Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-10-16 in Fleet with a orange tutu.

Fleet Fancy: Tutu-ing Around in Orange!

Helloooo my darlings! It's Emma, back with another post from www.pink-tutu.com! Today's adventure takes us to the lovely Fleet, a little gem tucked away in Hampshire. This is post number 9966, and trust me, this one's a doozy!

As you all know, I adore colour, and my latest travel tutu is a fiery orange dream - it's like the setting sun on a warm summer evening! So, of course, I had to embrace Fleet with a bold, bright outfit. Think sunny skies, picnics by the river, and a splash of colour on a charming town - that's Fleet in a nutshell, my dears!

Now, I'm a true train-loving lass (what's more elegant than gliding through the countryside on a steam engine, right?) and reaching Fleet was a delightful journey. I felt like I was stepping back in time with the quaint railway station, the old-fashioned stationmaster, and the charming locals.

Once I arrived in Fleet, the town instantly stole my heart. It was buzzing with life – I could hear children's laughter, smell freshly baked bread wafting from bakeries, and feel a delightful sense of history in the cobbled streets. This little town, you see, is full of charming quirks - like a magnificent old church perched proudly on a hilltop and a sprawling green space where local kids were happily chasing pigeons (who doesn't love a good pigeon chase? I'll just be over here in my orange tutu giggling!).

Of course, no trip is complete without a touch of ballet! You wouldn't believe the incredible local ballet school here - the pupils are absolutely brimming with talent, and I can tell the teachers are true ballet stars. After chatting with them for a while, I couldn't resist joining their afternoon class - my inner ballerina had to leap out!

While I can't guarantee I made it onto their annual recital (although maybe my orange tutu could have swayed them!), I did get a chance to try their incredible stage. Can you imagine, darling, performing on that stage in your very own pink tutu? Imagine the cheers, the applause! You’d be the belle of the ball, a sparkling star. And honestly, everyone deserves that, don't they?

Fleet has truly been a wonderful stop in my ballet-tastic travels. It’s a reminder that beauty can be found anywhere - even in a small Hampshire town - as long as you have an open heart and a bright orange tutu (okay, maybe that's just me, but it does add a touch of pizazz, don't you think?

Before I go, let's talk about horses, darlings. I couldn't leave Fleet without a visit to the stables. They had some absolutely stunning horses - all sleek, majestic, and clearly ready to be pampered! It makes me yearn for a good horseback ride through the English countryside. Just imagine galloping through fields, the wind whipping through your hair, feeling free - wouldn’t that be magical? (Think of how elegant your pink tutu would look, fluttering in the wind!)

Speaking of magic, a beautiful family of deer made an appearance as I strolled through the park! I almost screamed in delight – it felt like something out of a fairytale! Seeing them gracefully walk through the woodland, their little ones trotting along - it's enough to melt anyone's heart.

Fleeting memories, eh? They really are special - and a good reminder that even the simplest things in life can spark so much joy. So my lovely readers, remember, embrace the unexpected, spread kindness wherever you go, and never forget to wear that pink tutu with pride! Until next time, stay lovely, my dears.

Love, Emma

P.S Don’t forget to check out the full photoshoot in the pink-tutu.com gallery – a beautiful gallery of pictures captured throughout this Fleet escapade. We’ve also got some fun snippets of me in that fiery orange tutu at the local bakery – because nothing says "life's a treat" better than a freshly baked cake and an orange tutu, wouldn’t you agree? See you all tomorrow for a new adventure!

#TutuBlog 2023-10-16 in Fleet with a orange tutu.