Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2023-12-21 in Kendal with a black tutu.

Kendal Calling: Tutu-ing Around the Lake District

Blog Post #10032

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, your pink tutu-clad guide to all things twirly and delightful. And guess what? I'm off on another adventure! This time, I've swapped the rolling hills of Derbyshire for the majestic Lake District, and guess what I'm wearing? Yep, you guessed it – a gorgeous black tutu, perfect for a day of exploring!

Train Journeys and Tutu Dreams

I must confess, the train journey to Kendal was almost as exciting as the destination itself. It was like stepping into a romantic novel. The sun was shining, the fields were bathed in golden light, and I was surrounded by dreamy countryside scenes. Of course, my trusty tutu bag was perched beside me, waiting to be unpacked for the day’s adventures. I even had a chat with a lovely gentleman who was intrigued by my pink tulle, which sparked a great conversation about dance, travel, and the joys of a good old-fashioned adventure!

A Stroll Around Kendal's Charm

Kendal itself was utterly charming, with cobbled streets, quaint little shops, and enough coffee shops to keep me fuelled for a week of ballet dreaming. After finding the most adorable pink cupcake (because I always try to add a little bit of pink to my adventures, even if it's just in a cupcake!), I wandered towards Kendal Castle, my black tutu flowing like a ribbon in the breeze. The castle was majestic, but what truly stole my heart was the view of the surrounding Lake District hills. I closed my eyes, imagined I was on stage, and took a little twirl – just a small one, of course, so I wouldn’t upset any of the castle's inhabitants!

Wildlife Wonder

Since this is the Lake District, I couldn't resist a walk in the wild, tutu and all! The beautiful trails winding around Rydal Water were like something out of a fairytale, and I even spotted some fluffy lambs bouncing through the fields. Seeing the nature all around, the vast open space and those majestic mountains… it inspired me! It’s hard not to feel the creative energy swirling around you in a place like this. And, yes, it even inspired me to start thinking about my next tutu-inspired design – one that perfectly embodies the peace and majesty of this incredible region. I’ll have to find the perfect shade of green for the new tutu!

Ballet by the Lakes

No trip to Kendal is complete without a little bit of culture, so I booked tickets to a performance of the English National Ballet at the beautiful Lake District Summer Theatre. The venue itself was gorgeous, set against the backdrop of rolling hills and glistening water. And the ballet, oh the ballet! It was a modern piece with such incredible energy, passion, and athleticism. I’ve always been a fan of classical ballet, but I’m finding myself loving these more contemporary interpretations. Watching them glide across the stage, with such elegance and power, made me want to leap right onto the stage and join them. I can’t help it - ballet is in my blood.

Tutu Therapy: An Evening Under the Stars

After the show, I couldn’t resist a long, lazy stroll back to my hotel, my black tutu twirling with me. It was a glorious night, the sky full of twinkling stars. I stood on a hill overlooking the lake, letting the cool night air blow through my hair, feeling so peaceful and grateful. Being out in nature like this, just letting the world unfold around me… it's such a powerful thing for the mind, body and soul.

Finding Your Inner Ballerina

As I tucked myself into bed, my tutu dreams spinning through my head, I was reminded once again why I love traveling so much. It opens your mind, your spirit, and makes you see the world in a whole new light. I can’t wait to see what the next day brings!

Remember, darlings, you don’t need to be a professional dancer to appreciate ballet or even a tutu. Just a little bit of grace, a touch of whimsical spirit and a love of life will do! Embrace your inner ballerina, no matter where you are.

And remember to always follow your heart – and wear your pink tutus!

Lots of love,



#TutuBlog 2023-12-21 in Kendal with a black tutu.