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A Dancer's Diary: November 2006

Darling, the world of ballet has been positively humming with energy this month. I have flitted between Paris and New York, flitting like a hummingbird, taking in everything and everyone in this wonderfully vibrant world of grace and art. Let me tell you, it has been divine!

Paris, My Love: I began my month in the City of Lights. Imagine, darling, an elegant little café in the heart of St Germain-des-Pres. Me, sipping on a perfectly crafted cappuccino, enjoying a croissant the size of my hand, watching the world go by - the quintessential Parisian chic. But enough of my dalliance with cafe life! I was here for something much more exciting! The **Paris Opera Ballet**, always a treasure, took to the stage with a production of "The Sleeping Beauty". A classic, yes, but darling, it was the revival of Rudolf Nureyev's interpretation, bringing fresh and energetic dynamism to the stage. It is always an absolute delight to watch these ballet classics, they simply never age. What I enjoyed most about this particular production, was the delightful lightness of the dancers. This production felt wonderfully young and fresh, and oh darling, the costumes! Absolutely dreamy! The ballerinas glided effortlessly on stage in exquisite tutus. Simply magical!

London Calling: As you know, darling, a true dancer's life involves perpetual movement and I swiftly travelled across the channel. In the heart of London, nestled amongst the cobbled streets, stood the magnificent **Royal Opera House** beckoning me with its siren call. Darling, I was here to witness a magnificent "Giselle" staged by the esteemed **Royal Ballet** under the guidance of the iconic Wayne McGregor. A beautiful, melancholic production which beautifully brought to life the enduring classic. Of course, this production, as all classic productions of Giselle are, featured the wonderful ethereal Act II with the hauntingly beautiful "Wilis", a beautiful and intense depiction of sorrow, madness and love. This is ballet at its most sublime - an absolute must see for any serious dancer and ballet aficionado.

Across the Pond My trip to the US this month saw me making a pilgrimage to the **New York City Ballet** which provided the most incredible performance of Jerome Robbins' "Interplay", with its marvelously fluid modern dance styles. I loved the interplay between speed, stillness and musicality which gave the production such a mesmerizing, intoxicating quality, Oh darling, just thinking about that wonderful choreography now makes me feel weak at the knees. This production brought to life such vibrant energy. It felt modern yet it retained its roots in the traditional ballet style that I find so appealing.

From the Sublime to the Dramatic: While New York was filled with this modern joy, I then travelled further, heading towards the world renowned **American Ballet Theatre**. As usual, darling, I was absolutely thrilled by their production of "Romeo and Juliet" . The passion and raw drama in the choreography brought to the stage the beauty, pain and heart break of this enduring love story. As ever the beauty of the stage and the splendour of the costumes gave the performance a captivating charm and it proved, once again, why I will forever remain a ballet lover!

A Personal Touch I have always found inspiration, as you know, darling, in the world around me. The colours I witness, the emotions I feel, the moments that take my breath away are all brought into my dance, so as a tribute to all my ballet experiences this month, here are my five favourite moments of November - I feel I must share them with you my dearest reader:

  • A young ballerina, with eyes as bright as stars, and with an ethereal presence that captivated the stage - simply an absolute joy to watch. She seemed to float across the stage. A true star in the making.
  • The subtle lighting used to evoke the emotions of the scene - so captivating. One particular production brought to life the depths of darkness and the height of light using simple changes in colour that illuminated the ballet in such an amazing way.
  • The final curtain call with every member of the company united in a moment of sheer elation. It made me feel so utterly happy and excited for the future of ballet - so very powerful.
  • That sense of shared passion when every dancer and audience member are so totally involved, they feel a connection with each other, that shared love for ballet and its unique charm.
  • The most incredible, captivating performance that moved me to tears. It left me breathless, wanting more. So perfect, darling, a beautiful spectacle that is an experience I will never forget.

Final Thoughts So there you have it, my darling, my take on the month that was. It has been a wonderful journey across continents and across artistic forms. Each production and performance is like a diamond, facetted, rich, complex and everchanging - the more you look at it the more you are inspired. As always, darling, I will continue my dance through life and continue to share with you all my most amazing ballet moments, wherever in the world I find them. Until then, keep moving and dancing your way through life to your own magical tune! Always with love and appreciation

Your faithful friend and dancing companion