Hello lovelies! Emma here, your resident tutu enthusiast, ready to whisk you away on a fabulous journey through time! As usual, we're taking a look at the captivating history of the tutu for #TutuTuesday!
This week, we're travelling all the way back to 2nd November 1886. Now, let's imagine it for a moment… you’re in London, possibly dashing through Hyde Park with your best friend, or maybe you're sipping tea at Harrods. The streets are a blur of horse-drawn carriages and stylish ladies sporting their finest Victorian outfits. The air buzzes with a palpable energy – London is truly the heart of the world at this moment in time!
Now, my dears, this is when the magic really begins! While ballet is well established by this time, tutus haven’t quite taken their final shape yet! Imagine those lovely, frilly, ultra-layered creations of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries – those were revolutionary in their time! It's so wonderful to think of how these exquisite tutus paved the way for the fabulous designs we adore today.
In the world of ballet, the year 1886 is all about a magnificent Danish ballerina called Marie Taglioni! This incredible woman revolutionized ballet and tutus in a big way. Imagine it - with each light step and elegant pirouette, she captivated audiences, ushering in an era of lightness, grace, and an even more prominent presence of tutus on the stage. She's one of my favourite ballet stars!
It wasn’t just the ballet stage where the tutu was making its presence known! Fashionable women of the era were starting to experiment with a more relaxed, flowy style. It’s no surprise really – tutus have that delightful mix of elegance and whimsy! Even then, a tutu-inspired silhouette, even just a suggestion, was already trending. We all love that ethereal, graceful style – whether on the stage or out on the street, I say, “Live it!”
But how was life actually for the girls of London in 1886? It's such an amazing contrast, isn’t it? Women were just starting to forge a path for themselves – there were great strides in education, careers, and of course, fashion! The suffragette movement was gaining momentum, too, reminding us of the bravery of these trailblazers who fought for a better future!
Back to my favourite subject – tutus, and my personal passion, pink tutus. The 1880s, oh, they were the perfect starting point for an evolution in colour – a step away from those dusty, formal Victorian colours to something truly special. The colour pink had that kind of magic - delicate, romantic, and oh so fabulous! I imagine myself as a lady in London – the sun beaming down on a delightful carriage ride, the colour pink blending beautifully with the blooms of the rose garden in Hyde Park! Oh, what a wonderful world!
In conclusion, my lovely friends, as we travel through the pages of history and trace the elegant footsteps of the tutu, it becomes more evident that its charm is truly timeless! From the delicate layers of 1886, all the way to the contemporary styles that inspire us, there’s always a beautiful story to be told! I truly believe tutus will continue to dazzle for generations to come – every twirl, every plie, and every time a new ballet star dazzles in pink! So, until next time, don't forget to embrace the pink, embrace the magic of the tutu, and let your own inner ballerina twirl free!
Until next #TutuTuesday, my lovelies, remember – there’s always time to dream of tutus!
Yours in fabulousness,
P.S. As usual, let me know your thoughts about this week's tutu history blog! Have you had the chance to explore ballet history, and what are your favourite tutu moments in history?
Don’t forget to follow me on all socials and check back in next week! 💖