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My darlings! July is upon us and, just like the shimmering sunrays that glisten on the dew-kissed petals of my beloved gardenias, the world of ballet is abuzz with exciting new productions and thrilling performances. From the grand stages of Paris to the intimate studios of London, ballet, in all its glorious, graceful forms, continues to enchant, mesmerize, and inspire.

The Parisian Perfection

The Paris Opera Ballet, as ever, has not disappointed this month. Their staging of La Bayadère is an absolute triumph, a masterpiece that transcends time and resonates with timeless beauty. The iconic Kingdom of the Shades scene, that heart-wrenching ballet of ethereal beauty and graceful despair, has never looked more stunning. The dancers, draped in elegant diaphanous fabrics that shimmered under the soft stage lights, moved like shadows in the moonlight. The choreography was breathtaking, every pirouette, every arabesque, a testament to the sheer power and precision of classical ballet. And, of course, the sublime Nadia was absolutely captivating as Nikiya, her portrayal as both fragile and fierce. Such an incredible actress! She’s really coming into her own these days.

And the costumes! Darling, the costumes. My Parisian couturier friend whispered to me, “a masterpiece in themselves.” Oh, those intricate details, the flowing silks, the subtle yet striking use of colours – a testament to the incredible talent of the Parisian costumers, as ever! I hear rumour of an upcoming exhibition dedicated to the costume design of La Bayadère, I’m absolutely smitten by the prospect, wouldn’t you agree?

London’s Leading Lights

Across the Channel, London has been teeming with artistic dynamism this month. The Royal Ballet, our darling home company, has been putting on a whirlwind of shows, all exquisitely executed and full of artistic spirit. Let me tell you, dear readers, a particularly delightful treat was The Sleeping Beauty at Covent Garden, a masterpiece of ballet theatre that had me sighing with contentment throughout its three enchanting acts.

The sheer artistry and finesse on display from the entire company were magnificent – but the highlight of the evening, without a doubt, was the phenomenal performance by Sarah, her embodiment of Aurora a delicate balance of ethereal beauty and youthful resilience. I’m truly looking forward to seeing what new heights she reaches this year.

Beyond the Borders

We can’t let London, Paris or even New York (it wouldn't be a true ballet magazine review without a mention) take all the credit, our attention also must turn to the truly innovative and creative performances taking place in the lesser-known dance venues.

And my, my, are there truly exciting happenings going on!

From the breathtaking fusion of contemporary ballet and traditional flamenco that enthralled me in Madrid at the Centro Coreográfico de Madrid to the electrifying and experimental choreography I witnessed at the Nederlands Dans Theater in the Netherlands, it’s clear that the future of ballet is truly in the hands of the next generation. The dancers were young, bold, and utterly breathtaking. You don’t see these new interpretations in your average Covent Garden show! And it's that daring originality that I absolutely adore.

I saw this most magnificent dancer, oh, I wish I could remember her name, but let's be honest, darling, memory isn’t what it used to be - the most stunning choreography of angular, precise, movements - quite unlike the traditional elegance I’ve been accustomed to for the past 30 years but oh so fascinating - at the Netherlands Dance Theater. The show, I think it was titled “Metamorphosis,” left me pondering its bold expressions and questioning the established definitions of classical ballet – that, darlings, is what we call a truly memorable evening.

A Tribute to the Magnificent

And on that note of inspiration and artistry, I must pay homage to some of the dancers who are still lighting up stages around the world with their talented grace and sheer presence. They are truly inspirational for this new wave of dancers and truly worth noting. Let’s acknowledge the masterful, the seasoned and those truly elegant swans that glide across the world’s stage.

  • The graceful and magnetic Natalia Osipova, she’s truly one of the stars of the Russian ballet scene.
  • Our own Darcey Bussell, a British legend with unparalleled technical skills.
  • The dashing David Hallberg, a ballet titan with his powerful leaps and charismatic presence.
  • And of course, the extraordinary Rudolf Nureyev, who I saw dance live just after his defection from Russia! Still remembered, cherished, and revered to this day.

And as you’ve read throughout, it is through the inspired talent of these dancers and the artists behind the scenes that we get to witness such exquisite productions, these grand, graceful performances that simply take our breath away! It truly is the magic of ballet, dear readers, its ability to transport us, to move us to laughter, tears, and contemplation through just movement and music.

And this July, as I reflect on all these truly spectacular moments from across the world, I feel it's more evident than ever – ballet, in all its grace and wonder, continues to flourish as the art of our time.