Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-06-19 in Gateshead with a red tutu.

Gateshead Glamour: A Red Tutu Adventure!

Post #9847

Hello my darling dance devotees! It's Emma here, your favourite tutu-loving travel blogger, reporting live from the enchanting city of Gateshead! I’m feeling ridiculously excited to be sharing this gorgeous adventure with you all. This is my 9,847th blog post (can you believe it?!), and every single day, my love for this colourful life just keeps growing!

Now, before we get lost in the wonders of Gateshead, let's talk about my ensemble. How could I possibly visit this majestic place without my favourite accessory? Yep, you guessed it - my red tutu! This fiery, fabulous, tulle masterpiece just screams "adventure," and I honestly think it’s the perfect match for the vibrancy of this city. It's just too fab for words. Honestly, I think every single one of you needs to get yourself a tutu. A statement tutu can just transform you from 'ordinary' to 'extraordinary.' In fact, wouldn’t it be fab if we all went out one day all in tutus?

Getting to Gateshead was a delight. It just so happened to be the day of the Royal Ascot Races, so you know what I did? Of course, I jumped on a horse-drawn carriage and enjoyed a thrilling, wind-in-my-hair ride! Imagine, galloping through the Derbyshire countryside in my red tutu! It was simply breathtaking and made my heart soar. What a perfect day! The carriage was beautifully decked out in vibrant, feminine colours with velvet cushions. The horses were so graceful. There’s something magical about them that really lifts your spirits.

Then, arriving at the Gateshead train station, I knew it was going to be an unforgettable experience! Everything is so vibrant! They have an amazing pink flower display. Imagine an entire flower garden dedicated to pink! That is exactly my vibe, and they didn’t hold back, just the best shade of pink you’ve ever seen. This is a dream place! Oh, my gorgeous friends, you've simply got to add this place to your travel list! Pink everywhere. Just fantastic.

Now, it wouldn't be a proper trip for Emma if I didn't incorporate some ballet magic! You know how much I adore a ballet performance. It's in my DNA, folks! This beautiful city boasts a charming little theatre, which, just by chance, had an incredible dance showcase featuring an acclaimed troupe. Their choreography was breathtaking, and they danced with so much grace and elegance, like butterflies fluttering through the air! Each move felt so perfectly crafted; I was mesmerized by their artistry and the energy they radiated!

My favourite dance routine involved four dancers. Each was wearing an individual colour and all wore a single, single colour, perfectly matched pink tutu, just like the flowers outside the station! How incredible is that? They danced with a fluidity, with such perfection. There were some gorgeous plies and graceful leaps; a captivating whirlwind of movements, that lifted my soul. It reminded me of why ballet is so close to my heart.

But wait, it gets better! Right after the dance, there was this fabulous opportunity to have a go at a ballet class. It was just outside the theatre, under the watchful gaze of a truly lovely and inspiring teacher! Now, I am not exactly the world's most gifted dancer, let’s just say I'm working on my skills! The lesson started with a barre exercise to stretch our muscles and refine our technique, It helped improve my coordination. Everyone in the class was smiling; it was such a fun atmosphere and made me realize how ballet really can bring people together! It really doesn’t matter how skilled you are. The only thing that matters is giving it a go. I honestly think we could all use some extra twirling in our lives.

And guess what, my dearest lovelies? While we're on the subject of beauty, I have to tell you about the most exquisite little café, situated just a hop, skip, and jump away from the theatre! This adorable little cafe felt like a piece of paradise. Pink, white, and floral fabrics; there was also a stunning, vibrant flower wall - perfect for photos! There was an array of teas, coffees and decadent treats with lots of colourful icing! This sweet indulgence fueled me for the rest of the day! They had the cutest collection of teacups. I just had to get a picture of my cup and my gorgeous pink tutu for you all!

I then decided to wander along the riverside. It is the perfect place to enjoy a bit of solitude. The river Tyne, it truly feels alive, a shimmering ribbon winding its way through this vibrant city! And with its peaceful presence and gently rippling waves, it makes me feel instantly relaxed. I had a picnic by the riverside under the warm glow of the setting sun, the golden hour was so calming and peaceful and felt very special! Oh, to be by the water. It felt very spiritual! And if I closed my eyes I could imagine myself in the world of “The Swan Lake” (which you will know I am mad about and love dancing in) – graceful swan’s moving elegantly in a rhythmic ballet on the river. I honestly think I may write that story at some point
 watch this space

While I enjoyed the city and its vibrancy, there's always an important spot in my heart for our furry friends! Now, if you follow me, you know I love nature, animals and getting outdoors - even on an adventure! In Gateshead, I found a very special, charming Wildlife Park that's definitely worth visiting!

The place was abuzz with activity, a delightful tapestry of wildlife from all walks of the earth. They had this wonderful, charming resident cat, which was so fluffy and had such piercing green eyes. My new best friend for an hour! The cheeky little feline was a little shy at first, but eventually allowed me to pat him on the head. It’s amazing the connection we can make with wildlife. Even more incredible, they had this majestic looking peacock, looking fabulous, perched on a wall! It struck a pose with its amazing feathery crown - a true queen of the animal world. Such magnificent colours and textures! These birds always captivate my soul!

After my animal encounter, I knew it was time to venture into the bustling streets of Gateshead and take in the amazing architecture. I wandered, letting the vibrant energy of the city envelop me as I browsed the boutiques and vintage shops. This place has such amazing independent businesses! I found this amazing antique store and the staff were so knowledgeable and friendly! In my hour there, I picked up some unique, one-off fashion accessories for my collection! The perfect souvenirs! It's those unique finds and one-off treasures that really make travel a treasure hunt! And trust me, I never say no to an op-shop visit for some quirky bargains! I bought this incredible vintage clutch that I knew would make my little red tutu blush!

But the day wasn’t over yet! After all, every single day should end with some delicious cuisine. After searching for a place that fitted my aesthetic, I found an independent restaurant that totally exceeded my expectations! They were even having a special pink gin and tonic offer on, which felt like it was tailor made for my travel day, It just felt destined! My journey to Gateshead, just wouldn't have been the same without it. They had some seriously delicious, home cooked food. I am a massive foodie and so much prefer independent places.

So, there you have it! Another day filled with adventures in a fabulous city! If you're a fan of pink, vibrant energy and just love a good time, this has to be on your list! Oh, and before I leave you to plan your travels! Just promise me, everyone will join me on my mission to wear pink tutus in public. Everyone, come on, what are you waiting for!

Join me on www.pink-tutu.com for daily blog posts - filled with fabulous photos, pink delights, and all things extraordinary! Until next time, happy travels and never be afraid to be the colourful person you’re born to be!

Ciao my dearies! xx

#TutuBlog 2023-06-19 in Gateshead with a red tutu.