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My dears, what a month it's been! I've been hopping continents, jetting across oceans and indulging in a delectable smorgasbord of ballet productions. The sheer variety of talent on display, the audacious choreography, and the artistry in every single pirouette left me quite positively giddy! Let me spill the tea on the highlights, the ones that truly set my heart aflutter...

New York City Ballet, A Celebration of the Spring Now, this wasn't just your typical ballet production, my dears, it was an entire spring-themed extravaganza. You can practically smell the blooming daffodils, feel the fresh breeze dancing through your hair. They opened with Robbins's Afternoon of a Faun, an ethereal piece that oozed romanticism, perfect for the first day of March. It felt like a prelude, the delicate ballet of springtime before it explodes in full colour. Then, we had Christopher Wheeldon's The American, a masterpiece in a symphony of emotions that explores American themes - both tender and deeply stirring. But what really sent the audience into raptures was Balanchine's Allegro Brillante, the ultimate expression of Spring in a whirlwind of light and vibrant energy. These dancers were nothing short of divine. Just impeccable, the kind of dancing you dream of but can only aspire to.

Paris Opera Ballet: 'Giselle' and its Delicate Melancholy Ah, the Parisian flair, you can't get enough of it, my dears. And this rendition of Giselle, it's simply divine! They made you feel the delicate heartbreak, the ethereal beauty of a lost love. You could almost feel the cobwebs settle on the theatre's dusty grandeur, each note of the orchestra resonating with a bittersweet sorrow. The exquisite costumes and the intricate sets, they were simply beyond. My dear, you could sense the Parisian elegance clinging to every movement. The ballerinas were absolutely stunning, fragile and powerful at the same time, captivating with their emotions and storytelling through every delicate plié. A true work of art that I will be reminiscing over for quite some time.

The Royal Ballet: 'Manon' - The Drama Unfolds Now, the Royal Ballet always delivers, but 'Manon' was truly a breathtaking performance. From the first notes of the overture, you could feel the drama building. The exquisite artistry of Manon, both defiant and vulnerable, was breathtaking. She embodied the complexities of the character with an intoxicating intensity. The men were equally captivating, showcasing their masculinity and charm in equal measure. But it was the breathtaking choreography, the fluidity and power, that truly brought it all to life. It wasn't just ballet, it was theatre, a story woven with a magical touch.

Berlin State Ballet: 'Romeo and Juliet' - Love and Loss The Berlin State Ballet is always an unforgettable experience, but this production of "Romeo and Juliet" had a distinct edge, an edgy rawness. It resonated with a brutal truth. The sheer emotion pouring from every dancer, particularly in the famous balcony scene, it simply swept me off my feet! They conveyed the forbidden love with a heart-stopping intensity that left you breathless. You felt their despair and joy, every tear, every moment. The choreography was exquisite, drawing you into their tumultuous world with raw emotion.

Emerging Stars in Tokyo: The Next Generation My dears, don't be fooled by their young ages. These emerging stars from the Tokyo Ballet School are simply brilliant. I witnessed a dazzling display of technique and youthful vigour that left me with a newfound appreciation for the next generation of talent. They danced with such effortless grace, executing every move with a finesse that truly captured your heart. One must not forget the mesmerizing performance by young, up-and-coming Japanese ballerina, Sakura Mori, a radiant vision with the poise of a seasoned performer. They truly are the future of ballet, and it is a glorious future to behold.

But Darling, You Must See....

My dear readers, if you wish to treat your inner goddess to something truly special, there are two shows you mustn't miss:

  • "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in Salzburg: Imagine a moonlit night, a magical forest, and an enchanting performance of Shakespeare's beloved comedy! It's a breathtaking mix of theatrical magic, intricate choreography and dazzling costumes, that leaves you spellbound. The Oberon, a divine creature of light and mischief, was breathtaking, the kind of performance that truly ignites a passion for the arts.
  • "Les Ballets Russes" in Monte Carlo: This is a retrospective that explores the revolutionary influence of this iconic ballet company. The artistry, the innovation, the glamour...It truly evokes a time when dance and art were fused together into something truly transcendent.

This whirlwind ballet tour has been a joyous journey through the realms of art, a celebration of movement and grace. And darling, don't let anyone tell you ballet is an archaic form. It is alive, dynamic, and evolving, a thrilling testament to the boundless possibilities of the human spirit!

Until next month, my dears, and happy dancing!