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Oh, darling, can you believe it's May already? The sun's finally decided to show its face and, thank goodness, my summer wardrobe is finally seeing the light of day! Of course, darling, I wouldn't dream of being caught out in the sun without my Chanel sunglasses and a hat from Lock & Co. They make all the difference, don't you think? But it's not all about the glamour, you know, although the London Ballet season, kicking off this month, will certainly provide that.

Speaking of glamour, oh my, did you see **"Swan Lake"** in London's Coliseum last week? The Royal Ballet was simply exquisite! And that Anya! A true vision, she was. She managed to be so fragile, so ethereal yet powerful in the second act, quite a feat. One simply doesn't find ballerinas of her caliber these days!

I adored her costumes. Darling, you've got to see them. Absolutely exquisite, I tell you. Just picture: white, pure white, the finest silk, swirling and twirling as Anya herself, spun around the stage. It's like seeing the very essence of beauty in motion! And those costumes weren't the only highlight of the evening, of course, although it's difficult to talk about the performance without mentioning the music, Tchaikovsky at his most divine. I simply wept, darling, during the famous pas de deux. It was, I swear, a moment of pure bliss.

But of course, the season wouldn't be complete without some **contemporary dance**. A little edgy, don't you think? I know a certain age group can't get enough of it! But let's be honest, darling, there's just something magical about the classic, don't you agree? And **"La Sylphide"** will surely fill the gaps if you are feeling a bit underwhelmed by contemporary dance. They'll be presenting **"La Sylphide"** this month in the Royal Opera House. Now that's something to really get excited about! The staging, oh my, you simply have to see it! You'll be transported, my dear, to another world.

Speaking of other worlds, darling, did you catch the *new* version of **"Giselle"** presented by the Royal Ballet in Birmingham last month? A truly ambitious undertaking. A completely new choreography by Frederick Ashton himself. It really took my breath away. But then again, what else could one expect from the genius behind *'La Fille Mal Gardée"*? The use of shadows was genius, darling, and it really added a new layer to the story. I must say, I'm glad they didn't stray too far from the original narrative. There's something truly timeless about **"Giselle"**, even if, let's face it, there's no way the story of a peasant girl's obsession with an aristocratic knight could happen these days!

Of course, the *new* version of **"Giselle"** was met with a certain amount of trepidation. You know what it's like: ballet lovers can be a fickle lot! But you simply have to admire a choreographer who takes risks. Personally, I prefer traditional dance, you know. And **"Giselle"** at the Royal Ballet is one of my very favourites. You know, back in the day, it was nothing less than a fashion icon herself. Darling, she'd always know just how to wear that flowing tulle skirt! All the talk of Giselle being "dated" is ridiculous. You can't change a classic! They could do all the changes in the world, it won't alter that, darling, Giselle has always been and will always be, in her own way, quite radical! Just look at her footwork. Absolutely flawless. A testament to the ballerina's power. You can practically see her spirit leaping off the stage.

Now, speaking of leaps, I was at the **Boston Ballet** last month for **"The Sleeping Beauty".** They presented this piece with such tenderness and joy. Simply captivating. You should be in awe of their costumes! I absolutely adore their use of colour, with soft pinks and blues for the fairies. They really were the stuff of fairytales, and I swear, my dear, they could have used fewer rhinestones. I thought there were just too many, wouldn't you agree?

Of course, it's not all about *traditional* ballet these days, is it? You simply *have* to see what the **Martha Graham Dance Company** is doing. Now, I do have to say, the company is not afraid of some good, old fashioned glamour. Their choreography has so much emotion and power behind it, even when it looks deceptively simple. Darling, they’re always putting new interpretations on classical ideas, like in their production of "The Rite of Spring," which was simply breathtaking.

But let's face it, darling, the best thing about the dance scene these days, well, besides watching Anya spin those gorgeous arabesques, is the fact that it’s truly an international phenomenon! Have you seen the performances going on at the Bolshoi in Moscow? **"Romeo and Juliet"** - divine, darling, I tell you, simply divine. Those ballerinas, my dear, have a je ne sais quoi. They look as if they were born to dance.

Of course, no trip to Moscow is complete without visiting the legendary Mariinsky. Have you heard that they're featuring **"The Nutcracker"** this month? They do the most exquisite costuming! Simply perfect. But the most wonderful thing, my dear, about attending **"The Nutcracker"** at the Mariinsky is that it always puts me in the mood to put on my favourite LBD (Little Black Dress, you know) and sip champagne in the lounge after the show! You have to remember, darling, a ballet enthusiast, even if they can’t get tickets to a performance, is always looking forward to their next cocktail and, naturally, another stunning evening gown!

In case you’re feeling a little, let's say, underwhelmed with **"The Nutcracker,"** darling, a real must see is **"Raymonda"**. It’s happening at the *Opéra Bastille* in Paris! Darling, you know, nothing could be more dramatic and elegant than watching the ballerinas at the Opéra Bastille. It's a truly dazzling show. They’re simply luminous in those costumes. The craftsmanship, the beauty, and oh darling, the romance!

This is such an exciting month, darling. All these great performances happening around the world! I know that you’re itching to make it to a couple of performances!

So many new experiences, darling. I am very much looking forward to watching the younger generation take the stage this month. These dancers, they're a sight for sore eyes, darling. You can really see how passionate they are about dance. They seem to bring new life and energy to old favorites! We're very lucky, darling, to have them, I say, to take up the baton, shall we say, as we the aging ballerinas put away our pointe shoes. That said, I am absolutely dying to go to that cocktail party thrown in honor of **Sylvie Guillem**. Darling, she's so elegant, so powerful, just truly awe-inspiring!

As always, my lovelies, it's important to stay abreast of all the fashion and art going on at these prestigious performances. And never forget, darling, nothing less than an Alexander McQueen clutch for me will suffice, you know!