Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-11-30 in Huyton with a american style tutu.

Huyton Calling! 🩰 Pink Tutu Takes on the North West

#TutuBlog Post #10011 - 30th November, 2023

Hello darlings! Emma here, your pink tutu-clad travel buddy, reporting live from the charming town of Huyton! Today’s adventure? Well, it’s all about a classic British experience, but with a pink twist. Think afternoon tea with a side of tutus. Sound good? I knew you’d agree!

Let’s rewind. I’ve been buzzing with excitement all week for this trip. I love exploring the North West, and Huyton always seems to have this unique, almost mystical, charm. And what better way to immerse yourself in the local culture than to start with a dose of tradition? Afternoon tea, here I come!

But wait! Just your average scone and sandwich affair? Not on your life! This pink tutu traveller isn’t going to just sip her way through the afternoon. We’re talking full on fabulous! That's right, my trusty American-style pink tutu is coming along for the ride. Who says tea time needs to be dull? I think this vibrant pink will bring a little bit of the stage to Huyton’s cosy cafes!

The Journey to Huyton

This time, I decided to take the scenic route, a long and lovely train journey from my home in Derbyshire. The journey is part of the experience, don’t you think? You get to watch the world whizz by, imagine the stories each passerby holds, and maybe even spy some charming little villages nestled in the countryside. There's something magical about train travel - it sparks the imagination, just like ballet!

Arriving at Huyton station, the first thing I noticed was the beautiful, red brick architecture. You wouldn’t know you were so close to a bustling city, just rolling green hills and historic charm! It felt a little like stepping back in time, but in the best way possible.

Afternoon Tea & Tutu-tastic Delights!

Now, the main event! The café I had my eye on is a tiny treasure tucked away in a quiet street. The moment I stepped in, I knew it was perfect for my pink tutu adventure. It was cosy, quaint, and the staff had a friendly warmth that reminded me of home. I’d say it’s the sort of place where you’d be forgiven for staying a while - especially when the teapot is filled to the brim!

The teapot was already warm when it landed on my table, ready for a delightful English tea party, just waiting for its dainty scones, finger sandwiches and cakes to arrive. They were divine! The cream, as always, was lusciously whipped, the strawberry jam bursting with sweetness, and the scones... let's just say, they were crumbly enough to satisfy a true tea aficionado! I swear, I even found myself thinking, “If these scones could do pliés, I think they would be incredible at it!” (And I really hope that doesn’t make me sound odd... 😅)

Of course, my pink tutu made its appearance as soon as the tea came! And, just as I suspected, the staff were absolutely charmed by it! There was genuine joy in their faces - not the awkward kind of amusement you’d get in some cafes! These lovely ladies actually loved it. You could see the little twinkle in their eyes!

As I sipped my Earl Grey and savoured the sweet and savoury treats, a little girl and her grandmother sat at a nearby table. The little girl, I swear, could barely contain her excitement! She pointed to my pink tutu, eyes wide with awe, and giggled excitedly. In a flash, her granny had slipped on her pink beret, a smile blooming across her face! We had a little giggle together and, if you believe me, it was the sweetest moment of the day! I’ve said it before, and I'll say it again, tutus truly do bring joy to everyone!

A Ballet Journey Continues

Even in the charmingly traditional world of Huyton, you can still find a spark of creativity! After tea, I decided to explore the town a bit. And what did I discover? A small theatre, just bursting with personality! I could almost feel the vibrant energy pulsing through the worn wooden doors! The next few weeks are dedicated to performances of "A Midsummer Night's Dream,” and my inner ballet girl is positively bursting!

Seeing this theatre and the passion within its walls truly reminded me of how important it is to stay true to yourself. Just like these performers, who bravely chase their dreams on the stage, I aim to continue bringing a little bit of magic to the world, one pink tutu step at a time.

Speaking of steps, my journey continues! The next destination on my tutu travel itinerary? Well, that’s a little surprise. Let's just say it’ll involve a whole lot of pink, maybe some horses, and definitely a dose of the ballet! But that’s a tale for another #TutuBlog, darlings!

For now, keep dancing and remember: never underestimate the power of pink tutus and a sprinkle of imagination.

Until next time,

Emma 💖

#TutuBlog 2023-11-30 in Huyton with a american style tutu.