Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-07-11 in Hartlepool with a cyan tutu.

Hartlepool: A Teal Twirl in the North

Post 9869 - www.pink-tutu.com

Oh, hello lovelies! It’s Emma here, back from a whirlwind adventure to the charming coastal town of Hartlepool! Yes, I swapped my Derbyshire dales for the North Sea breeze, and guess what? It was absolutely fabulous! I even managed to fit a dash of ballet into this trip - it wouldn’t be a true Pink Tutu adventure without it!

This post marks a little milestone for me. A whopping 9869 posts on my little blog! Thank you, all you amazing Pink Tutu lovers, for sticking with me on this whirlwind journey of tutus, travels and all things twirly. You are my biggest inspiration!

This trip was all about stepping out of my comfort zone a little. I’ve always had a soft spot for trains, but sometimes I fancy a change of pace. So this time, I decided to go a bit old-school. You know, a good, old-fashioned gallop through the countryside! It wasn’t just any ride, either; it was a breathtaking horse-drawn carriage experience through the rolling hills of North Yorkshire. My heart soared along with the birds, the air crisp against my cheek and the rhythmic clop-clop of the horses’ hooves resonating like a melody. And, of course, what's a carriage ride without a perfectly-pink tutu? Mine was a shade I like to call 'Pink Champagne,' and it just shimmered in the sunlight! It’s not often I have a pink tutu on when travelling by horse and carriage, you know. This really was a moment to cherish.

Now, I wouldn’t be true to myself if I didn’t talk about the absolutely divine ballet company I saw in Hartlepool! These dancers were breathtaking, gliding across the stage with such grace and power. It was a real treat to be transported into a world of beautiful storytelling and powerful movement. They actually inspired me to take a little class while I was in town. Finding a space to twirl was an absolute joy, the perfect opportunity to shake off some travel kinks and get my feet back in the game. I know it sounds crazy, but there's nothing quite like a ballet barre to get your creative juices flowing after a journey, don’t you agree?

My trusty ballet bag was, of course, laden with an extra-special tutu. I wanted something a bit more adventurous for this coastal trip. It had to be something a little bit bolder. So, what did I pack? Well, let’s just say a gorgeous teal tutu that perfectly matched the vastness of the North Sea! It was absolutely mesmerising against the dramatic backdrop of the coastal cliffs and the turquoise waves. Every twirl I took was a celebration of freedom, the wind whispering secrets in my ears. It felt like dancing on the edge of the world, with nothing but the vast ocean in front of me!

One of my absolute favourite parts of Hartlepool? The wildlife! Honestly, this place is a paradise for nature lovers. We spotted a whole family of seals basking on the rocks just a few miles from the town. Imagine the scene – the smell of salt air, the playful cries of the seals, the shimmering water. I just couldn't resist a little twirl on the beach! Imagine a tutu-clad dancer amidst a backdrop of playful seals – it was picture-perfect! They weren’t shy, either, these playful creatures! They were happy to pose for pictures, and the sunlight catching their shiny, wet coats was magical. They were truly the most delightful beach companions, and a perfect reminder that there's so much beauty to be found in the simple things, you know?

You’re probably thinking, how can I be on a solo trip and also manage a seaside excursion with seals?! Well, that’s what’s so amazing about Hartlepool - it’s small enough to make exploring a doddle. Everything’s easily accessible, which made my solo adventures all the more enjoyable! I just popped my head into some local cafes and restaurants, had delightful conversations with fellow travelers and locals alike. And, honestly, the conversations always seem to flow better when you’re dressed in a vibrant tutu, don't you think? I think my turquoise tutu definitely sparked up a few smiles during those chats. After all, a pink tutu has a magical way of connecting people and making the world just a little brighter, right?

Now, Hartlepool might not be the most obvious destination for a tutu-loving ballerina, but that's what makes it so much fun! It's those unexpected adventures that often lead to the most incredible experiences. My stay there reminded me that adventure is about finding magic in the mundane, a simple truth we all need to be reminded of sometimes. I discovered stunning landscapes, delightful wildlife encounters and, most importantly, the magic of discovering somewhere new in a tutu!

Oh, and by the way, have you been following the #pinktutuchallenge? I'm hoping to see you all taking a twirl in a pink tutu, anywhere and everywhere! After all, who says that tutu magic should stay confined to the dance studio? The world needs more pink tutus! If you are rocking a pink tutu, be sure to share your photos and stories on social media! And don’t forget to tag #pinktutuchallenge!

Until next time, keep twirling!

Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2023-07-11 in Hartlepool with a cyan tutu.