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Darling, you wouldn't believe the ballet world this month. It's positively overflowing with artistry, and frankly, a little bit of a frisson in the air, wouldn't you agree? Let me tell you, I have simply *been there* at some of the most fabulous productions, and darling, I have the tea to spill!

Firstly, let’s whisk ourselves to the hallowed halls of the Bolshoi. Now, don't get me started on the politics of it all – let's leave that to the commentators. But *oh darling*, the artistry. This month saw a revival of “Swan Lake.” It's a classic for a reason, isn't it? This time though, with an emphasis on dramatic flair. Natalia Osipova is just a dream, as always. A graceful swan in white and a fierce black one too, she effortlessly conveys the character’s torment. Then there’s the prince, played by Vladislav Lantratov. His technical brilliance was breathtaking, and he danced with a warmth that genuinely tugged at my heartstrings, despite being absolutely *terrified* of those swans, I swear! I was captivated by the interplay of passion, heartbreak, and despair. But be warned, darling, it is not a performance for the faint-hearted. You may find yourself *weeping* in the stalls – just me? Well, anyway, it is *absolutely* the ballet of the season!

Next stop, darling, the City of Lights, where the Garnier Opera House is simply humming with excitement for the new production of “Romeo and Juliet” by the Paris Opera Ballet. I had been told they were casting a younger Romeo and *darling,* that’s *exactly* what they did. This production brought new life to the familiar story, highlighting youthful passion in all its fiery intensity. My dear, this wasn’t your mother’s ballet. We’re talking a raw, electrifying performance, with heart-wrenching emotion, and of course, incredible feats of strength. The stage felt electric. It’s not quite your traditional love story, darling. But if you’re looking for something thrilling and *so* current, well, the ballet world can certainly offer you this, in a gorgeous, gorgeous gown, I may add. The whole performance was almost as elegant as my new Louboutins.

Now, from the glittering Paris Opera Ballet to something more 
 bohemian, shall we say. In Copenhagen, the Danish Royal Ballet’s new contemporary work “Forest Songs” is a must-see. It’s about nature and its transformative power, and frankly, darling, it just swept me away. The choreography is pure genius - raw and lyrical, like dancing through a mystical wood. What truly captivated me were the dancers. Their individualities shone through with incredible skill and *just a little* vulnerability, too. The costume design was spectacular – like you’re literally transported to the deep green forest and it made me long for my cashmere scarf and the autumn colours.

Onwards, darling! And to my homeland, the U.K! Where else can you get an unparalleled theatrical experience with the brilliance of the Royal Ballet, darling. I saw a spectacular revival of “Giselle” at Covent Garden – just *magnifique*. With a legendary staging and breathtaking performances by the company's leading dancers. I don’t think my jaw hit the floor for a good twenty minutes after the opening sequence. What more can I say? I love Giselle. There is so much in it; tragedy, love, betrayal, and ultimately, hope. It never fails to evoke so many emotions, doesn't it? Frankly, *I cried*.

Speaking of brilliance, dear, a truly groundbreaking dance event to watch was the dance film project ‘Threads’ which launched in the U.K. It’s like a kaleidoscope of artistic vision, a unique journey, darling! We are witnessing the future of ballet here, I say, and these up-and-coming dancers are *divine*. I have a real eye for talent, you see. And *these* ladies have something special.

There's so much more happening in the ballet world, darling, it’s impossible to do it all justice!

But here’s a taste of what else caught my eye in the last few weeks.


* From Russia With Love. The Russian Ballet brought “Swan Lake” to the Royal Albert Hall, London. And what a production it was! It was pure glamour and elegance – and those *tutus*. Don't even get me started. Just stunning. It really was a night to remember, a treat for both eye and ear. But it’s not only the traditional stuff that’s turning heads this season, darling. * Back in the Black. This month saw a rise of “Sleeping Beauty.” Ballet enthusiasts like me can agree on this: The dark fairytale is a firm favourite in my book. It seems, many of us, *dear*, can't get enough of the wicked fairies and magical enchantments. The Houston Ballet did an outstanding rendition of it in October, and it's another show that I'll be talking about for *weeks* darling, *weeks*. But enough with the classics. * New York, New York! There’s also the cutting-edge. Something for the modern ballet enthusiast. I simply *have* to share with you about the Ballet Theatre in New York and its exciting, original ballet, “The Red Shoes.” If you like yours edgy and theatrical – this is for you. It’s about fame, obsession and an intoxicating mix of romance, drama, and dancing, all tied up with a glorious red shoe. Oh, I do love a show that is truly innovative and different, darling, and that certainly applies here.

Of course, ballet is not only about watching it, it’s also about the fashion darling, of course! The glamour of the dance world is alive and well in our beloved fashion houses. Look to Chanel, Givenchy, and Dior, to capture the elegance and sensuality of the dancer. It's no coincidence, my dear. I think we all can agree that it's *perfect* for the grace and beauty of ballet.

The autumn ballet season is absolutely *thriving* darling. But frankly, don't just take my word for it – go out and see it for yourself! You'll see what I mean. And *you’re* just in time, for this November is about to kick things up a notch. It's about to be a real *spectacle*, I assure you.

I suggest you keep a close eye out for

What To Watch For:

* The American Ballet Theatre is going all-out this November, with the much-anticipated revival of the “The Nutcracker”. My *personal* favourite version and it’s always a sell-out. This is a traditional delight and frankly, you can’t beat that sense of pure, unadulterated magic that only this ballet can evoke, especially at this time of year. If you only do one ballet, darling, let it be this! * And speaking of the American Ballet Theatre
 Let's go back to the New York! If you have the chance, do check out the Ballet Theatre’s "Cinderella." Don't be fooled, darling, it’s *far* more edgy than you'd think, and as bold as you could ever imagine, for such a traditional tale. You can count on a stellar performance and this new, fresh take on the beloved classic! * The Royal Opera House. My dear, don’t think they’re resting on their laurels over there at the Covent Garden! The company are taking on the great classic of “La Bayadùre” - another ballet packed with drama and passion, with an epic third act finale known as The Kingdom of the Shades . You have to see it! It is absolutely divine, a truly spectacular show, *don’t* miss it! And be sure to wear your *most* flattering black number! And your opera gloves! And let me know what you thought of it, darling. * The Royal Ballet is *always* putting on a fantastic show. This month brings a special one for those who like to look back in history. It is a performance called "Tchaikovsky: The Letter," inspired by the letters written by the great composer. This is a must-see for serious ballet lovers, darling. You can be assured of technical skill and the highest level of art. And I’ve heard it's going to be a real spectacle. I *simply* must have a seat.

Now, darling, you go out there and soak in all that ballet goodness! But before you go, I want to offer some advice. Go for an iconic classic. Indulge in the luxury and glamour that only ballet can provide. Or lose yourself in the beauty of modern, experimental dance, whatever it is that sets your soul alight.

Remember, darlings, a ballet performance isn't just an event, it's a complete experience. So take the time to dress up in your most glamorous attire. A black or crimson cocktail dress will do, or a pair of those perfectly cut wide-legged trousers – they look incredible. Let your hair flow freely. Perhaps some sparkling earrings. Let's give a good impression of effortless glamour, darlings. This is about enjoying a captivating night of dancing and all that it encompasses. We mustn’t forget that the ballet experience is also about communicating with those around us. You have to talk about the brilliant performances and marvel at the skill you’re about to witness, and have some *truly* delightful gossip about the whole affair. I *must* know, which shows will you see?