Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-07-12 in Chester with a bright pink tutu.

Chester, Oh Chester! Tutu Adventures in the City of Walls! (Post #9870) 🩰💖

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, your resident tutu enthusiast, and I’m practically bouncing with excitement to share my latest adventures! This time, I swapped my Derbyshire meadows for the charming city of Chester, a place brimming with history, cute cafes, and – gasp – an entire street dedicated to pink! Did I mention pink?! 💅✨

Before I tell you all about the pink wonderland that awaited me in Chester, let me tell you about my mode of transportation – the most glamorous way to travel, in my opinion! Imagine rolling up to the station in my shimmering pink tutu (today’s selection is a fluffy confection with a silver sequined belt) and stepping aboard a vintage steam train! I truly believe that travelling by train allows you to absorb the scenery at a leisurely pace and truly appreciate the countryside. 🚂🌸

Upon my arrival, Chester welcomed me with open arms (and a healthy dose of Tudor charm). My first order of business was, of course, to find the pinkest place imaginable – and let me tell you, the quest was short-lived. Tucked away in a cobbled courtyard, I discovered the “Pink Lady” – a tea shop fit for a princess! Walls painted the colour of candy floss, a pastel pink floral tablecloth, and oh-so-pretty pink cakes! Honestly, you couldn't ask for a more Instagrammable (and delicious!) afternoon tea. 🍰

Of course, my journey wouldn't be complete without a proper ballet experience, so I headed to Chester’s historic theatre. Stepping inside was like stepping back in time – high vaulted ceilings, plush velvet seats, and the most gorgeous chandelier you can imagine. It was a real theatrical feast for the eyes! That evening, the dance company showcased a stunning ballet with vibrant costumes and dynamic choreography that took my breath away. I’m still humming the music, even now. 💃🌟

The next morning, I embarked on a thrilling horse ride through the Cheshire countryside. There’s something incredibly liberating about feeling the wind in your hair and the rhythm of a horse’s hooves beneath you. Our journey took us along rolling hills dotted with quaint villages, a perfect backdrop for my tulle-filled photographs! It was the ideal way to get my heart pumping before taking a ballet class at the local dance studio. 🐴

Speaking of ballet, have you tried Ballet Street? I discovered this vibrant style recently, and I’m absolutely smitten! It’s all about combining classical ballet moves with contemporary style, street dance, and urban elements – perfect for bringing a touch of fun and personality to your dance. The class was so much fun – we danced our way through urban choreography, incorporated hip-hop moves, and ended with a breathtakingly graceful sequence. 👟💃

My time in Chester was an absolute delight! I discovered new hidden gems, danced like a dream, and got my daily dose of pink perfection. If you’re looking for a weekend escape that combines history, beauty, and a dash of pink sparkle, then Chester should be at the top of your list. Don't forget to bring your tutu! 😉

And now, for my weekly message: let’s break down the barriers and bring a little magic into everyone’s lives with ballet and a dash of pink. Imagine a world where everyone dares to twirl! ✨ Let’s keep spreading the pink love, my lovelies! 💕

Don't forget to check back tomorrow for another exciting adventure.


Emma x

#TutuBlog 2023-07-12 in Chester with a bright pink tutu.