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Darling, it’s August! The very air thrumming with the deliciousness of late summer. London is sweltering, but darling, I wouldn’t be anywhere else. The theatre is buzzing, and oh, my darlings, I have seen things! Things that will have you grabbing for your tickets quicker than you can say “pliĂ©.” From Paris to New York, I’ve been shimmying through the world of dance, my trusty diamantĂ© binoculars at the ready.

Paris: Where Chic Meets Cha-Cha

Ah, Paris, the City of Lights, the birthplace of so many artistic movements. This month saw a most curious offering from the esteemed Ballet de l'OpĂ©ra de Paris – a new production of *The Rite of Spring*! I tell you, the original, the Diaghilev-inspired masterpiece, has haunted me since I first saw it as a young, wide-eyed ingenue. To see it brought to life anew by a modern choreographer... Well, darling, I almost shed a tear, I did! The stage, as stark as a Parisian cafe at dawn, pulsated with raw energy. The choreography? Wild, unfettered, a whirlwind of desperate passion. I do think this production took some liberties, darling, and some might find the dance vocabulary
 unsettling. However, the sheer dramatic intensity – the primal fear, the throbbing desperation – it quite took my breath away.

After such a raw, untamed experience, I retreated, of course, to the familiar comforts of the Salle Pleyel. Here, the ethereal elegance of Rudolf Nureyev’s staging of *Giselle* never ceases to delight. The luminous, tragic story of a young peasant girl deceived by love, the hauntingly beautiful score by Adolphe Adam... *Giselle* simply transports you. The ballet unfolded, seamless and captivating, the graceful arabesques of the Wilis, those ghostly women scorned in love, bringing tears to the most cynical eye. I tell you, my darlings, watching this, I felt as though I had stepped into a watercolour, the colours, the movement so breathtakingly tender, so tragically beautiful.

New York: A Kaleidoscope of Dreams

Off to New York, the city that never sleeps, but can be quite cruel to its ballet stars! I always enjoy watching American Ballet Theatre's productions at the Metropolitan Opera House. This year, *Swan Lake* with that magnificent ballerina, Sylvie Guillem, proved a mesmerising experience. It’s as though she conjured Tchaikovsky’s sublime score from the very air. Her portrayal of the tragic Odette, caught in the cruel spell of Von Rothbart, was heart-wrenching. The transition from the innocent white swan to the brooding, black swan, was absolutely magical. Each pas de deux felt infused with genuine pathos, leaving me breathless and wanting more.

After *Swan Lake*’s dramatic intensity, it was lovely to watch a bit of fun and frivolity in the form of a production of *Coppelia*. The New York City Ballet brought to life the playful charm of the story, all brightly coloured tutus, charming comic routines and that delightfully absurd mechanical doll! The dancing, exuberant and energetic, truly captivated my audience of the season!

Moscow: The Soul of Russia

Next, it was time for a visit to Moscow. No ballet lover’s journey can be complete without experiencing the grandeur and magic of the Bolshoi! It was at the Bolshoi, darlings, where I first felt the thrill of live performance – *Swan Lake*, oh the emotion! And it was this legendary venue where I witnessed a particularly memorable staging of *Sleeping Beauty*. This production, filled with glittering sets and glorious costumes, made for a truly spectacular show. I had a good look, my dears, at the new prima ballerina, Anastasia Volochkova – oh, so dramatic and agile, with those wonderfully long, expressive arms! The choreography was sublime, every turn, every jump, imbued with such captivating detail. Watching the dancers, the sheer elegance, the mastery, the sheer Russian spirit! It took my breath away! The entire performance felt so magical, as though I had stepped into one of those story books I loved as a child.

Across the Atlantic

My August adventures took me to Sydney, a truly cosmopolitan city. I’m afraid that, in the Southern Hemisphere, they are so far behind the times! Still very focused on their “Balanchine classics” which I simply find a bit passĂ© these days! I enjoyed the elegance of their *Serenade* and found the choreography of *Agon* quite arresting – for about 30 seconds. One evening, I attended a lovely production of *La Bayadere*, a sumptuous treat for the eyes, with all those magnificent, glittering costumes, and those vibrant, intoxicating colors. But really, darling, no surprise.

Edinburgh: The Fringe Festival – Where Anything Goes

Then off to the madness of Edinburgh Fringe! I tell you, my dears, this festival is a whirlwind of artistic expression, a collision of styles and ideas. And this year was no exception.

I saw a breathtaking performance of the new Scottish Ballet, with their breathtaking *Alice in Wonderland*. It is as though their movements seemed to ripple like a silken stream, taking us into a world of fantasy. Oh my dears, this dance is nothing short of magical. The ballerina portraying the young, intrepid Alice seemed as ethereal as a butterfly and she took you with her through every whimsical adventure! Their performance of the White Rabbit was simply genius! But darling, I must admit the production of *Giselle* that was presented by a French troupe had some flaws and seemed too pedestrian, almost bland by comparison, in light of the sheer genius of the Alice performance!

My advice to you, darling? Don’t just go with what everyone else is saying. Take a chance, see something unexpected. It may just surprise you, and oh darling, a little surprise is what makes life delicious!

I tell you, the month of August has simply been dazzling. Now it is time for the theatre lights to fade as I begin my annual trek back to the Cîte d’Azur for my respite with my villa in St. Tropez! The air there will be thick with the scent of lavender and the sun warm and inviting. A new season, darling! New adventures, new inspirations. But first, the beach! Oh, darling, a ballet season needs to be savored with delicious aperitifs and endless sunsets!

Until then, my darlings! And happy dancing!