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My dears, welcome back to my little corner of the world of ballet, where elegance and artistry meet in a captivating swirl of tutus and silk. This month, May 2004, has been an absolute delight for the senses. I've been absolutely spoiled, gliding from Paris to New York, Moscow to London, and every stop in between, catching glimpses of exquisite talent in their prime. Let's dive in, shall we?

Paris, Mon Amour - Ah, Paris. The city of lights always delivers in the realm of the arts. I found myself utterly spellbound at the Palais Garnier, the grand dame of Parisian theatres, by the **Paris Opera Ballet**'s rendition of "La Bayadère". You know, some productions can feel dated, but not this one. The costumes were sensational, and Natalia Osipova, oh my dear, she was simply breathtaking. A luminous presence with an impeccable technique, her performance brought the tale of love and sacrifice to life with such delicate, yet powerful emotion.

And let's not forget the *corps de ballet*, like a whirlwind of colour and graceful movements, each dancer a perfect cog in the masterpiece that is *La Bayadère*. Honestly, the way they transitioned from joyous, light-footed dances in the first act to the ethereal melancholy in the kingdom of the Shades - just captivating. For me, the true jewel in this crown was the *White Act* which made me, I must admit, shed a tear or two. Just glorious.

Across the Atlantic, a Touch of New York Glamour New York City Ballet, what can one say? Always pushing boundaries and pushing for excellence. I was truly fortunate to catch their **"Jewels"** production, and what an experience. A kaleidoscope of choreographic brilliance that took us from the graceful elegance of George Balanchine's *Emeralds*, to the playful energy of his *Rubies*, to the refined, almost meditative serenity of *Diamonds*.

Each of the three ballets offered a unique view into the world of dance, a story woven through each gesture, each turn. It felt, dare I say, *luxurious*, in a way that only New York City Ballet can achieve. And of course, the *principal dancers* were on fire, showcasing the company's depth of talent. This, ladies and gentlemen, was pure artistry, each piece radiating its own distinct colour and rhythm, beautifully and meticulously curated.

The Russian Spirit in Motion Moscow, the home of the **Bolshoi Ballet**, holds a special place in my heart. It was where my love for dance began. Seeing "Giselle" there was an unforgettable experience. What surprised me most? Not the virtuosity of the dancers, as one would expect from this iconic company, but the genuine heart that infused the production.

From the graceful beauty of Svetlana Zakharova as the titular Giselle, to the brooding intensity of the Prince Albrecht - played magnificently by a newcomer named David Hallberg, it was a story of passion, betrayal, and the power of love that resonated deeply with every fibre of my being.

The Bolshoi, for all its magnificence, holds onto this undeniable tradition, honoring the essence of each ballet they present, ensuring a feeling of history and timelessness in each performance. They have mastered the art of presenting the classics with a contemporary sensibility that makes each piece feel new and exciting. Truly impressive.

London: Elegance Redefined London is not to be outdone. The **Royal Ballet** in Covent Garden is, to this day, one of my favourite companies to watch. They never fail to showcase exceptional dancers, but I was particularly moved by their presentation of "The Sleeping Beauty." It felt more than a ballet, it was an enchanted world come to life on stage.

The choreography was an absolute masterpiece, the dancers seemingly floating through the air, with each movement carrying such tenderness. And, of course, Marianela Núñez, who played Aurora, is nothing short of sensational, captivating audiences with her fluid movements, elegant turns, and sheer artistry. To watch her, even in this classic role, felt fresh, alive.

But beyond the stunning lead, it was the ensemble that truly stole the show. Every dancer, each with their unique role, came together seamlessly, crafting a breathtaking ballet where even the simplest movements held significance and impact. London, you did it again!

An Intriguing Encounter in Spain One of my most surprising journeys this month was to Seville, to see the **Ballet Nacional de España**, a company with a vibrant energy that reflects their fiery Spanish heritage. It's rare to encounter flamenco intertwined with classical ballet, yet their rendition of "El Sombrero de Tres Picos" - "The Three-Cornered Hat", to be exact - was both compelling and beautifully executed.

The passion, the intricate footwork, the vibrant costuming... it transported me directly to a sunny plaza in Andalusia. I'd love to revisit their repertoire in the future, it is, frankly, refreshingly unique, a captivating blend of classical and traditional that adds a new dimension to what one would expect of a national ballet company.

Final Thoughts, Darling As my whirlwind tour of dance around the globe comes to an end, I leave with a sense of exhilaration and profound admiration for these talented individuals. From the graceful ballets of Paris to the spirited flamencos of Seville, it's the soul of the dance that touches me most deeply. Every arabesque, every plié, every leap tells a story, whispers emotions that reach the core of our being. It is a universal language that speaks to all, whether we are connoisseurs or simply seeking beauty.

May we all be blessed with the chance to experience this magnificent art form, this captivating world that is dance, and to find within ourselves the passion, grace, and sheer joy it brings. Until next time, dear readers, keep dancing, keep loving, and always, keep your inner ballerina thriving!

**Recommended Viewing in May:**

  • **The Royal Ballet** - London (Website: - I cannot recommend *The Sleeping Beauty* highly enough!
  • **New York City Ballet** - New York (Website: - If you're looking for innovation and diversity, *Jewels* is your show!
  • **Bolshoi Ballet** - Moscow (Website: - *Giselle* is a timeless classic that is sure to leave you feeling emotional.
  • **Paris Opera Ballet** - Paris (Website: )- Experience a breathtaking *La Bayadère* and get ready to be enchanted by the artistry of Natalia Osipova.

Stay stylish, darlings.