Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2024-04-04 in Scunthorpe with a red tutu.

Scunthorpe Sparkle: A Red Tutu Adventure (Post #10137)

Hello my beautiful ballet bunnies! It's Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing travel blogger, coming to you live from the vibrant and unexpected town of Scunthorpe!

I'm always up for a challenge, and this week's was a real head-spinner. Can you believe I'd never been to Scunthorpe before? It’s definitely not on the traditional ballet dancer’s map, but trust me, it’s brimming with unexpected charm. I know you all love my pink tutus, so imagine my surprise when I discovered a whole world of colour and personality waiting for me in Scunthorpe. Let’s just say, a certain shade of red has been stealing my heart!

I’ll admit, when I initially thought of travelling to Scunthorpe, it wasn't a dream destination, but I’m all about exploring new horizons! It’s all about embracing the unknown and discovering the beauty that exists beyond our usual routines, even when it means getting out of your comfort zone! This week’s adventure saw me swapping my usual train travel for a romantic, nostalgic journey by horse-drawn carriage.

My journey started in Derbyshire, my beautiful home county, where I hopped aboard a carriage adorned with ribbons and lace, complete with a handsome, strong horse. You’ve gotta experience this; it's the most romantic way to travel, truly. As I rode through the countryside, I couldn't help but feel like a princess from a fairy tale, my imagination running wild as the wind whipped through my hair.

It was definitely a different kind of travel than I'm used to. No speeding train, no loud announcements, no jostling for a seat. It was pure peace, pure nature, and an exhilarating sensation I'll never forget! Even better, the journey took me through stunning fields brimming with wildflowers. Nature is so powerful; the simple sight of a wildflower meadow filled me with so much joy!

Reaching Scunthorpe was a bit of a shock, but in the best way! The air had a bit more industry in it, with a touch of that Northern grit I admire. Yet, there was still a friendly warmth about the place, like everyone's just waiting for an excuse to crack a joke and share a good time. It was refreshing and unexpected, like finding a secret garden in the middle of the city.

The highlight of my visit, of course, was the ballet performance I was lucky enough to catch. There's something so magical about watching ballet in an intimate space. I found a beautifully restored theatre tucked away, radiating a history I couldn't help but be captivated by. And then, there was the dance performance itself. It was modern, raw, and oh-so-emotional. They even used some pretty unconventional materials - imagine, wire and metal being incorporated into their choreography. So unexpected, so striking, and totally memorable!

As for the red tutu… it was love at first sight. You all know my love for pink, and I will forever be a loyal pink-tutu devotee. But this red number, it had such a vibrancy! This rich scarlet against the backdrop of the theatre, with a dash of glittery detailing on the skirt? Absolutely fabulous! I practically did a pirouette in the street when I spotted it! Sometimes you just gotta embrace the unexpected, you know? This red tutu reminded me to step outside of my comfort zone, embrace new colours, and keep things fresh and exciting!

Beyond the theatre, Scunthorpe truly offered so many hidden treasures! The town centre buzzed with local businesses – there were independent boutiques, vibrant art galleries, a cosy tea shop where I found the most amazing lemon meringue pie (I highly recommend!), and even a charming bookstore overflowing with vintage novels.

As always, I'm here to spread my ballet love wherever I go, and I saw some fabulous opportunities in Scunthorpe! There was a charming little dance studio offering beginner ballet classes – I can only dream of bringing a pink tutu wave to this town! But here’s my secret - even if you’re not into full-on ballerina moves, just a bit of twirling or jumping and stretching is wonderful exercise, great for strengthening muscles, and super fun. Give it a go, trust me!

But this post wouldn’t be complete without a little bit of wildlife, because let’s face it, any trip is more magical with a touch of furry friends! I went on an enchanting woodland walk and, while I didn't spot a fluffy, red fox, I did see a flock of robins with their dazzlingly bright breast feathers, which brightened up the afternoon.

In closing, I’ll say this, Scunthorpe – I fell for your heart of gold and you’re going straight to the top of my ‘must-visit’ list! Who knew this small town could hold so much personality and charm? The vibrancy of the place left me inspired and ready for my next adventure, in my (slightly less pink) but fabulous red tutu!

Until next time, darling dancers, keep twirling, stay strong, and never stop exploring. Remember, it’s all about embracing new experiences, embracing those bold new colours, and spreading the ballet love everywhere you go! And don’t forget – if you’ve never tried a pink tutu, maybe this is the perfect excuse. ;)

Happy dancing, Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2024-04-04 in Scunthorpe with a red tutu.