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Oh, darling, October is simply divine, isn’t it? The air is crisper, the leaves begin to blush with colour, and the ballet world is alight with captivating productions. This season, I’m whisked back to my youth, to those thrilling nights of pirouettes and grand jetĂ©s, filled with awe and excitement. It truly is the most enchanting season of them all!

My journey started at the sublime Paris Opera Ballet, where the city of love itself seems to swirl in the atmosphere. And what a way to be enveloped in its enchantment! “La Bayadùre”, a true masterpiece that took my breath away! The artistry of the Corps de Ballet was absolutely spellbinding. Each dancer seemed to flow with the effortless grace of a feathered swan. The corps, resplendent in their billowing tutus, were a sea of shimmering gold. Then came the Grand Pas de Deux, that exquisite display of athleticism and passion! It’s no wonder that audiences leave the theatre humming the enchanting melody of "Kingdom of the Shades" for days. Simply heavenly.

From the Seine to the Thames, I found myself at the Royal Opera House, where the elegant, yet edgy “Giselle” was the highlight. What an interpretation! The tragic romance was heightened by an innovative, contemporary set. My darling, this production truly took “Giselle” to new levels of intensity and depth. And to witness such sheer talent? Oh, the grace of Natalia Osipova, the intensity of Sergei Polunin – divine!

London was brimming with an electric buzz of creative energy. Over at the Sadler’s Wells, the cutting edge choreography of “The Rite of Spring” thrilled me! A modern masterpiece, where each gesture felt charged with raw energy. This ballet certainly didn’t leave you indifferent! My heart raced with the pulsating beat of the music and I felt every primal instinct awaken. An incredible show for anyone seeking to be captivated by the power and grace of the human form.

As I journeyed to the American continent, the air vibrated with anticipation! From bustling New York, I witnessed an elegant performance by American Ballet Theatre at the Metropolitan Opera House, with their take on the enchanting “Swan Lake”. The grandeur of the production was truly awe-inspiring. Each arabesque and fouettĂ©, every single movement in that magnificent second act – the black swan and the white swan – an artistic masterpiece that will stay etched in my mind for weeks! The artistry was undeniable! And my dear, those tutus
 well, the white was a cloud of soft purity, the black a shimmering dream! Simply unforgettable.

But, I must tell you about the gem of the season: The American Ballet Theatre’s “After the Rain” at the Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival. Oh darling, this modern ballet is a breath of fresh air. This intimate piece brought together movement and music in a way that was simply sublime! The beauty of its understated choreography moved me deeply. A poignant meditation on loss and resilience – I almost choked back tears, It truly is an absolute must-see.

I would be remiss if I didn't share a personal indulgence! On a sun-kissed afternoon, I found myself transported back in time at the renowned Boston Ballet. The “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” production is simply a charming, fantastical journey for children of all ages! This enchanting world of rabbits, playing cards and queens was as vibrant as it was poignant. It brought back a childhood dream – perhaps a yearning for the innocence of my early years in dance? But don't be mistaken! Even though it’s family-friendly, the ballet itself is full of wit and energy. Absolutely brilliant, dear. Just what the soul needs for a moment of carefree magic!

A trip to the magnificent Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow simply would not be complete without an evening with “Don Quixote”. A vibrant spectacle that transports you to the very heart of Spain. The sheer talent and energy of the dancers in the pas de deux – so spirited! Don’t miss the “dream scene” in act two – simply unforgettable. The artistry of this production is stunning, my dear! You can almost smell the sunshine and taste the Sangria!

Finally, a short hop from London to the bijou Royal Ballet’s production of “The Sleeping Beauty” at Covent Garden is a dream-like experience that lingers on. The elegance, the fairytale-esque sets, and, oh, that tutus
simply a fairytale! I swear, I could feel the magic in the air. This ballet is timeless, beautiful and poignant – a treat for the eyes and the heart.

This October, ballet continues to be my muse. It transports me across continents, whisks me through times both historical and contemporary. This truly is a season of wonder – a time to rediscover the magic of a art form that resonates with our most heartfelt emotions, one that leaves an indelible mark upon us all.

Before we delve into the delights of November, do make time for a ballet. Every night can be a celebration, a chance to explore a story with your body, a chance to understand a deeper part of yourself.

Until next time, darling. Remember – a life without a dash of ballet is simply unthinkable.

My picks for this season:

  • La BayadĂšre, Paris Opera Ballet
  • Giselle, Royal Opera House
  • The Rite of Spring, Sadler's Wells
  • Swan Lake, American Ballet Theatre
  • After the Rain, Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival
  • Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Boston Ballet
  • Don Quixote, Bolshoi Theatre
  • The Sleeping Beauty, Royal Ballet, Covent Garden