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Dearest darlings,

As March graces us with its fresh, vibrant energy, the world of ballet explodes with exquisite productions, each one a dazzling jewel in the crown of this art form. This month, I have been lucky enough to experience some truly captivating performances, each leaving me breathless with their grace and emotional depth.

Let me tell you, my dears, the ballet season has been nothing short of spectacular. First stop, New York City, for a delightful evening with the New York City Ballet. Their revival of Jerome Robbins's masterpiece, _"Dances at a Gathering"_, was a triumph. The piece, inspired by a Brahms score, evokes such an exquisite feeling of warmth, intimacy and a touch of melancholic longing. Each dancer’s unique style and individual journey brought a poignant layer of storytelling to the elegant choreography. Oh, and that beautiful costumes! A whisper of silk and tulle, a riot of colours, truly breathtaking. My eyes were glued to the stage, and so were the rest of the audience; there wasn’t a dry eye in the house after the final, heartfelt curtain call.

My trip to Paris wouldn't be complete without seeing the exquisite dancers of the Paris Opera Ballet at the Palais Garnier. Theirs was a thrilling production of _"Don Quixote"_. You see, my dear, I have a deep, personal affection for this classic ballet, it’s so dramatic and vibrant, full of life! It was pure pleasure to witness such vibrant performances, so full of fire, precision and the captivating Spanish flair that I adore. This performance was all about energy and passion – it left me glowing with admiration. Oh, and let's not forget the glorious tutus, just like a vision of dreams!

Now, who can resist a trip to the land of waltzes, the enchanting city of Vienna? Here, I found myself enthralled by a rendition of _"Giselle"_, one of the true testaments of ballet's expressive power. The Vienna State Ballet offered such captivating performances – you could see that they’d given their heart and soul to the performance. I can still remember that powerful blend of heartbreak, resilience and love in every single move they made – a story perfectly conveyed by each graceful step, each breathtaking pirouette. Oh, darling, this was truly an unforgettable ballet evening.

This Month's Must-See's:
  • _"A Midsummer Night's Dream"_ at the Royal Ballet, London: This exquisite ballet always delivers – with captivating storytelling, the magic of love and a dash of whimsy. Their latest production is already breaking box office records; you won’t want to miss the chance to witness this captivating spectacle, trust me. I hear their new interpretation of "Titania's" transformation is quite daring, with a twist of contemporary drama. And speaking of bold, let's talk costumes – a dream come to life!
  • _"Swan Lake"_ at the Bolshoi Ballet, Moscow: This ballet holds a special place in my heart, its grand and emotional storyline and powerful storytelling has touched countless hearts through the years. Moscow will be brimming with ballet enthusiasts eager to catch a performance by the illustrious Bolshoi, and I can understand why. It is truly a captivating, world-class performance, one that takes your breath away and touches you deeply. Prepare yourself to be awestruck by the talent and intensity of this Russian ensemble; they will completely captivate you! You absolutely can't miss this production.
  • _"The Nutcracker"_ at the San Francisco Ballet: I love the festive air that fills the entire theatre during any performance of _"The Nutcracker"_ – the magic, the vibrant colours and costumes, the enchantment of a world made for pure joy. But my dears, be warned! The San Francisco Ballet's production promises a truly modern interpretation that I’m quite intrigued by. This one is for those seeking a breath of fresh air, a modern take on a familiar story.
  • _"The Sleeping Beauty"_ at the Royal Danish Ballet, Copenhagen: This iconic story of enchantment and sleeping beauty comes to life once again, this time at the hands of the Royal Danish Ballet, known for their stunning precision. If you want a pure delight, you absolutely need to go see this production, especially in Copenhagen! Just the name of the city adds a layer of romantic magic and the Danish Ballet does it justice. Their dancers bring a particular, unique sensitivity to every performance – you won't want to miss them.
  • _"The Four Seasons"_ at the English National Ballet, London: If you seek a touch of ethereal elegance and sophisticated beauty, look no further. _"The Four Seasons"_, by the English National Ballet is a true treat, and this season will bring even more delight with its modern reimagining. Imagine a combination of classic grace and fresh, innovative choreography, with each act inspired by Vivaldi's breathtaking music – a truly exquisite experience.
  • _"Romeo and Juliet"_ at the Royal Opera House, London: The eternal story of passion, heartbreak and redemption set against the grand backdrop of the Royal Opera House? A timeless ballet masterpiece, dear reader! You need to see it! Their production is simply mesmerizing; from the heart-wrenching love story of the title characters to the sweeping beauty of the dances, every detail shines. Prepare to be moved, deeply, and remember to grab a silk scarf for tears!
  • _"La Bayadere"_ at the Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg: Immerse yourself in a ballet from a land steeped in exquisite ballet traditions. St Petersburg’s famed Mariinsky Ballet is the heart of Russian Ballet, and their performance of _"La Bayadere"_ will capture your heart. The legendary ballerina Olga Spessivtseva once performed this ballet in St. Petersburg and she called the atmosphere a "miracle of artistry" - I daresay you’ll agree!

Remember my dear readers, these are just a handful of the exquisite ballets happening all around the globe. And please don't hesitate to embark on your own exploration, delve deeper, find the hidden gems and enjoy each new experience with joy, elegance and grace!

Until next time, Your always devoted,
