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Darling, what a month it’s been for ballet! From the sublime to the slightly ridiculous, it’s been a veritable smorgasbord of tutus, tiaras and tantalising toe-points.

Let’s start with the sublime, shall we? The Royal Ballet at Covent Garden had me utterly transfixed with their production of "Giselle." A masterpiece, dear. The opening scene is like a dream, bathed in moonlight and hushed whispers. It’s almost impossible to describe the beauty and tenderness of Margot Fonteyn, she truly inhabited the role. She danced with such lightness and grace, making every step a tiny sigh. Her performance in the mad scene was absolutely devastating - tears and despair pouring out of her every movement. You just couldn't help but be swept away by the emotion and brilliance.

And then there’s “Swan Lake.” Now, this production, darling, really set the standard. You could practically taste the glamour. The swans themselves were truly stunning. The choreography was incredibly demanding, all those fluttering wings and rippling feathers. The dancers performed it with such athleticism and elegance, it was mesmerising. The final act was a masterpiece, with the corps de ballet weaving their spellbinding web of swans. The Prince, a tall, handsome specimen, fell utterly in love with Odette, his every expression, every gesture, dripping with passion and devotion. There were even whispers of a romance brewing off-stage, though that's a story for another day!

The Parisian Premiere

In Paris, the Parisian Opera Ballet is really coming into their own with the launch of their new contemporary ballet piece, “Chroma.” Now, this is one bold and brilliant piece, all sharp, angular movements. It’s a world away from the traditional ballet we're accustomed to, a breathtaking tapestry of movement and emotion, a sheer visual delight with bold colors and dazzling light. But even if the choreography wasn’t the absolute star, the costumes certainly were! A dazzling spectacle in the vibrant reds, blues, and greens. Think avant-garde with a splash of daring drama, my dears, and that's Chroma. It left the audience spellbound, utterly speechless. I was even caught swooning, darling!

From New York with Love

Let's take a transatlantic jaunt now. In New York City, there’s a young choreographer I'm watching very closely, Tiler Peck. She really knows how to move! I was blown away by her new production "The Other Side.” The piece had all the energy and exuberance of youth. She explores the darkness in dance beautifully and uses an amazing mix of traditional ballet with more edgy contemporary elements. Oh, the costumes are spectacular – edgy, modern silhouettes.

There’s so much talent coming through in American ballet right now and Tiler Peck really is an exciting prospect for the future, watch this space darling.

The Great Danes

Oh, I simply must mention the Danes. There was something utterly captivating about watching "The Sleeping Beauty" at the Royal Danish Ballet in Copenhagen. It was one of those productions you just feel you need to be part of. Every step, every gesture seemed to have such deep meaning. It was more than just ballet. It was truly something else. And the audience! Well, you could cut the atmosphere with a knife. Every sniffle, every gasp, felt shared amongst the audience. There is an extraordinary intimacy to these small stages in Denmark. Such a stark contrast to the grand spectacle of the Metropolitan Opera. And speaking of Copenhagen...

The Danish Design of it All

Now, let’s talk design darling! We can't forget the importance of costume design. Oh darling, the Danes understand this like no other. From the exquisite simplicity of "Giselle" to the wonderfully outrageous extravagance of “The Nutcracker” you'll find this in every corner of Denmark. The costumes for "Swan Lake" in Copenhagen were, quite simply, divine. And, what I truly loved was that designer did such a great job of mixing the classic, traditional aesthetic with elements of contemporary fashion. They felt timeless yet so very, very now. And the tutus? Simply sublime. Each ballerina like a perfect, swirling white blossom. Pure enchantment.

From The Avant-garde to The Mainstream

But what can I say about "The Nutcracker"? Well, it is "The Nutcracker" after all, right darling? That's one of those ballets we love, it's simply a timeless classic. In Moscow, at the Bolshoi, this truly is ballet for the people, a true testament to its classic form.

Now darling, if you think the “Nutcracker” at the Bolshoi is anything less than impressive - oh, think again! The performance at Moscow's Bolshoi was the grandest, most magnificent display of artistry I have ever seen. The costumes and sets were simply breathtaking, a real feast for the senses. From the first soaring notes to the final, heart-melting snowflake scene - this performance just radiated pure Christmas magic. Everything felt exquisite! A complete contrast, of course to the other production I saw. I dare not even mention the name but you have to love that the most outlandish, contemporary ballet was playing out in New York. A full blown extravaganza of everything from fire to laser lights. A little more Las Vegas and less ballerinas but darling, you just can't resist a little showmanship from time to time, can you?

It’s all about the Dancers Darling

Now darling, we all know, in the end, it really comes down to the dancers, right? They’re the true stars of the show! They work so hard. The physical dedication, the artistic expression, the artistry they all just have so much to offer. In Berlin, we saw “Romeo and Juliet” at the Staatsoper, oh, those ballerinas. The female corps de ballet in Berlin has really captured the mood for 2006. The story telling, the beautiful work they did. I really wanted to be back there. Just soaking up all the drama, those perfect pirouettes, the long, fluid lines of the dancers' bodies.

Oh my darling, how the beautiful women of Berlin and the ballet really captured my attention.

When Ballet is more than Ballet.

And let’s not forget about the costumes, darling. Some productions simply excel when it comes to making an incredible outfit, which lets face it is often one of the things that people notice most! The gowns were positively breathtaking at the Vienna Opera. There’s really nothing more glamorous, is there? You simply had to love it! The exquisite silk, the hand-beaded detailing. I just want to say, sometimes these are real works of art! There are real talents working in that little atelier. And let’s talk shoes! We all know that those shoes are far more than a necessity in the ballet world, they're part of the costume, an essential part of that iconic, perfect ballerina look. And I don't just mean those little silk slippers. We are talking pointe shoes here, which in themselves are quite an incredible feat of artistry, darling! Oh, those perfect pointes and ribbons, you really cannot beat them, especially if you know a little something something about the hours it takes to prepare those dancing beauties.

I've noticed quite a lot of those delicate, feminine shoes with ribbons and lace up front. And that exquisite, delicate design – a little Victorian perhaps. These new designers are really taking the trend to new heights! Darling, ballet just keeps going from strength to strength, doesn’t it? Every month is more extraordinary than the last.