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The Ballerina's Eye: April 2010
Darling, you wouldn't believe the whirl of activity this month! It seems as though the world of ballet has simply exploded with stunning productions, all clamouring for our attention. Honestly, darling, keeping up with it all is quite the challenge, but *oh, mon chéri*, isn't that what makes it all so delightfully thrilling? Let me tell you, the Parisian air is positively *enchanting* right now, especially if you're a ballet fanatic like myself. I had the distinct pleasure of attending a gala performance at the Palais Garnier – oh, that *majestic* venue! – with the divine Sylvie Guillem in *The Sleeping Beauty*. Sylvie, as ever, was a vision, a true force of nature on the stage. The exquisite lines of her movements, the utter precision, her radiant presence - it simply took my breath away. She made Princess Aurora so ethereal, so utterly real, even the most jaded ballet-goer was left captivated. You must catch her if you can, she simply does not disappoint. Speaking of Parisian delights, the Opéra National de Paris's revival of **A Midsummer Night's Dream** with choreographed by Neumeier was a breath of fresh air. It's always such a joy to see such a familiar, much-loved story retold in such a vibrant and unique way. It's bold, imaginative, and utterly charming, and the dancers were truly inspired – a real joy to watch. Now, *darling*, if you haven't seen **The Nutcracker** yet this season, then you've missed out! Don't even try to tell me that you've seen it "too many times" because let me tell you, no performance is ever truly the same, especially not when the Mariinsky Ballet's stellar company is taking the stage. The exquisite artistry, the meticulous technique, the pure magic of it all, truly transports you to another world. And who can resist those sugarplum fairies? Pure heaven, I say! Across the Atlantic, I'm hearing remarkable things about the **American Ballet Theatre** season at the Metropolitan Opera House, particularly their performance of *Giselle*. Apparently, the company's new ballerina, a young prodigy by the name of Paloma Herrera, has the world buzzing. They're saying she's a dancer with *real* potential - radiant, delicate, and utterly believable. I shall have to make a transatlantic pilgrimage, darling, because I must see this for myself! It simply cannot be missed. And while I'm across the pond, I hear a new company is captivating London, the *English National Ballet*. Their production of **Swan Lake**, featuring the stunning Alina Cojocaru, has everyone talking. I heard that she brought the house down with her *explosive* performance. Oh, the audacity, the sheer power of her movements – what an exhilarating talent she is! London is simply buzzing about her, *and rightfully so*, my dear. Of course, there are countless more delightful things to see. *But darling*, you wouldn’t believe the *gem* I stumbled upon in Vienna! It's not a grand spectacle, just a tiny, charming theatre tucked away in a forgotten corner of the city. But the Vienna State Opera has this wonderful little ballet production – I think it's called **"A Little Waltz"**. The setting is simple, intimate, just a few talented dancers on a beautifully-lit stage, the only sounds, the delicate notes of the piano. *The music,* darling, *the music!* It was so intimate, so evocative, like an whispered conversation with the soul. I know this production will make little ripples in the dance world, but for me, it was an experience I'll *cherish forever*. One cannot simply talk about April 2010 in ballet without a moment of silence for the passing of the legend himself – **Rudolf Nureyev**. Oh darling, I feel that my entire generation is mourning a truly magnificent figure in the world of dance. He was more than just a brilliant dancer; he was an absolute phenomenon! He burst onto the scene with such ferocious talent, he electrified the world, a whirlwind of raw talent and incredible physicality. Nureyev defied every norm, revolutionising how we view dance, and in turn, redefined how the world viewed the art. I was captivated by him for years, and he will continue to inspire generations of dancers to come. He is missed. Speaking of new talent, the Bolshoi has just announced its debut of **Anna Pavlova’s "Dying Swan"** as a work for the Bolshoi Academy’s final exam this June! It will feature young talent and choreography by legendary Bolshoi ballerina, Natalia Kasatkina. Oh, darling! This is an *amazing* moment for ballet – to pass on the traditions of such an icon in such a powerful, modern, and unique way, *what a legacy to cultivate! * And my *absolute* *favourite*, this exquisite and unexpected *little* treat was discovering the **New York Choreographic Institute's Gala.** It showcased a stunning blend of new talent and classic styles. A fantastic mix of dance forms - the energy, the rawness of the contemporary movements contrasted so beautifully with the precision of the classical ballet. This event was *the* embodiment of ballet today - inventive, dynamic, with a definite, *irresistible*, sense of excitement about the future. Well, my dear, I hope I haven't *bored* you with this whirl of information about the world of dance. There’s still so much I could tell you - from the extraordinary Spanish National Ballet in *Don Quixote*, to the electrifying contemporary piece by William Forsythe at the Paris Opera. The beauty of ballet is that it is *everywhere*, always evolving, and offering something for everyone. So keep an eye on this *fabulously fascinating* world, darling, it just keeps on spinning.