magical train trips in fairy tales that take you to another land. I guess that’s the kind of magic a little pink tutu can create!

Now, the reason for my trip? Bicester Village, a hub of designer delights, is always a fabulous treat, and today was no exception. My mission: to hunt down the perfect outfit for my upcoming trip to the Royal Opera House for a dazzling ballet production of La Bayadère. You can never have too many tutus! And a ballerina needs a stunning outfit for every occasion, don't you think?

I absolutely love the ballet - it’s a truly captivating world of graceful movements, shimmering costumes and mesmerising stories. Even the rehearsal classes for shows like this are something magical - all those incredible ballerinas getting ready to give a spectacular performance, swirling in their tutus, leaping across the stage… it truly does give me butterflies in my tummy just to watch. Don’t even get me started on the dazzling costumes! It really inspires me to make every outfit I wear just as stunning! I might just wear my sparkly heels for the Royal Opera House show, they just feel right.

Well, back to my fabulous trip! It turned out my Bicester trip wasn't just about finding the perfect tutu. I also discovered this amazing Italian boutique tucked away amongst the boutiques. They had the most incredible collection of shoes - not just ordinary shoes, these were shoes fit for a queen! My eyes were absolutely sparkling with delight as I slipped my feet into the most exquisite pair of pink heeled sandals. They even had a little bit of a sparkly glitter on them! It felt like destiny was whispering to me, saying "These are for you!" How could I resist?

Let's be honest, everyone knows that a good outfit starts with shoes! A good shoe makes the world a little more magical - even more so if they are sparkling pink, I say! I practically skipped back to the train station, clutching my sparkly new finds - I’ve already started dreaming up all the outfit combinations for my trip to the ballet!

The rest of the day was all about pure indulgence. I even stumbled across this beautiful shop that specialises in delicate vintage jewellery, adorned with exquisite stones, that brought to mind shimmering ballets and the sparkling costumes on the stage. You’ll have to keep your eyes peeled for that post later! I ended the day feeling refreshed, inspired, and armed with a perfect outfit and my brand new shoes. This pink-tutu princess was definitely ready to conquer the world (or at least the world of ballet)!

So, I'll leave you with this, gorgeous, remember, every day is a chance to twirl with style and sprinkle a little bit of magic into the world. Keep twirling, keep sparkling, and always, always wear a pink tutu!

Until next time!

Love, Emma


P.S If you love animals, then do take a look at this lovely bird sanctuary I saw on the train to Bicester - they are home to a whole host of rescued wild birds. You could tell they were really caring for them, and their lovely pink feathering was an absolute joy to see! I couldn't resist capturing them on my phone - a lovely way to finish the day, wouldn’t you agree?

#TutuBlog 2023-04-01 in Bicester with a italian tutu.