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April Showers Bring Ballet Flowers

Darlings, it’s a brand new month, a brand new season, and I can practically smell the dust settling in the wings, hear the silken rustle of tutus as dancers stretch, and taste the heady anticipation of a brand new ballet season! As always, April promises a cornucopia of delightful performances and innovative creations. The world of dance is in full bloom, and I'm thrilled to bring you the latest news from my own whirlwind journey across continents, attending premières and catching up with some of my favourite ballerinas and troupes.

Firstly, let’s talk **The Royal Ballet**! Oh darling, you simply can’t beat the regal grace and precision of the Royal Opera House. This month, the London stage explodes with **“The Winter’s Tale”,** a new full-length production directed by Christopher Wheeldon. I saw the opening night, and honestly, it left me completely entranced. The storytelling through movement is utterly captivating, the choreography is poetic and vibrant, and Wheeldon brings out a thrilling level of virtuosity from his dancers. I’m especially in awe of Francesca Hayward as Perdita - her tender vulnerability juxtaposed against effortless elegance is mesmerising. I just wish I hadn’t spilled my champagne on that velvet seat!

But darling, you know I can’t talk about London without mentioning my *dear* friend, **Natalia Osipova**. She simply lights up the stage with every move, and this April, she's making waves in a reimagining of **“La Sylphide”** by the always innovative Arthur Pita. Expect to be transported, as Pita dives into the darkness of the classic story, creating a haunting and evocative tale. Natalia's portrayal of the sylph is utterly compelling - she captures both ethereal grace and heartbreaking fragility.

Moving from the British shores to the continent, Paris continues to be the hub of elegance and avant-garde dance. The **Paris Opera Ballet** is presenting **“Daphnis and Chloe”** - an absolute classic! There is nothing quite as thrilling as a grand spectacle full of dazzling costumes, soaring music, and masterful choreography. It’s an absolute feast for the senses! I saw my darling étoile, **Aurelie Dupont, **perform in the premiere and I nearly choked on my petit four – she is simply a goddess on stage!

But there is something more contemporary, almost rebellious in Paris, that speaks to me. The **Ballet de l'Opéra de Lyon**, known for their innovative style, is offering a unique interpretation of **“Don Quixote.”** While the classic ballet will always hold a place in my heart, this interpretation pushes boundaries, with its dynamic, abstract choreography and raw emotional intensity. I was completely mesmerized by the dancer **Alexandre Riaboukine,** who was truly electric in the role of Don Quixote himself. I am told the set is incredibly captivating as well. So chic!

And darling, let’s not forget the vibrant dance scene emerging from New York! **American Ballet Theatre** is showcasing its bold artistry this month, premiering a new piece by the groundbreaking choreographer, **Justin Peck.** Known for his athletic and dynamic work, Peck always challenges and excites, and his creations are simply bursting with energy and originality.

On a slightly different note, the **Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater**, is presenting **"Revelations",** the timeless masterpiece by Alvin Ailey, and its a testament to the raw, raw, raw passion and cultural significance of African American dance. You simply cannot *not* get swept up in the beauty and power of Ailey's choreography. A must-see for every discerning dance enthusiast.

And finally, darlings, a little closer to home - **Birmingham Royal Ballet** is hosting **“The Sleeping Beauty”**, which promises an enchanting experience. They’re bringing the classic story back to life with beautiful costumes, a whimsical set design, and a charming prince (who I hear is quite dashing, you know! *wink wink*).

However, even for seasoned dancers, the thrill of a **ballet performance** extends beyond the curtain's rise and the final curtain call. I am delighted that this month I’m attending the **Royal Ballet’s “An Evening of Ballet”**, showcasing a fascinating and eclectic programme that gives an unparalleled peek behind the curtain at what inspires these young ballerinas, as well as seasoned pros! I love seeing a mix of established choreography, like a selection from *“Giselle,”* as well as contemporary pieces - such a diverse array of artistry makes you realise that the world of dance is an endless stream of possibilities!

This April, embrace the ballet world's boundless creativity and revel in the magical journey that awaits you. There’s a touch of something for every dancer, whether you prefer classical grand ballets, the excitement of modern and contemporary work, or the vibrant energy of a community piece.

I’ll see you at the ballet!

Ballet Bits: Beyond the Stage

Darling, I adore attending performances as much as anyone, but this month I'm particularly excited to attend a few exclusive behind-the-scenes events that are sure to be utterly thrilling.

The “An Evening of Ballet” – Unveiling The Magic

If you are looking for an unparalleled peek into the artistry of the **Royal Ballet,** this is it. **"An Evening of Ballet"** features a mixture of established choreography, excerpts from iconic ballets like *“Giselle”,* a few excerpts from the recently debuted *“The Winter’s Tale”,* as well as pieces created by dancers themselves, allowing the audience to discover the creative heart and soul of this legendary company.

I am thrilled to learn about **"From the Archive"** and a collection of historical footage that illuminates the ballet's legacy and evolution – such an inspiring journey! And of course, it's not a proper ballet evening without the delicious music, a *lovely* soundtrack for the dance and an elegant program to collect!

And let’s not forget the grand **“Giselle”** repertory season! Darling, *this* is what dreams are made of. Every element is considered – a glorious score, gorgeous costumes, and of course, impeccable execution from the dancers, particularly those dancing the leading roles in the iconic “Giselle.” It's a real treat for those who love their dance to be classical, timeless, and romantic. I dare you to resist being charmed by this piece.

The Ballet “Life & Style” Issue:

If you haven't yet discovered the captivating power of a good dance documentary, this is your month! **The Royal Opera House’s **new film “Ballet: The Art of Excellence” takes you on a whirlwind journey behind the scenes, and uncovers the secrets behind the dazzling artistry. It offers a fascinating look at the dedication, discipline, and passion required for dance, and I've already snagged a ticket for a viewing – so much better than a stuffy screening of “The Sound of Music”!

April’s Top Style Tips For Ballet Besties:

Be bold in a statement piece that exudes the classic elegance of ballet - a chic tuxedo jacket with a flowing skirt? Perhaps an avant-garde wrap dress with geometric patterns for that modern edge? Pair them with stylish flats for a touch of Parisian flair, or elevate your look with sleek heels.

Don’t forget your jewellery, darling! Pearls are always a classic choice - consider a statement pearl necklace or earrings - and let’s not forget the power of a great pair of vintage cufflinks.

Hair should be sleek - whether you’re going for an updo for a classic look, or rocking a chic bob - let’s be sure the hair is polished! Don't be afraid to try a delicate hair scarf for a little drama.

And finally, **don't be afraid to add a little glitter with a subtly shimmery lipstick and a dash of bronzer for an effortlessly chic look that echoes the magic of the ballet!

With so much on offer, the world of ballet promises to captivate you throughout April. It's an experience that awakens the soul, enchants the spirit, and inspires the heart.

Until next month, darlings. Dance, dance, dance!