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Darling, the first month of the new millennium, and what a glorious start to a new era it's been for the art of ballet! I've flitted around the globe like a hummingbird, from the elegant confines of Covent Garden to the sun-drenched stages of Milan, savoring every graceful leap and arabesque. So, without further ado, let's dive into the dazzling ballet season's highlights, shall we?

First stop, darling, was Paris, where the Eiffel Tower, always a spectacle in its own right, was eclipsed by the brilliance of the Paris Opera Ballet in their exquisite staging of Swan Lake. They simply took my breath away with their captivating performance. As I watched the dancers' swan-like fluidity, their bodies a kaleidoscope of grace and emotion, I couldn't help but feel a tingle of nostalgia. You know, my dear, that feeling of a bygone era when elegance was everything and dance truly touched the soul.

In Milan, I found myself ensconced in a charming little theatre, witnessing the birth of a new ballet company - Compagnia Nuovo Millennio. Such youthful energy and audacity, you see. It's always refreshing to discover a fresh perspective, a new voice. The performance was a vibrant mix of modern and classical elements, defying all preconceptions about ballet. They even had a daring pas de deux set to the electronic beats of a live DJ. Oh, so exhilarating, my darling! This is what keeps our art form forever alive and ever-evolving.

From Russia with love... and pointe shoes!

Speaking of audacious and captivating, let's talk about Russia. Where else could I witness such a dramatic, passionate performance of Romeo and Juliet? The Bolshoi Ballet, as always, never failed to ignite my senses with their raw energy and deep emotional resonance. The story was woven seamlessly into the choreography, with every glance and gesture filled with yearning, heartbreak, and ultimately, eternal love. It was utterly spellbinding, a truly immersive theatrical experience.

Some highlights you absolutely MUST see

Here are some standout moments that had my heart beating like a drum solo:

  • The flawless, utterly entrancing performance by Alina Somova as Odette-Odile in Swan Lake. Her execution of the famous 'death scene' was breathtaking, leaving not a single eye dry in the entire theatre.
  • The effortless grace and fluidity of the new male soloist in Milan. My, my! This young man possessed a physicality beyond his years. A surefire star in the making!
  • The grand finale of the Bolshoi performance. I must confess, darling, a few tears were shed. The emotions, so raw, so real!

You know what, darling? This journey has confirmed what I’ve always believed: ballet transcends language, geography, even time itself. It's a language we all understand - the language of the heart, the language of the body. Every spin, every jump, every leap is a story told without a single word. And I can't wait for the next chapter in this extraordinary adventure, my darling.

Where to Go Next?

I’ve been indulging in a flurry of whispers around the water-cooler that the Royal Ballet are about to unveil a new version of Sleeping Beauty, incorporating modern-day technological advances, you know? Imagine digital projections woven into the sets and lighting. It’s almost enough to send this old lady back to the studio to start working on my pirouettes. A must-see, if you ask me, darling.

And a few parting thoughts...

Oh, one more thing, my dear! If you’re in London, I have one must-visit. The Sadler's Wells theatre, darling. It’s been showcasing incredible avant-garde pieces. Think contemporary, a little edgy. Not your typical tutu-and-tights fare! They're constantly pushing boundaries, and believe me, darling, it’s truly electrifying.

Until next month, darling! Here's to a year of even more thrilling, breathtaking ballet performances. Remember, beauty, elegance, and artistry can always be found in the simplest things. And sometimes, the most unexpected things. I’ll catch you on the other side.