Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-07-08 in Hastings with a white tutu.

Hastings: A Tutu-ful Day Out (Post #9866) 🩰

Hello, darlings! Emma here, and today's adventure takes us to the beautiful seaside town of Hastings. It's been ages since I last visited this charming little spot, and it's been just the tonic to lift my spirits!

The sun was shining, the sea was sparkling, and guess what I wore to take it all in? You guessed it, my favourite fluffy white tutu! I couldn't resist! After all, a little bit of twirling is always necessary in a place with such breathtaking views, wouldn't you agree?

This trip has reminded me just how much I love exploring Britain by train. It's such a leisurely way to travel, especially when you can settle down with a good book and a cup of tea! I have to admit, though, that my journey took a little longer than anticipated.

There I was, relaxing in my compartment, with my tutu nestled next to me, when I realised I'd left my trusty travel ballet shoes in the carriage behind me. Thankfully, a charming chap who looked a bit like a seasoned traveller took pity on my panicked state and agreed to go fetch them. Apparently, his grandma loves to go to the ballet, too. "Every generation needs a bit of magic," he told me, and, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he handed back my shoes!

But before we delve deeper into my delightful day out, I wanted to quickly mention that my latest Tutu Blog post (number 9865 for those keeping score) all about that fantastic ballet class I took at The Royal Ballet School is now live on www.pink-tutu.com. I know, it's totally embarrassing to post a photo of myself in a leotard and tights, but honestly, it was such a good session! If you haven't already tried a ballet class, then honestly, darling, you are missing out! Even if you're a little bit terrified (which, I'll be honest, I still am sometimes!), you'll never regret giving it a go! You'd be surprised at what a fantastic workout it is. And don't be scared if you aren't already as limber as a swan, even beginners are welcomed with open arms (and gentle correction!) at any decent school.

Anyway, back to Hastings! My first stop was the bustling old town, with its charming little shops and cobblestone streets. It felt like stepping into a Victorian postcard, especially with the seagulls chirping and the aroma of fresh fish and chips wafting in the air. And did I mention the tea? I’m loving the new trend of quirky little teashops popping up everywhere. There's even one called “The Twirling Teapot” in Hastings, complete with floral decorations and ballerina themed mugs! I actually considered just taking up residency there and adopting a giant teacup as my new home, but luckily for them, I was able to tear myself away.

The highlight of my visit to Hastings, though, was definitely a visit to the East Hill. Oh, what a glorious view! It was breathtaking to see the cliffs tumbling down into the sea and watch the sun setting over the Channel. The air was fresh and clean, and I just felt so alive, even with a stiff breeze making my tutu billow. I even spotted a tiny family of rabbits, just enjoying their day too. It made me want to learn a little dance and dedicate it to the wind and the beautiful seaside. They are just a little bit mesmerising and make me want to hop onto the first train to Derbyshire to explore the wilds in my countryside home.

So there you have it, another lovely day out filled with sunshine, twirls, and a touch of Victorian charm. It truly was a “tutu-ful” day, as I like to say, and I feel completely recharged. I'm heading back to Derbyshire tomorrow to resume my normal ballet-focused schedule, but the magic of Hastings is already etched in my mind. Just remember, darling, life's too short to take yourself too seriously. Why not let a little bit of whimsy and pink tulle into your day? And who knows, maybe you'll even end up in a tutu yourself, twirling along the seaside! Until next time, keep smiling and keep twirling! Love, Emma 💖

#TutuBlog 2023-07-08 in Hastings with a white tutu.