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Darling, it's April, and the world is finally starting to bloom, just like my spring wardrobe! And what better way to celebrate the arrival of warmer days and sunshine than by taking in some absolutely exquisite ballet productions around the globe. Trust me, I've been dancing all my life, and let me tell you, this month has truly been a feast for the senses!

London's Calling: Royal Ballet's "Manon"

First, we start in my beloved London. The Royal Ballet's production of "Manon" at the Royal Opera House was quite simply divine. This isn't your typical fairy-tale ballet; it's all about passion, seduction, and a dash of forbidden romance. I particularly loved the choreography by Kenneth MacMillan - so beautifully evocative of the 18th-century Parisian underworld. Marianela Nunez as Manon was utterly mesmerising; her every step exuded the youthful innocence, and later the heart-breaking vulnerability of the character. Steven McRae as Des Grieux? Darling, he practically danced my heart away with his smouldering gaze and passionate portrayal. The entire performance was simply electric, a testament to the magic of storytelling through movement and emotion. Do make a dash to Covent Garden before the season closes, you won't regret it!

The New York New York: The City Ballet's "The Sleeping Beauty"

Of course, a trip to New York wouldn't be complete without a visit to the New York City Ballet. This time, the piÚce de résistance was their take on "The Sleeping Beauty", a classic story reimagined with breathtaking energy and artistry. What truly struck me were the vibrant costumes - simply fabulous, with exquisite detailing and exquisite use of colour. I'm particularly enamoured by the Lilac Fairy's glittering, pastel tulle; she's literally the embodiment of springtime! The corps de ballet, too, were truly delightful, moving with impeccable precision and grace. Each individual dancer seemed to embody a beautiful flower in bloom. Now, Tiler Peck, the Principal Dancer, is quite simply perfection - every move graceful and elegant, making me wish I had another few decades to pirouette like her!

Parisian Perfection: The Paris Opera Ballet's "Giselle"

My dear, a trip to Paris is never complete without taking in a performance at the Opéra Garnier. The Paris Opera Ballet presented their own take on "Giselle," and it truly captured my imagination. It's one of those stories that has been danced countless times, but their execution was exquisite - from the nuanced performance of Polina Semionova, who embodied the title role's ethereal vulnerability to the stunning ensemble dances - this performance left me in a state of pure artistic ecstasy! The second act, especially, when the Wilis emerge as wraiths in white tulle, remains imprinted in my memory, like an elegant dream. A beautiful portrayal of heartbreak and the supernatural, darling. Don't miss this if you are in Paris during spring!

Tokyo’s Ballet Jewels: "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"

And now for a touch of whimsy, we travel to Tokyo where the exquisite Tokyo Ballet presented "Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland." What struck me instantly, beyond the ingenious sets and captivating choreography, was the sheer joyfulness that pulsed through the performance. It’s the kind of show that reminds you to rediscover your inner child. The dancing, particularly by Yuka Nagai who played the role of Alice, was incredibly energetic and inventive - from pirouette to pas de bourrĂ©e, everything felt infused with the energy and wonder of Alice’s journey down the rabbit hole! I was even reminded that ballet can be just as expressive with comedic and dramatic moments. And for an added dose of sparkle, the costumes were magnificent! I particularly loved the Cheshire Cat's vibrant orange outfit and the Queen of Hearts's grand, red and gold costume. All in all, this is one performance I highly recommend - perfect for a whimsical spring outing.

On to A World Stage: Beyond the Big Names

The ballet world is more than just London, New York, Paris, and Tokyo, darling. While the larger productions may steal the headlines, there's incredible talent blossoming all over the world!

  • Moscow, Russia: The Bolshoi's “The Nutcracker”: The Bolshoi has consistently wowed with their production of "The Nutcracker", and this season was no exception. If you're looking for classical, technical brilliance - this production is a must-see. Each dancer, from the principals to the corps, executed every movement with masterful precision. The artistry and dramatic intensity left me speechless. And I just had to mention, the stunning costumes were as dazzling as the performance itself, with each character beautifully portrayed through gorgeous and elegant designs.

  • Stuttgart, Germany: Stuttgart Ballet's "A Midsummer Night's Dream": A dreamy and romantic interpretation of Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by the Stuttgart Ballet truly charmed my soul. The choreography felt both playful and elegant, perfectly capturing the magical, enchanting spirit of the play. The costumes were also delightful - colourful, whimsical, and beautifully made. I found myself captivated by the lightness and agility of the dancers and their superb ability to embody both the playful whimsy and deeper, more introspective facets of Shakespeare's masterpiece.
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ballet Nacional’s “El tango, la pasiĂłn del alma” : A performance like this is truly a love letter to tango. With fiery passions, elegance, and breathtaking technique - this production celebrates Argentine dance in all its glory. If you're looking for passion, intensity and an absolutely infectious energy, you'll love this production. It's both an intimate and grand performance, bringing together tradition and innovation.

  • Sydney, Australia: Australian Ballet's “Don Quixote”: It's all about fun and theatricality with the Australian Ballet's “Don Quixote”. This production was simply joyous! They captured the lightheartedness and romantic charm of this classic tale through energetic choreography and captivating storytelling. The use of traditional costumes was delightful, adding to the joyous spirit of the production. I’m ready to travel Down Under just to see it!

  • The Future of Ballet

    This spring, I've been filled with a renewed hope for ballet, darling. From the exquisite interpretations of the classics to exciting, contemporary choreographers exploring new, fresh ideas, the world of ballet is alive and well. There is a palpable energy surrounding this art form, and it's truly exciting to be a part of it!

    Remember, dear reader, ballet isn't simply a spectacle. It’s a reflection of our humanity, of love, loss, joy, and despair. It transcends boundaries and connects us to something larger than ourselves. So whether you’re a seasoned balletomane or just discovering the beauty of dance, do find the time to lose yourself in the world of ballet, just as I have done this spring.