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My darlings, what a glorious month for ballet! From the glittering Grand Palais in Paris to the stately Royal Opera House, the world has been spinning with performances fit for a queen - and of course, we wouldn't be here without our own royal presence at the very heart of it. I dote on seeing these talented creatures perform - it’s like watching butterflies flitting and flowing in their perfect form, graceful, exquisite and always, always, enchanting.

Now, on to what captured my eye and truly took my breath away this May!

The Royal Ballet: La Bayadère

The Royal Ballet did it again with their recent rendition of La Bayadère. My dears, the opening night was spectacular, with Natalia Osipova radiating that alluring exoticism and partnered perfectly by the delightful Steven McRae. It felt like they were literally dancing on air. A divine pair indeed, and one that we should all look forward to seeing more of. I loved how they played with light and shadow and those dazzling costumes by the brilliant designer, Caroline Biss. But for me, the moment that truly sent shivers down my spine was when Nikiya entered the temple – pure elegance! That's how you do a grand jeté! You all know that a dancer truly captivates me if I feel myself transported elsewhere – that is precisely what they managed to do with their stunning performances.

The Bolshoi Ballet, Moscow Le Corsaire

Across the channel in Russia, there was magic happening in Moscow. The Bolshoi Theatre unveiled a magnificent, sumptuous revival of Le Corsaire - just what the doctor ordered. It's one of my all-time favourites. You’ll be amazed by the elaborate sets – it truly is lavish, my darlings! I found myself glued to the scene with the harem dancers in their vibrant, silken garments – absolutely beautiful. The Bolshoi always manage to capture that romantic drama, and that exquisite pas de deux between Medora and Conrad...oh, the elegance! I was spellbound by the expressive power and athleticism of these fine dancers - and don't forget, we mustn’t miss the glorious work by the orchestra! Oh, just gorgeous!

San Francisco Ballet - "7 for 7"

You know my weakness – always seeking new and exciting interpretations. That’s where "7 for 7," a beautiful production at the San Francisco Ballet came in. With seven original pieces in this program, they have outdone themselves again with stunning choreographic brilliance and dynamic, daring creations. I just love that “in your face” energy - they aren’t afraid to push the boundaries of dance – it is truly inspiring. Oh, to be young and so full of artistic fire. We are always looking for bold and innovative talents, and this company clearly has it.

  • Yuval Pick's work was mesmerising, with this gorgeous swirling effect from the dancers, captivating, a whirlwind of emotion!
  • Then we have the truly magnificent, elegant Trey McIntyre with the sheer virtuosity and beautiful execution, and
  • of course, the stunning, sophisticated James Kudelka whose choreography just took my breath away with that signature combination of wit and beauty.

It is refreshing and empowering to see so many new, talented and diverse choreographers and performers at the heart of our art. These young souls bring a fiery new spark to the world of dance!

New York City Ballet, Spring Gala

Now onto the glamorous New York City Ballet's Spring Gala. Now, this was a truly momentous occasion and a magnificent tribute to the art form – a celebration of the extraordinary artistic spirit we cherish. You couldn't beat that stellar lineup, my darlings, featuring Tiler Peck and the enchanting Megan Fairchild – my goodness, you're sure to see some serious talent on that stage. What we saw in that night made me yearn for more. The atmosphere was electric; a feeling that the audience just loves dance. It's a pleasure to feel part of that unique, joyful energy. I feel that sense of communion with fellow lovers of this extraordinary art.

  • "Concerto for Two Solo Pianos," - oh how elegant and full of emotional complexity! Those seamless leaps, exquisite footwork and just those beautiful moments that brought a tear to my eye.
  • And let’s not forget “The Afternoon of a Faun,”. That is what ballet is about, pure unadulterated movement!
  • And of course, the world premiere of Justin Peck's "Rodeo" that left me wanting more - pure theatrical power, I just adore it!

A big round of applause for everyone who performed at this wonderful Gala. We're truly seeing a new generation taking centre stage with both beauty and passion.

Ballet Around the World

I was absolutely delighted with the beautiful and vibrant shows that are emerging in so many different parts of the world! This truly was an international celebration of ballet - from the heart of Europe to the United States - and further afield. We have all been so fortunate to have had such incredible opportunities to immerse ourselves in these exceptional performances!

  • **English National Ballet’s** stunning new production of Giselle
  • Stuttgart Ballet's masterfully conceived "Tanz" which is definitely worth seeing again. They have such an eye for innovative productions with so much focus on that exquisite detail and expression. Just heavenly, really.
  • The **Rambert Dance Company's** brilliant Room - another example of that artistic energy, a refreshing burst of originality and that special brand of contemporary storytelling that is captivating. You are certainly sure to be dazzled.

Oh, this just goes on and on – I have only begun to cover it! My darlings, we must always seek to immerse ourselves in this rich tapestry of global talent. I feel privileged to see this extraordinary flowering of both talent and art on the global stage.

Looking Ahead

As we continue on this journey with the enchantment and delight that dance provides, it is always wonderful to discover something new, a fresh, invigorating piece that surprises and inspires us! What will these upcoming months bring? Who will enchant and capture our imaginations next?

The world of dance continues to turn. From London to Paris and beyond, we are about to step into a new era, where exciting, beautiful dance stories await, each filled with unique expression, and breathtaking virtuosity. It’s so exciting. There is something absolutely magical about it all.

Keep shining, keep moving and enjoy every last second, my darlings!