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Darling, the new year has arrived and, with it, the season of hope and dreams! And what better way to indulge in such exquisite sentimentality than to witness the art of ballet, the quintessential embodiment of grace and ethereal beauty? So let's take a whirl through the world of pointe shoes and tutus, and see what’s been tickling the fancy of this seasoned ballerina’s discerning eye

London: A City of Ballet Ballet Ballerina Ballet

Where better to begin our whirlwind tour than London, the beating heart of the ballet world? You can hardly throw a diamante-encrusted shoe without hitting a dance performance. I am utterly enchanted by the sheer brilliance on offer. First up, let’s sashay into the Royal Opera House. The Royal Ballet are staging a truly remarkable production of Giselle. You simply must witness Natalia Osipova’s ethereal portrayal of the doomed heroine; it’s quite breathtaking. She dances with an air of tragedy that is captivatingly beautiful, every move a poignant reflection of Giselle's vulnerability. And then, oh darling, that grand allegro in Act II, a sheer delight, showcasing her impeccable technique and expressive power! Let’s not forget the glorious artistry of Marianela Nuñez. Her Queen of the Wilis is positively haunting, a stunning exhibition of both precision and grace. There was the occasional lapse of attention in the corps de ballet which made for an odd and distracting contrast to the virtuosity of the lead performers.

For a different flavour of elegance, I highly recommend the exquisite ballet by the National Ballet of Canada. Their production of "The Sleeping Beauty" was simply breathtaking. The artistry of principal dancer, Hannah O'Neill was nothing short of astonishing. Her embodiment of Aurora is both charming and captivating. The choreography is traditional, but somehow feels fresh, an intoxicating blend of the old and the new. The corps de ballet was particularly striking and seemed to glide seamlessly around the stage. The costumes? Divine! They're simply dazzling, an ode to exquisite femininity, an ethereal dream of silks and satins.

And darling, you simply cannot miss the Royal Ballet's exquisite revival of MacMillan’s masterpiece, "Manon." This timeless masterpiece is a must-see, not just for the technical brilliance but for the sheer emotional depth of the choreography. The music was glorious and so perfectly chosen for this romantic and powerful drama of a courtesan and a desperate, lovelorn and tragic young man, a heartrending narrative told in expressive, powerful gestures and elegant, complex movement.

Paris: A City of Passion and Passionate Ballet

Now let us venture to the city of lights, where ballet pulses with an air of romanticism and intrigue. Oh darling, Paris is so beautifully elegant and a pleasure to the senses, every cafĂ© a Parisian cafĂ©, the chic sophistication and charming Parisian life style are simply infectious and the ballets are utterly entrancing. This city boasts a veritable symphony of stunning performances! The Paris Opera Ballet have once again outdone themselves. They’re showcasing the world premiere of "La Sylphide," a modern take on the classic Romantic ballet with breathtaking, contemporary choreography. You see, there's just something about that neo-classical aesthetic that captures me completely, the sharp lines and flowing movements are exhilarating and utterly satisfying to watch! Their interpretation of the classic work was innovative and inspiring without sacrificing the essence of the original production, making for an electrifying viewing experience.

You simply must experience the legendary Bolshoi Ballet performing a dazzling rendition of "Swan Lake." My darling, if you haven’t seen this ballet in person you are truly missing out! Those leaps! Those fouettes! You just can’t get enough of these powerful, strong ballerinas, the athleticism is truly awe-inspiring! This production was a feast for the senses, each detail exquisitely executed and executed with astonishing perfection. This is pure elegance and a masterpiece that truly captured my heart!

At the Chaillot Theatre we witness a powerful new production of "Carmen." Now I have to admit, I wasn’t a fan of the story as a ballet but I had heard it was truly stunning and well, this production truly blew me away! The choreography is captivating and quite emotional. I was totally engrossed from beginning to end. You simply have to watch it to appreciate its captivating narrative. The staging was quite magnificent, each element complementary to the other and telling a complete and captivating story in both music and movement! I especially enjoyed the fiery flamenco-inspired pas de deux; utterly captivating. And don’t even get me started on the costumes. The colours are exquisite! Such decadent detail! And my dear, it was utterly mesmerizing to watch the dancer in the red dress. Oh! Just spectacular! A modern and exciting re-imagining that will no doubt go down as a must-see masterpiece!

New York: The City That Never Sleeps, or Sleeps On A Cloud!

My dearest! There’s nothing quite like the energy of New York. This city is simply electric! It bursts with energy, culture, art, and fashion! The ballet world here is buzzing, from the elegance of American Ballet Theatre to the avant-garde experimentation of New York City Ballet, the scene here is truly thrilling. I have to say the American Ballet Theatre’s "Don Quixote" is something that must be seen! It's a truly exquisite ballet with amazing artistry and brilliance and the vibrant production design! You just want to dive into the colourful and intoxicating world it conjures.

Now for the daring choreography that defines New York, darling. You must see New York City Ballet's production of Balanchine's masterpiece "Symphony in C" It's so graceful and elegant and such exquisite choreography! The movements are captivating and oh darling, the dancing! The sheer virtuosity of the dancers is remarkable, each poise and pirouette executed with such finesse!

Oh, my darling, but you know what has stolen my heart, completely? It’s the "Giselle" by the Dance Theatre of Harlem. This production is such an emotional experience, truly beautiful and profoundly moving. I find myself wanting to just melt away as the dancers tell this poignant tale through beautiful choreography. I really adore their performances; they are both bold and elegant, so beautifully expressive!

Moscow: Where the History of Ballet Lives On

I am always in awe of Moscow. I love that the rich tradition of ballet continues to thrive here, that ballet is deeply woven into the city's history, culture and soul. Ballet lovers and discerning audiences such as myself simply must travel to Moscow to enjoy the artistic extravaganzas that await there. The legendary Bolshoi Ballet will simply astound you with their performance of “Sleeping Beauty,” the classic tale comes to life with astonishing grace and beauty. The dancing is exceptional, every movement flawless and flowing, it’s hard not to be entranced! It’s like an otherworldly experience, transporting you to a time of pure magic!

Tokyo: A Fusion of Tradition and Innovation

And lastly, my dear, a sojourn to Tokyo is a must, to explore a country that beautifully fuses tradition and innovation in everything! Tokyo truly offers a unique ballet experience. It’s an intriguing blend of the East meets West which gives you a ballet like nothing else! My darlings, I do recommend that you catch a performance by the Tokyo Ballet! Their adaptation of "La Bayadùre" was enchanting in the sheer, simple beauty and exquisite, refined style, It is not too dramatic or emotional but elegant and visually sublime! This was simply mesmerizing ballet and something very unique that should be on your list.

Oh, darling, my heart is full. Each of these cities has imbued my soul with a new dance-driven energy. But don’t be fooled, I’m never truly satiated when it comes to the ballets I’ve seen. I am hungry for more! And so, as the new year unfurls, I will keep my eyes wide open for the next dazzling ballet masterpiece! Until then, may your new year be filled with grace, style, and captivating art.