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My darlings,

Welcome to the April edition of our little haven of elegance and artistic inspiration! This month we find ourselves swimming in a sea of swirling tutus and glistening pointe shoes as we take a voyage around the world, seeking out the most exquisite ballets, daring performances, and delightful productions.

Let me tell you, dear reader, the energy is electrifying! The dance world seems to be buzzing with anticipation and an irresistible desire for renewal. It's almost as if we are all poised, like dancers waiting for the music to begin, at the edge of something new and fabulous.

A Parisian Promenade

I started my tour at the epitome of elegance, Paris, naturally! Oh, Paris! Where else can you find such impeccable craftsmanship, the exquisite lines of an old world ballet school, and, dare I say, such effortless chic? I had the sheer delight of seeing the Ă©toile of the Paris Opera Ballet, Sylvie Guillem, in "Giselle". Honestly, darling, it was a triumph. A truly magnificent performance. Guillem, as always, was an absolute vision of grace and artistry, her every move a story told with captivating eloquence. You could sense the weight of centuries of ballet history in her performance, but, at the same time, it felt vibrantly alive, imbued with a modern urgency that is a testament to her brilliance.

The Palais Garnier was filled with the most enchanting chatter of society’s darlings, all decked out in the most exquisitely chic outfits! The air was alive with the buzz of hushed whispers and delighted gasps as Guillem executed her famous arabesques. Oh, to be in that atmosphere! But don't be fooled by the Parisian air, darling. This performance was anything but superficial. There was a palpable depth of emotion, a real sense of raw, unvarnished storytelling. You simply had to be there. Of course, I shall elaborate on my experience, for it’s a shame to keep this divine encounter to myself.

Firstly, her performance was a masterclass in expressive nuance. Every tilt of the head, every flit of a feather-light foot, was steeped in the drama of Giselle's tragic love story. It was breathtakingly believable. You weren't simply watching a performance; you were enveloped in the tale, captivated by its sorrows, moved by its tender passion, and swept away by the storm of Giselle’s heartbreak. Truly, you were there, in the forest, amidst the rustling leaves and the haunting sounds of the wilis.

Now, onto the "Wilis", the ethereal spirits in Giselle's world. Oh darling, they were magnificent, an intricate dance of whispers, flitting through the stage like ghostly butterflies. A seamless, mesmerising tableau. It reminded me of how ballets can transform the most basic of spaces. Just a darkened stage, a veil of moonlight, and yet they created a world so full of enchantment. You wouldn't believe how effectively they captivated my attention, pulling me in, right down to my very soul, as Giselle became their prisoner. You couldn't help but weep for Giselle, just a little bit, darling.

My friend and I afterwards went for an afternoon tea at Ladurée on Rue Royale. Naturally, it was exquisite! Oh, to be so enveloped in elegance!

A Moscow Mirage

From the captivating Parisian air to the mystical Moscow, I set my sights on the Bolshoi Ballet, of course! Oh darling, Russia has an almost mystical connection with ballet, a historical tradition steeped in rich artistry. This journey to Russia took me back to my own youth, to the early days of my dancing, when I used to dream of dancing with the Bolshoi. There is an incomparable depth, a breathtaking expressiveness in their dancing. It's something quite unique. As though the dancers themselves are vessels filled with an untold depth of human experience. It’s rather compelling, isn't it? They carry these centuries of stories in their bodies.

The Bolshoi has just opened its doors for the Spring season, and what better place to begin than "Swan Lake"? Honestly, darling, it was a stunningly beautiful and emotional performance. The lead ballerina, Anna Nikulina, was absolutely sensational. Honestly, she was positively radiant as the swan queen, Odette. Nikulina embodies that beautiful blend of delicacy and power. She is utterly mesmerizing as the gentle, tragic swan, transforming into the alluring but manipulative Odile. There's a heart-wrenching pathos to the transformation. Her elegant arabesques, she just glides across the stage with such precision, but you can sense the heartache underneath her grace. Every twirl and leap evokes the raw emotion of the tragic tale.

Oh, but it's not only the leading dancers who truly dazzle you. The whole company has such synergy, they move as one. This unison creates a spectacle, especially with their corps de ballet - that famous unison of dancers. It was almost like looking into a mirror. So well matched and choreographed - truly a symphony in motion. You felt that each member of the company had completely committed to their roles, from the smallest of swans to the brooding prince, creating a breathtaking illusion that drew the entire audience into this world. It was utterly captivating.

After the performance, my friend and I enjoyed an indulgent Russian tea at a traditional restaurant, tucked away in the backstreets. A moment of peace and tranquility. The samovar, the buttery blinis - oh darling, so perfectly nostalgic, don’t you think? We were nestled among a gathering of locals, and although my Russian wasn’t nearly fluent enough to follow their conversations, I understood, with just a glance, their passionate appreciation for this tradition, for ballet. This understanding transcends languages. There is a certain language that dance speaks that resonates across the globe, through any culture.

The Majesty of the Metropolitan

From Moscow to New York, a city I have adored since the golden days of New York City Ballet. It never ceases to captivate! A whirlwind of ambition, creative spirit and just a dash of outrageous extravagance - truly an inspiring backdrop for a ballet production.

At the Metropolitan Opera House, I saw a stunning performance of “Don Quixote” - such a theatrical feast for the eyes, don’t you think? And yes, of course, darling, the star of the show was none other than the divine ballerina, Irina Dvorovenko. She was utterly dazzling as Kitri, embodying the fiery, passionate spirit with unparalleled grace. The character of Kitri has such depth and charisma, and she manages to express both sides, her spirited independence, her fierce loyalty, her longing for love. Dvorovenko is, after all, an undisputed talent and a star in the world of dance. And to be present during such an extraordinary performance, it simply transports you. It takes you away.

Now, the production itself! Honestly darling, it's absolutely glorious. They spared no effort on the costumes, scenery, and the detail in the choreography, it was simply mind-blowing. It was such a wonderful contrast of theatrical grandeur and whimsical charm - perfectly reflecting the captivating spirit of the tale itself. Honestly, "Don Quixote" was an utter delight, it lifted the mood. Oh darling, it was pure magic, truly.

I found myself reflecting, darling, on my own passion for ballet - my own journey. Seeing such young, talented ballerinas onstage, brings me right back to the feeling I had all those years ago, in those very halls! When it’s right there in your soul. You know the joy it brings.

New York After-Show Festivities

Later that evening, I joined some colleagues at an intimate rooftop gathering - the New York art scene knows how to celebrate its stars, especially after such a splendid show. There were discussions about future productions and upcoming events, as well as shared laughter and of course, delightful cocktails. I'm absolutely besotted with the New York Ballet, they embody such an energy, and they have so much creativity within their ranks - it's very exciting! They're breaking the boundaries of ballet. I have the strongest feeling we are on the edge of something special with this new generation.

And then I felt an inner yearning, an urge for another adventure. Where next?

A Journey East to the Rising Sun

Well, after weeks of dancing, what is an elegant dancer to do but indulge in a little luxurious repose. The Imperial Hotel in Tokyo? Such opulent luxury, it felt like entering a grand historical novel, a story told in the rich hues and textures of silk and porcelain. After weeks of traveling and performances, this hotel became my sanctuary for a few glorious days. I sipped endless cups of green tea, admired the art nouveau décor, and tried to fathom my upcoming experience in this artistic melting pot, Japan.

But my adventure wasn’t complete without a little peek into the world of Tokyo’s art scene. A visit to the Imperial Ballet in Tokyo is simply a must. The company is quite revered. The Japanese have their own style, with so much poise, delicate beauty, a kind of zen stillness that really contrasts with the powerful West European traditions.

The performance of “The Nutcracker” at the New National Theatre was truly moving! There's something special about their “Nutcracker”. I've seen so many renditions over the years, in every imaginable form. It was like seeing a familiar face in a new light! It truly captivated me. There was a real purity in their execution, such beautiful use of the stage, such dramatic movement. The costumes were stunning too. I absolutely adore their use of Japanese artistry with rich silks and embroidered fabrics.

There was also such a distinct sense of stillness amidst their fluid motion. The performers move so swiftly, with an unparalleled precision that's just mesmerizing! Oh darling, how could you not love it. After the performance, I had the privilege of meeting with the renowned ballerina, Kaori Yamauchi - so charming and warm, despite her quiet, dignified demeanor. It's clear, however, she has a love of this craft that knows no bounds.

After the show, my friend and I took a relaxing boat ride down the Sumida river. It was a perfect way to wrap up this part of the journey. And just imagine the views darling, you see the skyscrapers glowing at twilight, and you've also got the traditional pagodas across the river, such an amazing blend of modern and historic, both beautifully illuminated! The contrast in the cityscape really mesmerizes me - how different is it from London!

But darling, you'd have to see it to really appreciate the true beauty, so here's my advice to you - just book a ticket. What are you waiting for?

From East to West - Reflections on the Road

There's so much to admire in the dance world. My journeys take me around the world, and it seems with each adventure, I become more awestruck. Each culture I meet adds an extra layer of richness and appreciation. It makes you truly realize just how expansive dance really is.

And this, my darling, is just the beginning of our global ballet journey. In next month’s edition, I will be sharing the latest news and reviews from the Metropolitan Opera and London's Royal Opera House. As we celebrate the talent and artistry on stages around the globe. Now that the curtain has fallen on the month, do join me again next month to uncover another layer of artistry within the dance world.

Until then, my lovelies, be bold. Be brilliant. Stay stylish.

