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My darlings, the world of dance, oh, it simply doesnā€™t cease to amaze! August has seen an absolute plethora of enchanting productions, from the cobbled streets of London to the dazzling grandeur of Vienna, with the air thick with whispers of tutus, a gentle brush of silk against skin and the music ā€“ ah, the music! Weā€™re back to my favourite, summer, a season of bare arms and legs, and that gorgeous sheen on our beloved dance floors. So let me tell you all about the must-see highlights from around the globe.

A Symphony of Elegance in Vienna

Vienna, that bewitching city of waltzes and operettas, embraced its balletic spirit with open arms this month, offering a feast for the eyes. The Vienna State Opera staged a spellbinding production of ā€œGiselleā€ which, as ever, brought the theatre to life. With its tragic tale of a lovesick peasant girl and a disguised prince, the production captivated with a raw beauty. The corps de ballet, like shimmering willows in the moonlight, added a poignant layer to the narrative. You couldn't ask for more. The exquisite costumes were the talk of the town. The ethereal, floaty tutus that whispered romance in their layers of delicate tulle and those opulent jewels adorning each dancer ā€“ just utterly divine!

Speaking of jewels, I was most captivated by the jewel-toned costumes designed by Vivienne Westwood. Their avant-garde aesthetic offered a dazzling clash to the classic, and somehow perfectly enhanced the drama of the piece. In a world where "Giselle" could easily be seen as a staid production, this gave the whole evening a very modern sensibility. The Bardā€™s Legacy Comes to Life

But back in England, Shakespeare was the order of the day ā€“ but with a twist. The Royal Ballet, a company thatā€™s always close to my heart, staged their magnificent production of ā€œThe Winterā€™s Taleā€, a modern take on the bard's play. Now, ā€œThe Winterā€™s Taleā€ is not for the faint-hearted ā€“ itā€™s a rollercoaster of emotion and powerful narratives, yet with its beautiful classical dance sequences, the company managed to elevate it to new heights.

The costumes, oh my goodness. There were rich fabrics, lavish embellishments, and flowing skirts that would make even the most seasoned ballerina green with envy! This was Shakespeare on stage at his most captivating. The final scene, where time seems to stand still with that exquisite dance of rebirth, moved me to tears.

Now, no review would be complete without mentioning the one and only darling, Mikhail Baryshnikov. The legendary artist graced the stage with an ethereal rendition of Romeo, leaving us gasping with delight and completely breathless.

Across the Pond, a Celebration of New Talent

Letā€™s jet off across the pond. Itā€™s hard to escape the American influence when talking about dance, and they know a thing or two about elegance. In New York, the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater took center stage with a captivating showcase of their contemporary talent. Their repertoire, brimming with emotion and vibrant stories, painted a mesmerizing spectacle.

It was exciting to see the new, fresh, and talented dancers. They danced with such a passion and youthful energy that had us all mesmerised. Each dancer radiated an authentic expression that made them incredibly likeable and truly brought to life whatā€™s meant by 'passion for the art.'

The music was beautifully selected for each of the choreographed pieces and enhanced the entire atmosphere with the power and precision of each movement, and in fact, this truly enhanced each movementā€™s execution and expression.

The costumes were an essential part of the storytelling, perfectly complimenting each piece and reflecting the essence of the story. From vibrant, colourful expressions of joy to a poignant use of the colours of a fading sun during one of their pieces on mortality, I simply gasped. Oh! To design these gorgeous garments, I can just imagine! A Magical Interlude in Paris

And now, Paris, the city of love, where I find myself drawn time and again. For their summer season, the Paris Opera Ballet staged a magical production of "Cinderella," infused with a timeless romance that had everyone in the audience yearning for the happy-ever-after that comes with a ball and dancing under the starlit sky.

Of course, it wasn't just the music or the costumes (the ball gown that Cinderella appeared in during that magnificent last scene ā€“ you simply gasped), but it was that sense of purity that swept us into the story. With every graceful move, you couldnā€™t help but feel completely transported into that fairy tale.

Now, I must talk about my darling, Sylvie Guillem. A timeless dancer who radiates elegance with her every step, she brought a quiet drama to her portrayal of Cinderella, making this timeless tale seem fresh and enchanting, oh, the delight! And For My Most Favorite Moment...

A final note, in August I made a special trip to the Teatro alla Scala in Milan. One evening, they put on a delightful ballet performance - and then a most special thing happened. The music changed, a very sweet Italian love song played, and out on to the stage came an absolutely beautiful couple, a young man and a woman. They both began to waltz.

Now I, along with everyone in the theatre, was utterly spellbound as these young lovers moved with an elegance that could only have come from Italy and all it stands for, their pure joy for life, love and dance, in a waltz as elegant and as enchanting as any you could imagine.

A moment that will stay with me for ever.

My darlings, I am simply swept away, my heart is overflowing with awe and a little touch of sadness as I recall all of those mesmerizing moments. So, if you find yourself with a spare evening this August, why not take a chance on the world of ballet and join me for an enchanted evening? Youā€™ll find the elegance of the movements will stay with you, a beautiful memory to cherish for all time.

Until next month!