Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-12-02 in Trowbridge with a german tutu.

Trowbridge Twirls: Pink Tutu Travels, Post #10013

Hello my lovely tutu-twirling friends! Emma here, back with another installment from my whimsical journey across the UK! I know you all just love a good train ride and today was no different! Oh, the delightful clatter of wheels and the calming chug-chugging sound of the engine. It just calls for a perfect, pink outfit, don't you think? But enough about trains...

Today I'm bringing you some vibrant tales from beautiful Trowbridge in Wiltshire. Did you know Trowbridge is known for its stunning canal, the River Avon, and its delightful art scene? This little town just screams "balletic charm!" and so I just had to stop by.

You know me - always on the lookout for fabulous tutus and elegant accessories. Today's look is a masterpiece, a creation from Germany itself! It's a masterpiece of intricate floral embroidery, woven with delicate strands of shimmery gold. It's the perfect blend of fairytale princess and whimsical ballet dancer, just how I like it. And what colour is it, you ask? Well, let me tell you - this tutu is a glorious pink paradise, blooming with shades that dance in the light like delicate roses. And of course, I paired it with my favourite little pink straw boater hat.

A Whirl Through the History of Trowbridge:

But enough about my ensemble! Trowbridge was an absolute dream. The canal was sparkling, reflecting the warm autumn sunshine in a million shimmering hues. Just imagine all those beautiful, graceful swans gliding on the surface. It was like a balletic performance right there on the water!

Speaking of graceful, Trowbridge has such a captivating history! The town has played a role in the British textile industry since the 15th century! This was no ordinary town - it was where all the best wool was woven! It almost felt like dancing into the past as I explored the historical streets and stumbled upon a charming little antique shop bursting with treasures.

I even caught a performance by a local theatre company. A classic story set in the time of the woolen trade - it was just captivating! The actors' graceful movements and the haunting score were captivating! I was captivated and thought about how these early performers might have worn their own version of the pink tutu for special occasions. I wondered about their stories and felt so connected to them all those years later.

Ballet By the River

In the afternoon, I stumbled upon a hidden gem: a small outdoor ballet school right on the riverbank. I just couldn't resist the opportunity to stretch my legs! The students, mostly young children with boundless energy, were learning basic pirouettes. Their faces were filled with the joy of dancing. You can just imagine, couldn't you, the feeling of effortless movement, the grace of their leaps? Ballet isn't just about the physical act. It's about finding beauty in movement, it's about self-expression.

I have to confess, I couldn't resist the temptation and took a short ballet lesson myself. We did some simple plies and focused on balancing and posture. It's always such a joy to remember my roots and let my body move with that graceful, controlled precision.

The Little Pink Flamingo

My favourite moment came after the ballet class when I went on a long, leisurely stroll around the town. In the afternoon sunshine, I found this little gift shop crammed with beautiful little trinkets. It had everything a fashion-loving ballet dancer could desire - tutus, of course, but also beautiful handmade earrings and delightful miniature figurines.

And then, I saw it.

The most enchanting pink flamingo I have ever seen in my life! It wasn't your typical flamingo with the plastic body and the unblinking eye. No. This was a little wonder of exquisite detail. It was carved from hand-painted wood and had this graceful, delicate stance - so very reminiscent of ballet! The little flamingo was an instant purchase! I think he's my new ballet companion.

Tutu-Travel Tip: Horses on the Run

So here’s a tip for you lovely lot who also want to journey on your pink tutu travels! I found a charming stable close to the town. I thought it would be such fun to take a pony ride to explore the picturesque Wiltshire countryside. But alas, the horses had been playing in the nearby meadows and couldn’t be found for love nor money. However, my tutu-twirling friends - I learned something important on this trip!

And now you’ll know my little secret too:

Sometimes it’s not about getting there, it’s about being present! Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. Just like in ballet, it's not always about the destination but about enjoying the journey and finding those little magical moments along the way.

So if you ever find yourselves near a magical town, remember:

Let your tutu do the talking,

Have a delightful day,


Tutu-ly dance on.

Yours, in pink tutus,


#TutuBlog 2023-12-02 in Trowbridge with a german tutu.